
[Rewrite in Progress] HP : A Wizard's Tale

*PLEASE TRY TO PERSEVERE THROUGH THE CRINGEY, CURSED CHAPTERS (9-17)* *Please read the entire synopsis* An ordinary lad suddenly finds himself in a new world, and with the one main difference between his old world and new world being the presence of magic, things are looking to be interesting. Follow his journey as he transforms from a small orphan to a legendary wizard in a world that is very familiar to him. .... First novel. Writing for FUN and for FREE. .... [1. Warning Notice : Contains innumerable plot holes and inconsistencies, read at your own risk! The author cannot be deemed responsible if you end up losing brain cells or get frustrated enough to go on a rampage. 2. PLEASE (TRY TO) READ TILL THE END OF VOLUME 2 BEFORE DROPPING. 3. Reading the auxiliary volume chapter before the rest will be much appreciated. 4. May contain many minor or major differences from the original Potterverse. 5. Extremely OP MC.] .... Release Schedule : Extremely irregular.

WiseOldFool · 書籍·文学
41 Chs

Chapter 2

Diary Entry #19

Dear Diary,

Now that I am feeling refreshed, I have investigated my surroundings. I am currently either in the lair of an evil wizard or in an orphanage as I see a lot of toddlers in cribs in this room. Seeing that so far nobody has come to take them to a secret basement for some evil experiments, I feel it is safe to say that this is an orphanage. I have also noticed that people here talk with an English accent but that doesn't give me a definite evidence to conclude we are in England. For more information I need to grow up so I can investigate.


Diary Entry #25

Dear Diary,

I feel like I should tell you that you don't exist... yet. All these entries exist purely in my brain..for now. I didn't think it was possible to actually write and store diary entries in your brain but apparently, it's not only possible it's easy. Maybe I really am a genius of sorts. But don't worry, when I grow up and get access to a pen and paper, I am going to give you and all these entries a physical form.


Diary Entry #28

Dear Diary,

Get ready for the most shocking revelation of all time. I just discovered that I am in THE GODDAMN HARRY POTTER WORLD!! I have no idea which version it is, if it's just a imitation or if only the spell names are similar but I don't care right now. This discovery was purely accidental, I was tired of just doing the same boring old training, y'know mana channeling followed by telekinesis practice and the presence of a constant radar for control training and ending with exhaustion. But as my mana was replenising and increasing I thought about casting spells, as I thought now I had enough mana and control to conjure a basic spell. I tried to cast spells using various otaku theories but none of them worked until I silently shouted Lumos in my mind after thinking intensely of an image of a ball of light and voila! A light ball was formed on my fingertips!!


Diary Entry #33

Dear Diary,

I have increased my training and I am now trying to remember the spells used in the Wizarding World. If I forget them, I can just try saying stuff in Latin. I am also penning down stuff I remember from the books and movies so that I don't forget them. And I have created a training plan to become as strong as possible before McGonagall or someone else comes to take me when I turn 11, and this includes both theoretical and practical knowledge. My apparent perfect memory will be extremely essential to this plan and I hope that my channeling practice leaves behind a few permanent effects because I am going to need my absolute best to do the things I plan to do. But first, this baby needs it's nap.



Diary Entry #150

Dear Diary,

It has been 2 years since I first discovered that I am in the Wizarding World, and now I have turned 3. Tomorrow is my first day of school and my new room is absolutely fantastic. A small room all to my myself is better than a bigger room that I would have to share with annoying tweens. As for how I got a personal room? Well, a little Confundus Charm never hurt anyone.


Diary Entry #151

Dear Diary,

I have found out that my school has a library and there is a bigger library a little farther from the school. My small legs would take a lof of time to cover the distance but thankfully channeling does leave a few aftereffects, mainly a slight increase in attributes. Oh and also, it is apparently 1983 and I am in London, Britain.


Diary Entry #152

Dear Diary,

I have decided to portray myself as a genius as there is no way that I could endure the torture known as school the normal way. As a side note, I have found out that people don't bother about a little kid in the library and most think he's just cute. This is wonderful news.


Diary Entry #154

Dear Diary,

I have successfully established myself as a genius and am slowly becoming an authority figure in the orphanage among the students in the same class as I by tutoring them in my free time. Perhaps these minions will come in use some time.


Diary Entry #160

Dear Diary,

Congratulations on getting a physical form!! In other news, I have almost finished the books in the school library that were worth reading. Even if most of the stuff is beyond me right now, remembering them is no problem. Also, even the older kids in the orphanage have started to seek my help regarding studies and I have gladly given it. More minions, more happiness.


Diary Entry #232

Dear Diary,

The year is now 1986 and I have become somewhat of a local celebrity due to my status as a genius. In the orphanage, I am the highest authority figure below the matrons and the Director and I have started to send a few kids on errands to do some useless works, like borrowing and returning books from the town library or the school library. I have decided to start physical exercise from tomorrow as I want to be more of an all-around wizard.


Diary Entry #250

Dear Diary,

Status Report :

Physical - Eidectic Memory, Very High Processing Power, Extremely heightened senses (vision, hearing etc.), mildly accelerated healing, increased physical attributes (can be increased further during active channeling)

Magic - High amount, very high level of control, telekinesis upto 15 metres with easy control of multiple objects (upto 10) and total weight of 250kg, shied made of pure mana that seems to be a basic version of Protego, basic spells can be cast effortlessly without gestures, chants or a wand (like Lumos, Confundus, Scourgify etc.), basic enchantments which is currently highly crude and requires huge amount of mana and need to be refreshed every 5 days (enchantment was cast on this diary to keep it from running out of pages, took all of my mana in one go)..