


Atlas's expression tightened, his eyes fixated on the small, flashing sensor in his hand. "They are closing in!" he exclaimed, the urgent tones of his voice echoing through the vast caverns. The rhythmic beats from the sensor indicated the relentless approach of the orc hordes, who were steadily making their way through the intertwining tunnels.

Emery, gathering his composure, turned to Atlas. "Lead the way!"

Using a combination of Atlas's intricate knowledge of the maze-like tunnels and Emery's innate ability to sense vibrations and shifts in the earth, they formulated a quick escape plan. The duo's synergy was palpable; with each twist and turn, they anticipated each other's movements, dodging any potential threats and mapping their way out of the labyrinth.

But as time wore on, their options began to dwindle. An hour into their frantic escape, they found themselves at a dead-end. A vast chamber lay before them, its exit pathways blocked or too narrow to be of any use. The ominous sound of orcish war drums reverberated through the air, getting louder with each passing moment.

They couldn't build a new tunnel fast enough without their spirit energy being detected or get ouf out of teh subterranean area for the same reason.

"Let's fight our way out," Eeshoo declared. There was a fiery determination in his eyes, one itching for battle after hiding for so long.

Emery heave a heavy sigh, there was an actual thought of letting Eeshoo fight and utilizing the chaos to escape, but he quickly dismissed it. Unfortunatly the Nephilim prince was worth so much to sacrifice, he was his golden goose. Searching desperately for an alternative, a plan began to form in his mind.

As the pieces started to come together, Emery turned to Eeshoo. "I need you to hold them back. Just buy me 15 minutes. Can you do that?"

Eeshoo, without uttering a word, nodded, his eyes reflecting a deep-seated resolve. As he prepared to face the incoming horde, Atlas made a move to join him. But Emery was quick to intervene.

"Not you, Atlas. You're on guard duty," Emery asserted. And then, with a hint of mischief in his eyes, he turned to Master Borin. The wicked smile that played on Emery's lips was enough to send a shiver down the blacksmith's spine.

Master Borin, his anxiety evident, stammered, "What... what are you planning?"

Meanwhile, Eeshoo had found what he was looking for—a vast, open chamber that echoed with silence. Its stillness was about to be shattered. With a sense of serenity that seemed out of place, given their circumstances, Eeshoo began to channel his spirit energy, letting it coil and surge within him like a dormant volcano preparing to erupt.

It wasn't long before the rhythmic thud of orcish footsteps began to resonate in the chamber. They came in droves, their war cries filling the chamber. But Eeshoo stood his ground, unfazed.

As the first wave of orcs lunged at him, Eeshoo unleashed his power. A simple flick of his wrist and a blinding flash of intense light followed.

[Solar Flare]

To any observer, it might have seemed like a mere whip of flame, but its potency was unparalleled. This was not just any fire—it was a manifestation of the sun's fury, radiating extreme heat and deadly radiation capable of reducing its targets to mere ashes in an instant.

But the battle was far from over. Eeshoo's keen senses picked up the approach of hundreds more orcs, charging through the tunnels like a relentless tide.

Eeshoo manages to delete hundreds of them before a few surviving orcs manage to send warnings to the surfaces.


"Fighting is happening on sector 18," Kieran announced. The information had been relayed to him from the orcs patrolling the area, and its urgency was evident in his tone.

The group of dark elves, who gathered on the surfaces turned to look at Kieran. Faces marked with alarm began to register the information, but the skepticism in their eyes was unmistakable. Their leader, Ezzekiel, with his stern expression, was the first to voice the doubt that lingered in the air.

"Are you sure it's not one of those spiders again!" he exclaimed, almost disdainful at the idea.

Kieran's jaw tightened at the dismissive tone, but he managed to keep his calm, focusing on the task at hand. "Sedura, this is the help I promised you," he said, addressing a tall, shadowy figure in the corner of the room. "The orcs have found another target. Let's investigate"

One of the Voidwalker's dark elves, with a sneer that matched his contemptuous tone, interrupted Kieran's briefing. "The orcs are too stupid; they attack anything. For all we know, they were fighting among themselves… again!"

The group held its collective breath, anticipating Kieran's response. But fortune favored him, as fresh information arrived from his orcish sources. "My exalted," he said, his voice filled with certainty, "It's confirmed. The orc is fighting a human!"

