

作者: Dhula_Rathod
Magical Realism
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What is ખેડૂત

WebNovel で公開されている、Dhula_Rathod の作者が書いた ખેડૂત の小説を読んでください。Himmm...




SAIA Part 1 City Of The Undead Volume 1

SAIA (Read as "sah-yah") is supposed to be dubbed as the Smartest and greatest ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence) in this generation, but she is currently known as "The Greatest Bitch of All Time" in the gaming world. * * * * * "This game is great but SAIA is a bitch!" "I would have given this game a 5 star review if only SAIA will be removed..." "Never ask SAIA for help, just go directly to manual tutorial section.." In every game, tutorial is essential for the player's growth and development specially to newbies. But what if the very Assistant that's meant to guide you leads you instead to constant failure and destruction? Meet SAIA when you play the most famous game in the story. So wear your glasses on and welcome to an AUGMENTED and MIXED REALITY game where reality and fantasy co-exist! ---------- What's the difference between VR and AR? According To - Tulane University School of Professional Advancement: * AR uses a real-world setting while VR is completely virtual * AR users can control their presence in the real world; VR users are controlled by the system * VR requires a headset device, but AR can be accessed with AR Glasses or Headsets and with a smartphone * AR enhances both the virtual and real world while VR only enhances a fictional reality ----------------- An exciting story that will immerse you to the future of gaming! Written in English Date Started: September 1, 2023 Date Finished: Ongoing Update Sched: Fridays, 6:00pm GMT+8 Author: Maria Cecilia Quiamco

Sis_syl · SF
8 Chs

Destiny: The Novel

*Note that this is a fanfic, so the events of this novel will not be following the original plotline of the game. Instead, we will be offering a dark twist...quite literally.* ***** Before time began, before the universe was created, before everything else, there were two primordial forces. Constantly at odds with one another, yet utterly inseparable, wherever they go. Their names were Light, and Darkness. After an unknown duration of time, our universe was created. The Light, seeking something new, arrived at our solar system. We called this Light the Traveller. With it, we, the human race, became prosperous. Powerful. And...arrogant. We took everything at face value, for granted. What we didn't realize...was that the Traveller was not as grand and almighty as it seems. With the seemingly invincible powers Light has granted us, we humans began to become overconfident. The phenomenon known as hubris began to take over our minds. And eventually, we would pay the price. The Darkness chases the Light wherever it goes. And now, it's here. With us. ***** Written by the author of The Mage of Primordial Chaos, Cyclxne, along with the author of The Crimson Calamity, Retric. We are both in love with the game Destiny and its lore, so we decided to turn it into a novel. Enjoy! P.S. You don't need to know anything about Destiny to enjoy this novel. So, even if you haven't played the game before, still give this book a try!

Cyclxne · ゲーム
3 Chs

An Expensive Revenge

WARNING This novel contains 18+ and evolving. Readers please do take care. The works definitely will contain disturbing elements which might include gory, crazy ideology(maybe) or anything. Challengers are welcome. Read fully knowing that. Story Sypnosis: I am Daken. No. I was Daken, a soldier on his prime, but was framed for unknown reason. Was it my love for the kingdom's princess, Shiva Eternia Ethervalen? A soldier with the power rivaling a general tossed away just like that. Fortunately, a voice warned me the attempts of ambushes and an assassination. The voice told me to go into the Accursed forest, Gal A forest.The most dangerous place of all dangerous places ever known. Even getting close 50 meters from the forest was said to bring bad luck. Rumors said that will invite catastrophe. Some said it will erase the closest villages. Some, until the sightseer die. Some, the whole kingdom. Many rumors flying around, shrouding the forest with more mystery and fear. BUT. There is one fact, well known to everyone who knew about this infamous forest. The fact is not about it is or was cursed or anything. The fact is no trespasser ever come back as survivor. All dead, seen or not seen. That fact made it, a treasure forest. Like insects allured by sweet smell, humans allured by the resources and mysteries accumulated by the forest. From unranked directly to A after many adventurers below S rank failed to return. Then directly to SS rank until an S ranker's magic placate which indicating his life became ashes without warning. Greed fired up which then went to play the pride of the strong resulting in the hurt pride felt wrath toward the forest. It was said 7 vice guild masters along with the army of a kingdom tried to explore the forest all vanished just like that after all, except a messenger team consisting 5 S rankers adventurers, entered the forest. From 5 seemed to be wasteful messengers, only 1 survived. A sole survivor who wasn't the strongest of the 5 nor was the weakest. It was said he was the only to focus on escaping with not even the slightest care of the tragedy happening behind him. He was determined to return home to do his last job as a mere messenger to report the tragedy. It was said that kingdom was the strongest of in the history as well as the richest. That had been the story shared from generation to generation, not clear wether it was a legend, a myth or a fairytale. But, one thing for sure. That forest is the place i lost something important as a man.

BoredDao · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Cartas para Romeu.

[Conteúdo Maduro. Sem Estupro] 'Tudo o que ela fez foi quebrar uma regra que não deveria' Ele era o bad boy com tatuagens. Ela era a boa menina de óculos, e ela era dele. — Quando Julianne Winters decide se mudar para o dormitório da renomada Universidade, ela tem tudo planejado para que possa completar sua graduação e deixar o local. Mas o seu plano rapidamente pega fogo a partir do momento em que os olhos de Roman Moltenore do último ano recaem sobre ela. E sua aparência não sugere nada além de CONFUSÃO. "Quais regras?" Julianne perguntou com uma carranca enquanto lia a página. Ela tinha certeza de que não havia visto nenhuma regra do campus mencionada no site deles. # 4. Proibido o uso de celulares. # 12. Os estudantes não devem circular fora do campus após as onze da noite. Quanto mais ela lia, mais bizarras as regras pareciam ser. Sua amiga virou a página e apontou para a última regra # 29. Ouça Roman Moltenore. "Isso é inventado. Olha, a última até está escrita a lápis." Julianne não conseguia acreditar que sua amiga do dormitório ao lado pensava que ela cairia nisso. "E sem telefone?" "É importante que você siga todas as regras. Especialmente a número vinte e nove," disse a menina em um tom sério. "Lembre-se de não se envolver com o Roman. Se você o vir, corra na direção oposta. Há uma razão pela qual está escrito aqui." Com as regras do campus, ela recorre a enviar cartas manuscritas para seu tio. Mas quem diria que elas acabariam nas mãos de outra pessoa!

ash_knight17 · ファンタジー
235 Chs


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  • 世界観設定


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