
[DC] A New Life (dropped)

A child that has lived a terrible past life sacrifices themselves for a grown man and you would think that would get some brownie points with whatever God or gods there where but no his life gets turned every which way when he is reincarnated in Gotham City with his parents heads hanging over him literally. by the way this is my first time writing so if you notice any mistakes please do let me know I will try to fix it as soon as I find out and if you have any tips those are also appreciated WARNING:I don't own any of the characters or story this right is reversed for the creators of the DC universe I only own the main character.

Shadow_Fan_9247 · Action
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8 Chs

adopted ?

"Nico I already told you he isn't a pedophile"the nurse said.

Nico says "yea wight thewe awe so many famous people that awe pedos"

Melody looks confused and says "what's a pedophilia"

Nico says "the famous people that touch kids"

as Nico says that Melody looks at Bruce with a mixture of disgust and fear

"Nico for the last time he isn't a pedophile" the nurse says

Meanwhile, Bruce is just sitting down on a chair nearby and is wondering where a two year old learned that word and is also wondering where Nico learned to speak so fluently although he does seem to have problems with his R's.

As the nurse finishes arguing with the two year old

she turns to Melody "Melody do you know who Bruce Wayne is."

"yes, he is the rich guy that supports the schools and a lot of other places he also owns the really big tower over there, so what." Melody says confused

the nurse points at Bruce "that's Bruce Wayne and no he isn't a pedophile so can you convince Nico to go back to his room and to stop from calling mr Wayne a pedo"

Melodys eyes widean when the nurse says that and she tries to get up but her burns flare up and cause some pain so she sits back down.

Melody says "sorry about Nico" she then turns to Nico with a firm face and says "Nico apologize to Mr. Wayne and stop calling him a pedo"

Nico starts to say "bu-" but before he can even finish his sentence Melody shoots him a spine chilling glare that makes Nico flinch

Nico turns begrudgingly to Bruce and says "sowwy Bwuce"

as Nico finished talking the nurse grabs Nicos good arm and drags Nico back to his room.

leaving Bruce and Melody alone together and they start talking with each other but all Nico can make out before he gets to far is "I would like to adopt you and your broth-"

(AN: hey guys it's the author I'm still wondering if you want Nico to have powers and if so what voting will end on chapter ten. also do you guys like the story so far and if so thanks and finally I'll be updating every Friday and Sunday.)