
[HIATUS]Reincarnating Into Danmachi

After fighting in Earth's most horrible war, sacrificing himself to protect his friends, family, and loved ones. Harrison finds himself facing the one and the only man theorized to have ascended to godhood in ancient times, the jade emperor. Pleased with his actions, the jade emperor decided to give him another chance to strive for greatness, and gift him two things to assist in his journey, with one of them being an ability worthy of his nickname during the war as the man who refused to die. ............................................................. Before anything, I want to say a few things about the main character, he isn't a psychopath or an antisocial shounen protagonist, he is someone who had to face countless hardships in his previous life, he saw his comrades dying, and saw innocents being slaughtered non-stop in Earth's most gruesome war. He did that to protect those who he loved, and although he succeeded it came with the cost of his own life His past will be slowly explained during the course of the story as he won't be able to hide most of his identity as a someone who reincarnated because he will have an ability that will give away his identity as a legend of its own due to his actions being well known in Earth. But they will not know of Earth itself, they will just assume he is the reincarnation of someone of ancient times, way before the gods' descent I do not own anything besides original characters, plots, or any other original things inserted into the story. I do not own the cover, the owner is ZGCGmimo. English isn't my first language, and I have yet to finish reading Danmachi, so if you have suggestions about the plot, world development or any other thing, feel free to share your thoughts on the matter, I would be glad to read your opinions.

11 Chs


Tehom and Bell were on top of a building while looking at the sea of people around, knowing that this would take too much time, he turned to him and said.

"Bell, let's split up here, you take the coin purse and try to find the girl-" Tehom stopped talking and frowned.

"What's wrong, captain?"

Unfortunately, Bell's word entered through one ear and left through the other, he was trying to identify the source of the killing intent aimed at him, it wasn't as strong as his, but based on the feeling he was getting, whoever was doing it, must be someone strong.

"Bell, we will split up, if you don't find the girl meet me at the church tonight." Without waiting for his reply he jumped down at the crowd and disappeared.

Monsterphilia was an event organized by Ganesha on the orders of the guild every year, there were a series of events related to the domestication of the monsters that came from the Dungeon. However, this also made the event dangerous, with so many ordinary people here they needed very strong adventurers to take care of the beasts and ensure that nothing bad happened.

As he walked through the crowd, he caught a glimpse of a shadow lurking between two buildings, as if trying to flank him. Speeding up his steps, he unsheathed his sword and went on its direction.

Soon he entered a narrow, dark passage, there were boxes and trash all over the place, even the smell of sewage was accentuated there.

Looking around, all he could see were the several windows and the continuation of the passage to the east and west, but there was no sign of the shadow. The murderous intention nevertheless persisted, relying on his instincts he chose a direction and began to follow it.

At some point, he arrived in front of the west gate that led to the Anphiteatom, the stadium where the main event of the festival happened. For some reason, there was no ordinary person here, just a kind of semi-transparent purple mist and a group of guild officials lying on the floor or sitting.

The moment Tehom breathed the air, he felt his vision got blurred and his sense of balance disappeared, he had to use his sword to support himself otherwise he would have fallen to the ground.

"What is this mist!? Could it be poison?"

He looked around for a moment, his eyes stopped on a manhole that was out of position, the purple mist seemed to be coming out of it. Even though he wanted to close it to see if he could stop this, he couldn't move at all.

Fortunately for him, the mist didn't remain for long, after a few minutes it receded towards the manhole, allowing him to regain his freedom of movement.

Clenching his fists, he took a piece of clothing out of his bag and used it to cover his mouth and nose. It was the only idea he had to protect himself from this fog, whether it would be efficient or not, this he would only discover when he tested it.

He opened the manhole and went down the ladder.

When he reached the end of the ladder he was surprised, this was not a sewer, but an underground floor, to his left there was a room and some people around who were in the same state as the other members of the guild on the surface, and to his left, there was another corridor where a magic stone lamp could be seen every few meters.

He explored the place for some time but there was no sign of the purple mist, and the other rooms were all closed or empty, although one of them had a few cages, all of them were empty as well.

