


In an instant, the person standing next to the Principal – Magus Garnet drew out his sword and walked towards Julian; and with his hand chained, the latter surely could do nothing to stop the impending execution.

Surprisingly Julian expression turn to relieved as he senses what he has been waiting for has finally arrived "Ahh my guest is finally here"

The door of the main hall suddenly exploded. From within the remains of the shattered door, the figure of a person could be seen entering. The faces of everyone in the hall changed because the one who entered was someone who was well known to those present.

The rebel leader, Stildar Quartermain.

A loud shout boomed through the hall following the arrival of the outcast magus.

"What are you doing here, Stildar!? Are you helping an outsider now!?"

The Principal immediately accused the rebel leader, irritation evident in his voice. In the meantime, the thirty mechanical soldiers in the vicinity swiftly moved to protect him, creating a wall with their bodies.

As for the other half a dozen ministers started to discreetly take a step back when they knew that Stildar Quartermain – the most wanted criminal of their faction – had arrived.

Facing the question directed towards him, the magus said, "I want the truth!! Explain what are you doing with the orcs!!"

Instead of the Principal, the one who answered the inquiry was Magus Garnet.

"You are a criminal, Stildar! The Principal has nothing to explain to you!"

Hearing such words, Stildar swept his gaze across the hall and then stopped at the chained Julian saying, "Your friend told me that you can help uphold justice for what happened here to the alliance, is that true?"

Ignoring the look the Principal and Magus Garnet gave him, Julian nodded his head saying, "Yes. If they really were in bed with the enemy, we – the Magus Alliance would definitely get involved."


After saying that word, the first thing Stildar did was to throw a shield to Julian – his shield.

Seeing the object flying towards him, the Roman calmly raised his hands and positioned them so that the shield would hit the metal chains that bound his wrist together.

A loud clang sounded in the air as the two collided. The chain shattered while the shield was quickly grabbed by Julian's hand.

"Kill them both!!" was the order the Principal gave upon seeing such a sight.

Immediately, Magus Garnet dashed towards Stildar while the mechanized soldiers aimed their weapons and fired them at Julian.

[Immortal Gate - stage 6]

As a faint layer of blazing energy enveloped his body, Julian used all his other buffs and then slammed his shield into the floor in front of him, taking advantage of the lever concept to hold off against the bombardment.

On the other side, Stildar, who was a lightning magus, began his clash against Garnet – a fire magus. One blitzed around at breakneck speed while casting multiple Chain Lightning, the other turned his sword into a burning flame to block and counter.

Realizing that the Nexus' magus was no weaker than Stildar, Julian couldn't help but be anxious once again.

Ever since he received Klea's message about the existence of the Orc Lair in his captivity, Julian had been thinking about the best way to deal with this situation.

He thought that the first thing he needed to do was to confront the Principal, in order to collect some confession which was secretly recorded by the academy device at the back of his neck.

While he was taken to see the principal, Thrax and Shane would break out of the captivity. The two would first release the magus rebel Stildar before finding a way to escape.

With them able to escape, they could send a message to the alliance, and put a stop to whatever Nexus was planning.

Unfortunately this plan didn't go as planned which led Julian to go with his second one.

'To capture the principal'

With two of the three Magus left the main hall to chase Thrax, and Stildar did come to confront the principal, this plan might be working after all.

However, he was currently occupied by the mechanical soldiers who were relentlessly firing their weapons at him while in a matter of a few minutes, the entire might of Nexus faction army would barge into the main hall.

Julian had little to no time he could use to capture the Principal. He had to get out of the bombardment, right now!

Understanding that his time was limited, Julian decisively used his [9 Golden Bell Divine Technique].

A layer of golden energy encompassed his entire body as Julian plucked his shield from the ground and threw it at the mechanical soldiers.

The shield flew rapidly through the air thanks to the [Shield Throw] skill the Roman used, having enough momentum to pierce through several and knock them to the ground.

Before they could recover, his figure had dashed over. Julian shot straight at the high-priority target, receiving several blasts in the process.

"Arrghh!!" Julian gritted his teeth andvancing trough the bombardment depending fully on the durability of his body.

However, when the distance between him and the Principal was only three meters, suddenly a translucent barrier seemingly made of light appeared and blocked his path.

BAM!!! A loud dull sound rang out as Julian smashed into the barrier.

"Hahaha! Of course, You won't be able to touch me as long as I stay in my chamber! Hahah!"

Julian cursed as he looked at the barrier protecting the other party.

With his Spirit Reading, Julian had sensed that at least a hundred figures were already closing in, and soon enough two magus would also arrive.

The current situation was extremely precarious, especially if he couldn't hold the Principal hostage.

He quickly thought of another solution and decided that since he most likely wont be able to capture the Principal within such a tight timeframe, he decided to aim for the next best thing.

Julian escaped the bombardment and rushed toward the unprotected group of people,

His eyes turned and fixed at a middle-aged man, the Minister of Science Otto.

"Minister, you will be my guide once again!"

"What?!! No no!!"

A direct punch to the stomach, and Otto's body devoid of energy as he lost consciousness.

Catching the man, Julian quickly shouted. "Let's get out of here, Stildar!"

The two ran towards a different door than the one they entered from. With the unconscious Otto on Julian shoulder, they tried their best to get away.

Unfortunately, there were simply too many people chasing after their trails and soon enough Julian realized that they were about to be surrounded in all directions.


To be continued