Ezzekiel's reaction was immediate. The skepticism vanished, replaced by a sharp focus. Without a word, he performed a series of intricate gestures, weaving the magical energies in the air. A shimmering portal appeared on the surface of the designated sector, its edges pulsating with dark energy.

Without hesitation, the dark elves quickly entered the closest cave, their steps synchronized as they followed the thousands of orcs thronging the tunnels. The sense of urgency was palpable, and the air seemed to vibrate with a strange excitement.

"It's indeed spirit energy! Someone is fighting with a spell down there!" Ezzekiel exclaimed as they delved deeper into the labyrinthine passages.

The depth and complexity of the underground network meant that even Ezzekiel's formidable magical skills had their limits. Creating a portal directly to the deep locations was beyond his capabilities. Consequently, the dark elf leader and his entourage were left with no choice but to navigate the winding, claustrophobic tunnels on foot, pushing through the throngs of orcs.

As they reached the massive chamber, a stark contrast greeted them. Instead of the sounds of battle they expected, there was an eerie silence. The vast space was filled with orcs, their numbers so great they appeared like a living sea. The multiple entrances to the chamber showed more orcs pouring in, yet amidst this ocean of creatures, no trace of humans could be found.

"Where are they!" The frustration was evident in Ezzekiel's voice as his piercing gaze settled on Kieran, demanding an answer.

Kieran, equally perplexed, wasted no time. He pulled the nearest orc champion aside, his fingers digging into the creature's rough skin as he sought answers. But the orcs, to his mounting frustration, were as clueless as he was. The elusive human had seemingly disappeared, leaving no trace behind.

"It's impossible," Kieran muttered. They were well-aware that standard invisibility spells wouldn't elude their detection. And as for invisibility potions, the dark elves were all too familiar with the heightened senses of the orcs, particularly their keen sense of smell. The chances of humans slipping away undetected in these tunnels, filled to the brim with orcs, were slim to none.

The evidence of the fiery spell was hard to miss. The scorched earth, the ashes that once were orcs, and the lingering heat spoke of a force of great magnitude. Ezzekiel's annoyance was palpable as he scanned the aftermath. But beyond his irritation, the unique aftermath of the spell kindled curiosity in him. The intensity of the fire and its peculiar results made him a question: were the orcs clashing with the very prey he sought, or had they encountered a different, equally formidable adversary?


While the dark elves' frustrations mounted within the chamber, Emery and his companions hastened through the winding tunnels, dodging orcs left and right, they were met with surprising indifference. Instead of attacking or apprehending them, the orcs seemed to merely acknowledge their presence and let them pass.

Eeshoo, observing this, expressed his astonishment. "How is this possible?"

Emery explained that while Eeshoo was engaged in combat, he had worked on brewing a special potion. Drawing from his experiments on the weeds and mushrooms found in orc lairs and the critical knowledge he had gleaned from the [Orcs breeding manual], Emery had concocted a solution that made them appear as 'one of the orcs'. This potion not only masked their scent but also affected the orcs' perception. Even as they moved swiftly through the tunnel, Emery could whisper misleading information to the orcs they passed, who accepted his words without question.

Eeshoo's astonishment was palpable as he marveled at Emery's quick thinking and resourcefulness. "Did you truly concoct this in under 15 minutes?"

A mischievous grin crossed Emery's face as he glanced at the visibly anxious Master Borin. "Creating it swiftly would have been a challenge if not for a certain willing volunteer available for multiple potion trials."

The blacksmith master swallowed hard, recalling the dangerous experiments. "For a moment, I believed you might seize this opportunity to get rid of me."

Emery chuckled lightly. "Master Borin, don't worry, we have an agreement" His smile, however, was enigmatic, leaving Master Borin with a growing sense of unease.

Wasting no more time, Emery began to guide the group deeper into the tunnels. When they hit dead ends, he deftly carved out new passages and always ensured their tracks were hidden.

Meanwhile, in the chamber, they had just vacated, Ezzekiel's temper flared uncontrollably. Uttering a dark incantation, he summoned an immense gravitational force, causing the cavern to implode and annihilating countless orcs in the process. In his rage, he couldn't help but blame the drow for their repeated failures.


Author Note

The character event will end in an hour. Some have contacted me, ready to use their points in the last hour, but the gap is significant. Whether we win or lose, I will be forever grateful. Thank you.

To be continued