
"The Love story of Qeningstonville"

This is the story of a rebellious princess and her Love interest. They both are in love but being a royal, it isn't easy for the princess to fall in love let alone get married to her Love. She has no choice other than to marry the prince already chosen for her but she isn't someone who will accept this decision just like that.

miss_reader_1068 · 都市
2 Chs


"Serena, you have to understand my child. There's no way you can just leave this palace and go and live a normal life. You are a princess, understand it." pleaded Queen Dephne as she caressed Serena's hair.

"Mother, why can't I do my own work or live life without that many servants and these luxuries. Why can't I live like a normal girl?" cried Serena. Just then a maid entered her room and informed Queen Dephne that king Edward wanted to see her so she left the room.

All this was not unusual. Serena had never liked her life as a royal and she always felt sad even in the middle of many luxuries and servants. Her mother always told her not to think like that and accept her life but Serena was never happy. Her only best friend Elise who was the daughter of Dephne's most trusted maid, never failed to cheer up Serena but even she couldn't help her accept her life.

" Serena! it's time for lunch. King and Queen are calling you in their room." informed Elise.

Serena finally got up and wiped her tears. She then looked in the mirror and thought of her fate. She felt helpless. The crown on her head that weighed only a few grams seemed like so heavy that she couldn't bear it. But it was a sign of royalty so she couldn't remove. She finally made her way to her father's room knowing that she was helpless and alone.
