
Chapter 7: The Fourth Hokage, What Are Your Thoughts?

Chapter 7: The Fourth Hokage, What Are Your Thoughts?

"You're not welcome here, get out!"

"Bad luck, first thing in the morning and I see something disgusting..."

Amidst the shopkeeper's cursing, Naruto Uzumaki clung to the doorframe, his face sporting a pleading smile that was almost tearful: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just wanted to buy a mask. I can pay you, double... no, triple the price!"

As if to prove his point, Naruto reached into his pocket with one hand, pulling out a handful of change, looking earnestly at the man before him.

But the shopkeeper didn't even glance at it.

"I've said I won't sell to you, not even for double... Hmph, who would dare accept the money of the Nine-Tails?"

As he spoke, the shopkeeper pushed hard, causing Naruto to stumble and fall to the ground, the change scattering with a clatter like shattered glass. Some coins even rolled into the drain, disappearing with the sound of trickling water.

Bystanders quickly steered clear, as if afraid of coming into contact with Naruto.

"It's that brat again... How is he not dead yet!"

"Hmph, the murderer of the Fourth Hokage... Move along, move along, don't let your children near him, did you hear? He'll bring misfortune to your home!"

"I really don't understand why the Hokage still allows him to stay in the village..."

Cold, hateful stares fell upon Naruto, who sat there with a small figure, head bowed, looking as if he had done something wrong. His heart felt as if it was being squeezed, a sense of grievance spreading within him, but he dared not cry.

His past experiences had taught him that tears would only bring more mockery.

[Nameless: The Fourth Hokage, what are your thoughts?]

As Naruto was being chased out of the shop, Uchiha Hikari started a live broadcast in the group chat.

So, the scene from the past few minutes was witnessed by several people in the chat group.

Bulma couldn't hold back any longer.

[Bulma: Wow, these people are disgusting, how can they curse a child with such venomous words? Aren't they afraid of divine retribution?]

[Bulma: And isn't he the child of Mr. Minato? Wasn't Minato a hero who sacrificed himself to protect the village? Why is his descendant treated this way?]

As the most idle and curious person in the chat group, Bulma had talked a lot with Minato Namikaze in the past few days and knew a bit about the life of the Fourth Hokage. Therefore, she found Naruto's current predicament quite puzzling.

Tanjiro, who was gentle by nature, also found it hard to watch.

[Iron Head Kid: No matter the reason, treating a child like this is too much!]

Only Minato Namikaze remained silent until Uchiha Hikari asked him for his "thoughts," then he seemed to come to his senses, his feelings mixed:

[Mr. Minato: I...]

[Mr. Minato: I know that living in the village as a Jinchuriki, one would definitely face discrimination from some people, Kushina experienced the same... But Naruto is still so young, how can these villagers...]

[Mr. Minato: Miss Hikari, could you please help persuade them?]


Uchiha Hikari let out a sigh and then stepped forward.

She walked past the indifferent onlookers to the other side of the street.

Naruto noticed her approach, and before he could get up, he instinctively shrank back. His small hands, reddened by the cold wind, pressed against the ground, beneath which was a small pool of blood—this was from a wound he got when the shopkeeper pushed him against the doorframe of the shop, which had not yet healed.

Uchiha Hikari bent down slightly and extended a hand to the little blond boy: "Need help?"


Naruto suddenly looked up, his blue eyes wide with disbelief.

The onlookers, after a moment of shock, erupted into an uproar.

"Young lady, don't go near that brat, he's the Nine-Tails! He'll bring misfortune!"

"…Hmph, I don't think she's any decent child either, dressed so strangely and helping that monster in front of so many people, she must be an uneducated orphan too!"

"Spit! