

[AN: This chapter is brought to you by that guy who kept bugging me to use Grammarly.]

I sat In my room leaning against the wall as I was in my bed. I am currently thinking about my plans, of which I only have the broadest outline of my future goals. For example, I want to be, a vigilante. But I want to be like Spider-Man coming out of nowhere and helping people and being loved because of it.

Perhaps I'm a bit stupid because of that but come on mate, a guy can dream. Okay, I am going to take off to the forest again, I want to get more combat-relevant quirks. I will need them if I am to be a vigilante, I'll have Heroes on my ass as soon as I get out there.

I looked down at my skinny body, I wasn't malnourished or anything I was just skinny because I didn't eat a lot as Shikage and I didn't leave the cabin before. I will have to fix that, it will be for the best.

I get up from my bed and leave my room, I am greeted by dear old Dad, Jari is currently cleaning up the cabin and he has cut his beard. He also looks like he suffering from a hangover, Is he trying to get his shit together? He looks at me and looks away, back to his cleaning.

I let him be and leave the cabin. I take my normal direction, leave the gates to the cabin and make sure to take the opposite side of the forest looking for animals this time. I walked for a decent amount of time and found a pack of wolves munching on one of the deer in the forest, this deer didn't have its Lightning antlers, it seemed to have disappeared upon the death of the deer.

One of the wolves locks eyes on me and growls, and that gets the attention of the other wolves. That's when it happened… Suddenly all three of the wolves start to grow, bodies morphing and becoming more human-like…

They became bloody werewolves!!!

I didn't fear the idea of dying from them, I feared them because they looked fucking scary!

I took a Hesitant day back and I started laughing because my Tourette's acting up, "HAHAHA~" They immediately charged at me and one winded its arms back sharp clews glinting as it did so, I felt my throat being slit and it jumped on me and started tearing chunks of me.

My arm was ripped off. My leg? Bitten and torn off. I only felt the vague impression of pain, but soon I died the blood loss getting to me.

I turned into dust and the werewolves looked down upon the pile of dust with confusion, although they still had my leg, the first one to attack me had it in his mouth. They picked up the deer and ran into the forest to the rest of their pack.

Soon I reformed, my leg and arm were fine and dandy. Good to know my ability healed me to the perfect condition upon death.

But my relief was replaced with utter shock.

"Holy Shit!" was all I could say, The Quirk my ability had decided to give me was the Quirk of the wolves. It allows me to turn into a bloody Werewolf! A fucking werewolf!

I laughed and jumped up and down, this was awesome and it fixed the problem of me not having a costume. I can just transform and fight crime like that! And when I transform I become a 6-foot werewolf so they Wouldn't expect a child to be the new vigilante on the streets.

Okay, so it seems that my ability thought to become a werewolf was the only viable option to counter a werewolf, I mean I ain't complaining.

I wanna test this out!

I Concentrated on activating my transformation immediately after it began. My body started to grow, hair and grow In size. I felt the bone shifting in my skull reforming into that of a canine.

I looked down to see my vision sharpened but didn't change to that of a dog, no black and white thank God. My small also sharpened and I could smell far into the forest I could smell some of the animals and such. My hearing refined and I could hear as far as I could smell maybe a bit further in distance.

My fur was black with grey zigzag-like patterns, I couldn't see my eye but it would probably be purple like my normal eyes.

"HAHAHA~" My laugh was deep and rumbling.

I could get used to this! I felt like I was on top of the world! This is amazing! I love my ability, it gives me such awesome things.

I ran forward my speed had quadrupled, I felt the breeze brush against my fur as I ran but more like glided through the forest, I see that squirrel from before in a branch and launched at it, the thing barely had time to react before its head was cleaning off its shoulders. I grabbed the falling body and flung it into my mouth, I crunched down on it and looked at my furry hand that had the blade quirk activated on it. "Died to your own quirk, how ironic." I chuckled, I guess I got my revenge.

Alright, I will head home and make dinner. By the way side note, that squirrel tasted like shit.

I make it home untransformed and I am about to go into the kitchen as soon as I enter but I smell food already cooking.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Jari at the cooker making a soup of some kind, hm? Seems to be lentil soup.

"Ah, you're in brat, cut the carrots will you?" he asked while cutting ham. I nodded and started cutting the carrots. I give him a side glance before returning to cutting the carrots.

Maybe he is redeemable…



I didn't use Grammarly because I didn't want it to remember my credit card and shit, I don't trust apps like that.

Ps- this chapter counts as tomorrow's chapter I won't see you guys until Monday or if I am being generous…



Quirk: Werewolf.


