
Кто хочет быть президентом?

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What is Кто хочет быть президентом?

WebNovel で公開されている、Alex_Petrov_9527 の作者が書いた Кто хочет быть президентом? の小説を読んでください。Кто хочет стать президентом?История о том, как люди могут попытаться свергнуть диктатора довольно необычным, нестандартным способом.Ведь любая идея проявляется в определенное и предназначенное время.И...


Кто хочет стать президентом? История о том, как люди могут попытаться свергнуть диктатора довольно необычным, нестандартным способом. Ведь любая идея проявляется в определенное и предназначенное время. Идеи - время которых пришло - обладают огромной силой. Люди знали и использовали магию с незапамятных времен. Все магические ритуалы основаны на сверхъестественных, нематериальных силах, непостижимых и потому еще не признанных наукой. Магические и паранормальные явления и способности имеют много общего, поскольку используют силы и факторы, которые невозможно объяснить научно. Все живые существа и люди - не только материальные тела. В них есть нечто кроме материи, и поэтому они способны воспринимать то, что находится за пределами физического мира. Почти всегда, чтобы могло появиться что-то свежее, новое и лучшее, необходимо уничтожение и сжигание гнилого старого. Огонь – символ перемен, трансформации и возрождения. Элемент Огня функционирует в центре всего сущего - из него все вышло и в него все возвратится.



Aru, Polly and HiVi are three Omega in three different situation, Aru and Polly grow up together like real blood brother's while HiVi and Aru are twins separated right after birth and never got the chance to know each others existence. Aru was forcefully taken to pay his biological father's debt and left Polly uncared their mother and was married to an old politician, exploiting him to the old man's will and six bodyguards who gives him a slight freedom in exchange for his body. Then HiVi meet Aru and became close friends inside the club, being part of the elite prostitute and the highest paid for their intoxicating beauty and tantalizing body. On Aru's last day of paying his father's debt, HiVi cried bidding his goodbye and followed secretly, there he found out his mate was their own boss, but he was used to close many business deals and suffers, almost died in his mates hands, if not for his unborn childs spirit, always saving him. Then Aru and Polly meet again, but Aru was sold by Polly in exchange for a new identity, escaping his miserable life, but despite what Polly did to him, he can't get angry at him and wish he finds a good life. There he made a negotiation to his new boss where Polly sold him, just to gain his freedom back, but while doing his best to finished the task given to him, to have his freedom. He found out his target was his DESTINED MATE. And his life became a mess, because it turned out his new boss where Polly sold him, has something to do with the death of his mother and manipulation of his ruined life and the one who killed his daughter. Then he lost his memory, and met a girl who looks exactly like him, calling him mom.

houchi50 · ファンタジー
149 Chs

Senja Diantara Kita

Diego tengah berada dalam kebimbangan antara dua pilihan memilih untuk meneruskan.usaha keluarganya yang mana dia adalah anak tunggal pemilik resort terkemuka dinegaranya,Sebagai anak tunggal adalah kewajibannya untuk bisa menjalankan satu bisnisnya dimana dia mencoba untuk menyewakan sebuah villa terindah dipinggiran pantai.Sebuah permintaan yang harus dia lakukan tetapi saat ini passion sang Diego adalah menjadi seorang Barista paruh waktu dan menjalankan misinya untuk bercakap dengan sahabat baiknya bernama Alina kinara. Ya Alina kali ini berusaha untuk selalu menjadi sahabat dimana setiap permasalahan tengah dihadapinya bisa saling berbagi.Alina pemilik kedai kopi dimana Diego bekerja,setelah mendapatkan intervensi dari keluarga Diego dengan susah payah ia membujuknya untuk bisa melepaskan pekerjaannya.Tetapi banyak hal yang membuatnya ingin terus bekerja sebagai barista.Karena kemarahan sang Ayah,dia pun meninggal akibat pertengkaran hebat dengan anaknya.Setelah waktu berlalu hatinya pun kembali dalam kebimbangan dalam memilih antara dua passion yang berbeda. Disaat dia keluar dan menjalani hidupnya dan mencoba mejalankan bisnis ayahnya,dia pun tengah menjadi penyewa sebuah villa yang sempat dia tinggalkan,dan mendapatkan sebuah penyewa wanita berparas cantik oriental bernama Lisa young.Liburannya sungguh menyenangkan tak keindahan alam telah menghipnotis dirinya apalagi Diego menjadi seorang gaet untuknya.Sampai hatinya perlahan jatuh seketika saat keduanya merasakan ada yang mulai mendekati sebuah perasaan keduanya dalam zona aman.Bermain bersama dipinggiran pantai dan keduanya saling menyatakan cinta. Tanpa disadari kehadiran mantan kekasih telah merusak hubungannya selama ini,ingin kembali tetapi hal itu dihadang penuh oleh Alina.Bahkan Alina bersedia menjadi pengganti Lisa hingga perseteruan itu berakhir dengan ditangkap oleh pihak berwajib atas tindakan kriminal.Apakah Lisa ataukah Alina akan menjadi pilihan utama untuk kehidupan barunya.Entah satu hal membuatnya kembali dalam pelukan hangat Diego.

