
[Resolve To Eternity] : Only I Am Supreme

Hello there, Newbie trying create a good world for his reincarnation Attention!!! Mc is Neutral Evil so be warned if Incase you find any gruesome scene to you distaste. Expect a moderate Harem where MC's wife's are capable, powerful and Scheming. -[Expect atleast 3 chapters per week] -Also the real story starts later on from chapter 17, the rest is just mild info dump and can be skipped. Sorry but I had to do it. -My description is just Meh!!! so expect the first 16 chapters to be pure crap to some of you....maybe -Story gets way better afterwards, trust me

DaoistTempest619 · 東方
30 Chs

In the Beginning (4)

You know very well why I want to leave this place,this is not my home despite how you all try to make me feel... I'm just a stranger,I've always been a stranger and even your father wouldn't have taken me in if not of the dying plea of my mother."i said lifting my hands from her chin, "its better for things to stay this way between us....i don't want complications"I finished while gesturing the exit with my stance made known

'Sigh~~its the only way' I thought feigning ignorance to her pleading gaze filled with despair.

"Sob.. sob.. sob.. understood an-a-and take care of yourself till we meet next time"said Ayla while running out of the room in tears.

And so ended our conversation oblivious to that taking place between Zathanar and Anna

"Why did you permit the boy to leave"asked Anna towards her husband.

"He would have left even if I refused and besides what harm will if make to let him suffer Abit,after all we tried to do he just keeps on rejecting our good will so i let him go so he can experience e the cruelness of the army and I bet in 1years time he would voluntarily return"he said while massaging his brows imagining the headache he will soon receive from his youngest daughter

"Then what about the remaining loyalist of his father...if they manage to get in contact with the boy I fear he won't survive"said Anna in a concerned tone

"Hmph those guys...they are mere losers and even if they manage to get to him they can't cause any wave for the current Emperor won't allow it,rather they should be trembling in the dark right now because of the return of that lunatic"he said the Duke with disdain when mentioning those people

The Duchess's eyes widened upon hearing her husband's words especially when he said Lunatic."is it him" she asked in apprehensive tone

"Yes"answered the Duke"I just received the information today and with his presence nobody will be stupid enough to provoke the Imperial Court in the near future before they are certain he  didn't succeed in making a breakthrough.

"So his safety is basically secured sigh~ that child..always making us worry for him...you do realize he is just like his mother isn't he"said the Duchess in an exasperated tone

"I know"said the Duke with a gaze of nostalgia"but look at where it got her to sigh~ she really was as stubborn as our mother and same goes for her son and little Alya too.I even though of getting them engaged who knew he would guess my intentions while trying to escape because he knows refusal is not an option sigh~~ truely Heartless we can only wait till he learns a lesson in the future and returns back to get married obediently to Alyssa"said the Duke in a stern tone.

"Then what about that maid of his... should we eliminate her lest she tries to manipulate him"said the Duchess

"No need to startle the prey,and besides what makes you think he can be manipulated that easily,from what I know he is even more cunning than those merchants themselves and his purpose of even leaving her by his side is dubious so no need to worry he can take care of himself....ok enough about him who will take care of me" said the Duke will dragging the Duchess to the bed for biological research.

By evening I had to welcome the guests at the front door and surprised I was to find the presence of most of the children of the nobles from the imperial capital be it those of the Dukes,Marquis,Earls and most of the Barons being invited and how shocked I was with the arrival of the 2nd prince and 4th princess heck i almost swore out loud sheesh talk about being low-key not I'll have to be on guard lest I get implicated in their foolish politics.

Still,i maintained a charming smile while politely greeting every young masters and young miss  be it the local ones or those from the imperial capital irrespective of their status after all I might be needing their help when in the imperial capital so being polite and passing good remarks here and there won't cost me much would it.

Ahead of me was a tall girl with red hairs cascading like waterfall reaching her waist,a beautifully sculptured visage,thin eyebrows,cherry-like lips, blood-red eyes making one mistake her for a true succubus.

"Greetings Lady Ashton,it's a pleasure having your presence in this little party of mine"i said while reaching out to her extended hands placing a smooth kiss earning a blush from this beautiful maiden.

"Oh you surely jest sir Lexus,how can my presence here be comparable to that of her Royal Highness Lexia"she said with a smile but looking at her faintly glowing eyes I easily read her thoughts,I mean how can a professional like i who endured living with twins for 14years couldn't see the faint jealousy she hid in her gaze when mentioning the princess hehe it looks like my luck isn't bad.

"No at all My Lady, I've always been a sincere person and I have never told a lie in my life"i said having a solemn expression my hands on my chest earning a giggle from her who found my pose funny.

"I'm sure many might have said it before but I do find my Lady extremely beautiful today"I said making her widen her eyes in slight surprise on finding out I didn't lie.

And yes i have a weird screen before me and browsing in to it i received information of it being a so-called System,i think it is the inheritance left by my ancestors and surprised I was to find out that our family were the descendants of an Ancient Venerable who almost became a Diety if not for the betrayal of the other Demon Venerables.Well let's leave that discussion for next time and focus on the present.