

The fun of the season is so much fun for people outside. Many people strolled in the park laughing and people outside dancing and singing.

Coming home from school, young people go for walks with friends and laugh as they walk down the street. There are friends walking happily on the street joking "Give me streetfoods I'm hungry and I don't have any money I'm begging" chan laughed at the same time, "Don't worry I still have money I'll give you it looks like you're hungry" he said Niko.

Friends ate on the side as they recounted their pleasures in their classroom. After the two ate, they went home.

Chan went home to their house and he saw his mother watching tv while squeezing the sweet potato talbus and it looked serious. Suddenly he asked his son "Chan! What date is it now?" Chan replied to his mother "March 11, 2019 ma, why?" The mother replied "I saw in the news that there is a virus that is spreading in China, it is dangerous and deadly if you are infected with it, I'm afraid, son, it might reach our country" Chan replied to the mother "Mama, don't be afraid, let's just pray that it did not enter our country ".

In the morning, chan entered their school and saw his friends wearing masks while walking to school. He saw Niko outside the gate and asked his friend what was going on. "Niko, what's wrong with the other students wearing masks?" Niko replied to his friend "I don't know" chan replied to his friend "did you listen to the news last night?" Niko replied to his friend "not because after eating I slept tired because I was going to walk yesterday, why?" "It is said that a virus is spreading in China and it is possible for it to enter our country. Those who are infected will have a fever, have difficulty breathing, have a stomach ache, and feel dizzy" Niko replied "really?".

Niko and chan's teacher came. He announced to his students "Today we need to be careful to be clean and eat healthy food because the virus that is spreading in china has already entered our country, so let's be careful because it is deadly. . "

March 13, 2019, the mayor of Tacloban city announced to suspend classes in bound Tacloban because the virus has already entered the area. From elementary, high school, and college the class is suspended for up to a week. A week ago, the face-to-face class was not allowed to be returned because many had contracted the disease and some people had also died. The mayor did not know if it needed to be eliminated because there was no cure for the disease.

Due to the pandemic, many shops and companies have closed because the disease is dangerous. The disease is called Covid-19 because it causes many people to lose their jobs because companies have reduced their employees because the country's economy has also collapsed due to the pandemic. There are also many who are hungry because they no longer have any income due to this virus and the young people who have finished school early due to Covid-19 also have no school.

In recent years the president has been given a solution so that everyone has jobs and big companies can be opened so that no one will suffer and the country's economy will not collapse. Just follow all DOH health protocols to keep people safe at work. It is customary for the person leaving the house to wear a face mask and wear a face shield whenever entering malls.

There is still admission but it is only an online class and this is what is called the new normal this year. Because this is the way for DepED and CHED members to keep young people in education even in the face of a pandemic.

The two friends just bet on the video call because the two live far away. Chan and Niko continued to study despite the pandemic and they were having difficulty with the new normal.