
Good News

It seemed that as if Stella's words had some kind of magical power, because just two days later, Richard got a casting call from the crew of "Girl with a pearl earring". When Anne was informed of the news, she was surprised and stunned, and suspicious and emotional.

The next day, Anne went to the "Lions Gate films" studio with Richard and Stella. Richard went as he was her agent and was in charge of all negotiations, while Stella's presence was needed as her guardian. In United States, only people who are eighteen or above can sign legal documents, while those below eighteen need a guardian to sign the documents for them.

She doesn't know how Richard negotiated with the studio, because at the time of negotiations, only agent and producers are mostly present. Although actors can also take part, but they don't, as its easy to pressurize the actors especially new ones. Therefore, its a commonly recognized unwritten rule that agents do the contract negotiations alone. Of course, actors tell them their bottom line and demands to the agents.

When Anne finally saw her agent after he came out of the meeting room, he and the producer, both were smiling. They looked like two foxes, who had succeeded in deceiving the other one.

The contract was placed in front of Anne and Stella. The salary was 500 k dollars, and the filming dates were set from mid September to the end of October. The filming will take place in Netherland and Luxermbourg, so it means that Anne will have to stay overseas for sometime.

Anne read the contract and nodded to Stella, who then signed the contract. She thinks the contract is okay. Although the salary sounds less if you consider the fact that she has done many popular projects before and many of those movies became iconic, but it should also not be ignored that those projects were all as child star, and she has not acted in any work for the past two years.

Only when you consider the scenario that its her first adult role, then one can see that her salary is much more than the basic salary of 10k, 50k and 100k given to the newcomers.

Outside the studio, Richard was full of smiles: "The first contract is already signed. As for the pirate movie, don't worry about it. I have sent your audition tape to Disney, and they assured that they will seriously consider you while casting the heroine. I have also talked with Kevin Huvane, and he has promised to help us in this matter."

The Kevin Huvane he is talking about is the co-chairman of Caa, a very influential figure in the industry.

In fact, when he first talked to Kevin, the response he got was just medicore. Kevin didn't believe that Anne Davis was appropriate for playing the heroine in the movie. After all, Anne Davis's image in everyone's mind is of that bubbly cute girl. It was only after he showed Anne's audition tape that Kevin took him seriously, and got ready to help Anne compete for the role.

Anne nodded. She didn't feel much overwhelmed or grateful about it, as what Kevin Huvane was doing was just his duty as a co-chairman of Caa.


In the Caa's building, top floor, Kevin Huvane's office.

The sound of cell phone ringing sounded. Kevin who was talking to another person, looked at the phone, saw the caller's profile, and picked up the call.

Richard Lovett who was sitting opposite, saw a smile appearing on his friend's face while he was talking on the phone.

After a while, when Kevin finished the call, Lovett asked curiously: "What's so funny?"

Kevin smiled: "Do you remember Anne Davis?"

Lovett seemed to have thought of something and replied: "If you are talking about the one contracted with Caa, then of course, I remember."

When mentioning Anne Davis, the face that comes to your mind is of the cute beautiful girl who played lead roles in iconic movies like "Matilda" and the "The Parent Trap". These movies made that girl the most famous child star of 90s and her fame was no less than Macualy Culkin, the "home alone" actor. She is even called the box office gurantee for the children movies by many people and her tag of the "Disney princess" is not without merits.

Although no work of Anne Davis has been released for more than two years, but one can still see her dozens of posters and advertisement on the children's clothing and toy stores. This point alone is enough to prove her fame. Because in a place like hollywood where you need to continuously give hit projects to remain alive in public's eye, that girl's fame is still alive despite not having any work released for two years.

Kevin nodded: "Yes, that one."

"So, what happened to her?"

Kevin replied: "Her agent asked me to help her lobby for the lead role in Disney's new pirate movie. He just called to inform that Anne Davis has been selected for Anand Turker's new project."

"Is he mad. How can that girl play such a role." Lovett laughed. The major requirement for the female heroine of a blockbuster movie is to be beautiful, hot and sexy. So, how can a cute girl like Anne Davis play such a role. He sometimes laugh at the stupidity and urgency of these agents.

Lovett was laughing, but when he saw the cunning smile on Kevin's face, an unbelievable thought came to his mind, he exclaimed: "Don't tell me you agreed?"

Kevin nodded: "Yes, I agreed. But please take a look at these audition tapes before saying anything."

Lovett stopped what he was about to say and let Kevin do what he was doing. Kevin connected the tapes to computer screen, and different audition videos started to play one by one.

Lovett watched the audition videos. They were brilliant and he doesn't think there was anything wrong with them. The girl in the tapes performed different characters flawlessly and even he had to admire the talent. She looks young, but her acting skills are already mature enough. But he couldn't understand why Kevin was showing him this. Weren't they talking about Anne..?

Lovett seemed to have thought of something and opened the girl's portfolio attached to the screen's corner.

The girl in the pictures has beautiful and deep facial features. She has long black hair, deep blue cat like wide eyes, curved eyebrows which gives her a foxy temptation, full rosy red lips, high jawline and slender neck like a belle dancer. She has both the beauty of an American sweetheart, and also British elegance and gracefulness. It's definitely a top class beauty even in a place like hollywood which is full of beautiful men and women.

After watching the different audition tapes, he raised his head: "She is Anne Davis?"

Kevin nodded and asked: "So, do you still think she can't play the lead role in that pirate movie."

This time Lovett didn't deny, but he said: "But should she be allowed to do this project?"

What he means is that the project is already full of negative news, so its better to let Anne start with some good projects. Although there are thousands of girls with good potential out there, but Anne Davis is someone who satisfies all the criterias of acting skills, beauty, youth, talent and fame.

Kevin smiled: "Let's just say its a gamble." If Anne Davis can prove herself in this movie and successfully transform into an adult actor, then he don't mind having a new client for himself.

In hollywood, having someone like Kevin Huvane or Bryan Lourd as your manager can clear majority of obstacles in one's path to success.