He would have continued to investigate, but just as he turned back, something reached his ears. 'This is... a scream? No... It's many screams!' Holding his sword he ran out of this place and followed the direction of the screams.

He went up the ladder and went out through the manhole, looking around he saw bloodstains on the ground and from several meters away it was possible to see people running in despair, without wasting time he ran at full speed to the crowd.


In the middle of the crowd a tall, lanky, and muscular monster, with both the orcs and elven characteristics, the fierce fangs and long ears, swung its giant club killing many people. The long arms and strong legs allowed it to have good mobility, this coupled with its weird hard skin where even plant life could grow made it a difficult enemy that only high-class adventurers could fight against.

Its underdeveloped eyes swept the crowd, the Troll moved down the street, destroying everything that stood in its way.

It didn't matter if they were walls, horses, carts, stalls, or people, all of them he would destroy with a single attack.

Suddenly, the monster stopped, it was searching for its target, the goddess had offered him her love in exchange for blood, the blood of a specific person.

He wouldn't stop until he got her affection!

But it wouldn't be able to do it with so many people around.

Before he could swing his club again, a scream came from behind him, it was a beast-man carrying a big two-handed halberd, his weapon started to glow yellow, the moment the ax part of the weapon touched the skin of the troll, yellow lightning appeared out of nowhere as a result of the impact.

A cloud of dust rose with the blow, preventing other people from having a clear view of what was going on inside it. But it didn't take long to know that the adventurer who ventured to help them was not very successful.

The dust cloud stirred and soon after the adventurer flew out of it, stopping only after hitting the wall of a building.

The man spat blood on the floor and got up again, seeing that there were still people looking at him, he clenched his teeth and shouted. "What are the idiots doing? Run your imbeciles!"

Hearing his words, they finally realized their mistake and started to flee the area.

Seeing that the troll started walking towards him, he laughed lightly.

"Ah, I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch monster!"

"ROOAARRR!" The 2.5m tall troll roared and ran at him, this time, however, he grabbed a cart and threw it at the beast-man.

However, that would not be enough to stop him, he was someone who had just entered the level 2 realm, it was easy for him to dodge and refocus on attacking the monster.

Holding the halberd by the end, he flexed his leg muscles and jumped on top of the troll, using the speed of his jump to attack his head with all his strength, once again the lightning bolt appeared, it seemed to come out of the halberd each time he hit the beast.

Roaring in pain, the Troll spun his torso and hit the man back with a punch hard enough to make him throw up his lunch.

Seeing the strands of pasta mixed with stomach acid and parts of pork on the floor, he roared. "AGH! You worm! This is the lunch Sister Amy cooked for me! I'm going to rip your skin off!"

His hair stood up and began to shine with a yellow aura, arcs of golden lightning crossed the halberd, the crackle of electricity seemed to be accompanied by an aura of power!

"RAIJU: LIGHTNING JAVELIN!" The shadow of a wolf covered the halberd, the moment the wolf howled he released the halberd that crossed the path between him and the troll in the blink of an eye, the explosion force was so strong that a wave of impact swept all around and a cloud of smoke rose by 10 meters.

The troll that received the full impact of the halberd was thrown against the wall of a building that collapsed on top of it.

Seeing his halberd that remained where the impact occurred, he walked over to it and took it in his hands. At that moment he started to pant, sweat poured down his body, he had to use all of his mana to cast this powerful attack, when he used the weaker version to strengthen his attacks it was bearable. Luckily the monster died...

He fell on his back and looked at the sky, he was completely tired, he didn't even have the energy to stand, but there was a smile on his face, at least he managed to save some of the people in the area.

But the doubt remained, how did a monster like this appear in the middle of the city? The guild would never let a creature escape from inside the dungeon, the only possibility was that it came from outside, or that it escaped from the festival...

Just as he closed his eyes to rest, the sound of debris moving reached his ears, and with it, came the roar of the monster.

"... I fucked up..."

There were some mistakes in the previous chapters, I will fix them over the weekend.

What do you think about the new character? Don't want to spoil the surprise but things are about to change! Bye Bye Canon, it was nice to meet you!


DAOISTIMUSTTRYcreators' thoughts