
[Rewrite in Progress] HP : A Wizard's Tale

*PLEASE TRY TO PERSEVERE THROUGH THE CRINGEY, CURSED CHAPTERS (9-17)* *Please read the entire synopsis* An ordinary lad suddenly finds himself in a new world, and with the one main difference between his old world and new world being the presence of magic, things are looking to be interesting. Follow his journey as he transforms from a small orphan to a legendary wizard in a world that is very familiar to him. .... First novel. Writing for FUN and for FREE. .... [1. Warning Notice : Contains innumerable plot holes and inconsistencies, read at your own risk! The author cannot be deemed responsible if you end up losing brain cells or get frustrated enough to go on a rampage. 2. PLEASE (TRY TO) READ TILL THE END OF VOLUME 2 BEFORE DROPPING. 3. Reading the auxiliary volume chapter before the rest will be much appreciated. 4. May contain many minor or major differences from the original Potterverse. 5. Extremely OP MC.] .... Release Schedule : Extremely irregular.

WiseOldFool · 書籍·文学
41 Chs

Hiatus is Over!

The hiatus is over. My last exam was on 31st so I'll start writing and uploading again.

Thank you guys for your continued support.