
What is our relationship?

""You know I wouldn't date such a naive girl right?" Asked Brian.

"I'm not asking you out!" Exclaimed Belle.

"Tsk... Just to let you know, I don't like ironing boards"

Belle felt her heart cry, but she didn't change her expression, but it was really heartbreaking to be called flat although she wasn't really trying to ask him out

"I don't care! I wouldn't date a sc*mbag like you!"

"You hate me so much?" Brian asked


"Even sc*mbags wouldn't date you"

"Such a naive girl, powerless and weak" He continued

Belle couldn't take it anymore and gave him a taste of her kick right at the face!!

"Powerless and weak huh?" She said as she walked away


Nobody knew about Belle's capabilities... She can kill a person without emotions but she wouldn't dare.

Lunch time

Belle is eating her lunch with her friends...

"Hey, you hear the rumours about Brian having a crush on someone?" Said Anna

"Yeah, but he kept his mouth shut about this girls Identity." Said Mia

Belle kept her mouth shut. Tsk who would he have a crush on? Poor girl, she might get wowed by him. Pathetic girls.

"Belle, We need to talk" Said Brian playfully. Belle was so deep in thought she didn't realize Brian went over at their table.

"No" Rejected Belle without hesitation.

To her surprise, Brian held her hand TIGHT and pulled her outside of the cafeteria.

"LET GO!" She demanded

"No" Brian's expression completely changed from playful to serious.

"Dumb*ss" said Belle

Surprisingly, Brian stared at her and let her go... His eyes displayed loneliness. Belle just stared straight right into his eyes. She was becoming weak, weaker and weaker until she froze at her spot.

Brian took advantage of the situation and pulled her closer to him and covered her lips with his.

"You hate me so much?" He asked looking furious.

"Aye, you're so cute when you're mad" She spatted out accidentally.

Brian's eyes widened, I thought she hates me... What is wrong with her?

"And if you're wondering if I hate you... I still do. In fact, I hate you more for stealing my first kiss" Belle said with no emotions.

Brian was shocked!!

"F-first..... It.... it was your first k-kiss?" Asked Brian still shocked

"Monster" Belle was kinda used to him so she doesn't have emotions talking to him anymore.


"You know how to say sorry? Wow, don't try to make me fall for you, Playboy"

Brian was disappointed. He didn't know he'd cause this much damage.

"And if you'll excuse me or not, I will go gargle alcohol"

"That's not allowed!"

"This is my life, sir, lemme live it. Anyways, I'll cut the rest of my classes. Bye"

Belle was fast although she wasn't running. Brian chased her but couldn't catch up.

He soon found her in a bar.

"Hey babe, wanna hangout till the rest of the evening?" Asked a random guy.

Belle smiled "I have plans tonight, sorry"

"You wouldn't mind ditching those plans for me tonight would you?" Asked the guy flirting

"Actually, I would. Get lost" She said rudely and stared at him with her piercing eyes.

The guy got scared but tried to remain his expression. He wasn't giving up, he placed his arms over her shoulder.

Belle bit her down lip enough to make it bleed, she spitted at him in the face with her blood.

The guy was furious and fighted her, before he could even touch her, she managed to grab his hands and twist them, the man screamed "AHHHHHH"

The man gotten his bones broken.

The man left enduring the pain.

Brian witnessed everything and is even a bit scared of Belle. Since she didn't hurt me... Maybe she likes me...? He hoped.

"You're so cool for a naive lady" Brian said after he approached her

"What are you doing here!?! You're gonna get in trouble"

"Nu uh... YOU'RE gonna get in trouble" Denied Brian

Her lip was still bleeding but she didn't do anything about it.

Brian had evil plans again and covered her lips with his. He sucked the blood and spitted it out at the floor.

"Thanks" Belle said finally smiling.

That smile, Brian had never seen it before.

He stared at her....

Belle found him extremely cute when dazed. She couldn't help it and did the first move this time.

She placed her face right in front of his which got him blushing hard.

She found it too cute and pulled him closer to her and covered his lips with hers.

Brian didn't understand... So what is our relationship?