david_purwanto · 都市
2 Chs


Gwen travels Ferehiem to find Aron and Deliver a message of extreme urgency. To Join The Rebels against Harlanes a dynasty ruling Wylewood and Norweth. Aureville is a collection of five kingdoms located in the north-western part of the continent of Epherus. These kingdoms include: 1. Norweth: Situated in the north and boasting a highly decorated army, Norweth is renowned for its whiskey production and vast Dark Timber forests. 2. Wylewood: Located west of Norweth, Wylewood is often referred to as "The God's Garden" due to its breathtaking scenery. It is also known for its food grain production. 3. Edenberg: Positioned to the south of Norweth, Edenberg is a small kingdom with historical ties to Norweth. It is recognized for its blacksmiths and the presence of a slave market. 4. Venneberg: Situated to the south of Wylewood and west of Edenberg, Venneberg is famous for its beautiful women and has a long-standing rivalry with Edenberg. 5. Heimgrad: In the south-western part of Aureville, Heimgrad is known for its neutrality and strong stance against slavery. It is also recognized for its tanneries. In the frigid north of Epherus, there are two continents, Ferehiem and Mirgrad. Around 8 centuries ago (350 BW - before the war), Mirgrad was part of Ferehiem, which was notorious for its barbaric raids in Aureville, resulting in harm to innocent people. Epherus counts years based on the Elvin-Sapien war, which occurred 473 years before the events of the story. This system was introduced after the victory of humans in an attempt to replace the Elvin date system. The major faith in Epherus is Xevenism, divided into two sects: Verns, who follow Ian the old god, and Kerns, who follow Heren, the Messiah of Humans. Additionally, there is a group of people who follow Kazimam, a religion from the east. In 112 AW (After War), a 29-year-long conflict took place between the kingdoms from the far East of Epherus and those from the western part of Epherus, marking the first war for religion in the history of Epherus. Overall, Epherus is home to a total of 14 kingdoms with diverse cultures and histories.

Playwright · ファンタジー


{MATURE CONTENT} "Your bed is so warm", spoke a voice from her room that had her eyes go wide in fear. Nervously, she turned around, shaking to see a shadow on her bed sitting at the edge. T he man who had been sitting stood up and stride to where she was standing. "w....wh...What are you doing here?", she stuttered when she saw him in her front. seeing him close to her had her heart beating fast and sweating. He had not changed over the years she was apart from him " I came to see you" he tilted his head, and bring you home wife" "what did you call me", she was shocked, beyond when she heard what he said, when she finally gathered her thought she became angry. "Don't call me that ever" she told him and slapped him when she saw him smirking at how she was looking she couldn't contain the anger she felt of what he did to her over the years. "You slapped me babygirl? he chuckled knowing that he had her where he wanted her and said " you shouldn't have done that. she took a step back and he moved forward until he trapped her with the wall, when she realized the situation it was too late. He raised his hand and caressed her face, she closed her eyes scared of what will happen, she shuddered when his fingers trail down her jaw and neck to hold her waist and pull her toward him. "why did you leave wife" he asked when he held her close to him, "why did you hid all this years from your family and me, he asked his voice a bit huskily. Debbie has lived her life alone for the past five years with fears and hurt about everything that happened that night, knowing that h didn't trust her was the worst pain she felt and carrying the hurt she walked out of his life after signing the papers. years passed by and she finally faces her worst nightmare in a friend party organized by her bestie friend, she realizes it was a set up just for her to see her ex-husband so she thought and having feelings for a man who she believes is still her ex-husband, will Debbie find out the truth before she does the same mistake her sister did or will she face the truth that she has been denying all this years for this man?

deborahagofure998 · ファンタジー
2 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



General Audiencesmature rating