


Seeing such a horrific sight, Emery swiftly ran towards Armand. When he finally arrived in front of the Nephilim's collapsed body and checked his condition, he heaved a sigh of relief, albeit with a tinge of worry.

Even though there wasn't a single spot on his body that wasn't covered in blood, Armand was still alive. However, it seemed he had exhausted his spirit force completely, leaving him unable to fight anymore.

Despite struggling to even open his eyes, Emery saw that the latter was still trying to talk to him.

"He's… too strong… I tried…"

Holding the man's shoulder, Emery said in a reassuring tone. "It's okay… You did great…"

Emery stood up and shifted his gaze to the Raven faction master for a moment before turning his attention to his Spirit Reading that was currently scanning the area. He sensed that Tessa was already several miles away, which meant she should reach Terra City in a few minutes.

He finally turned to Cyrus and seeing the calm look on the man's face, he asked, "I can't help but wonder why you don't chase after her?"

Hearing that, the Raven faction master revealed a wicked smile as he said in a confident tone, "Why should I? The town is as good as mine. My men will deal with her."

Emery did not show any reaction to those words. After all, he had predicted that the man would do just that.

Nevertheless, he was slightly irritated by the fact that he was unable to do anything to stop it.

Emery could only hope that his companions would be able to deal with the forces headed their way,

Pulling out his [Blade Claw], Emery shrugged as he said, "Well, more reason to beat you faster"

Clearly amused by his words, the Raven faction master chuckled and said, "Let me see the power that can defeat my Magus guards!"

The fact that Emery could be here meant he had defeated his two Half Moon magus guards, which was enough of a reason for Cyrus to be cautious.

Instead of attacking head-on, he cast a spell that turns the sky dark and followed by multiple lightning strikes was a formation of two javelin-like weapons into his palm.

Having absolutely no plans to take this fight lightly, Emery went all out and started by consuming one of the last of his Spirit Exploding Pills. As the pill's effect coursed through his body, he swiftly cast [Slipstream] before ending with a deafening howl.

[Battle Howl]

A second later, his figure disappeared. He darted towards the Raven faction master, taking the initiative as well as giving Armand some distance.

The air seemed to be split apart as he delivered his strongest strike.

Crossing the two lightning javelins in his hands, Cyrus stops Emery's 560 battle power attack.


A loud deafening sound was followed by a gust of violent wind as the two forces clashed. Much to his surprise, the Raven faction master found himself pushed a step back from the first exchange of this battle.

"Such a tremendous strength, yet so young" commented Cyrus before he jumped back and cocked one of his arms behind his back, releasing the tension to send the lightning javelin hurtling towards Emery.

Emery's eyes widened when he saw the javelin shoot toward him with a violent burst of lightning. It flew so fast that he barely managed to dodge it and what followed was a massive explosion that engulfed the hill behind him.


The man was indeed no ordinary magus. He was, after all, a figure with similar high regard to his senior Magus Izta, Champion of the Magus Academy.

"Don't give up now, kid. I'm just getting started!!" He said as another lightning javelin formed in his empty arm, casually replacing the previous one that had been thrown.

In response, Emery gave a slight smile before his figure vanished once more.

Not backing down, the area the two of them had been in had quickly become ravaged, engulfed in a storm of destruction as a series of close and mid-range clashes broke out between them.

As they exchanged strikes, Emery discovered that he had an advantage in strength over his opponent, but not in speed.

What made it worse was that the Raven faction master acted cautious and made sure to keep his distance in their fight, switching his attacks with multiple chain lightning spells, and the terrifying javelin throw.

Emery was of course trying his hardest to solve this problem. Alas, it seemed that his efforts were destined to be fruitless. Even using [Bloodhound Steps] in combination with [Light Wing] still wasn't enough to catch up to the man.

Every time he was only one step away, Cyrus' body would emit a burst of yellow lightning and his speed would then increase tremendously, allowing him to successfully create some distance between them.

"All brawl but have no useful spell, such a pity"

The man said with a wicked smile on his face when suddenly he flashed another yellow lightning. This time, not to put distance but to take a position that caught Emery off guard. As he threw another javelin.


It was a direct hit on Emery's shoulder. He felt excruciating pain throughout his body as he was sent crashing to the ground from the blast.

Only now did Cyrus finally move to take the initiative, ready to follow up with a second attack. But as soon as he got closer, he was shocked to see the ground beneath him was filled with roots trying to entangle him while his Emery already dashed to the counter.

In shock, he quickly blasted off another lightning blast, destroyed all the roots on the ground, and kicked off into the air.

"That was close!" Hovering in the air, he looked at Emery and said, "You are crazy! Did you take a hit on purpose?!"

Seeing that his trap had not worked, Emery heaved a sigh.

The man was the definition of a seasoned warrior; it seemed that such tricks would not work on him. Thanks to that action, Cyrus had become even more cautious, meaning Emery had little to no chance of getting close to him. The man was now focused on keeping his distance while hurling javelin after javelin at him.

Emery was able to avoid them as long as he focused, but eventually more and more pierced his body.

"Urgggghh!" Emery was exasperated by the frustrating situation he was currently in.

It was at this time that a voice entered his mind.

<I will lend you some help>

Right after, Emery felt an enormous power enveloping his chest. A familiar one he hadn't felt in a long time

The power of Khaos.

To be continued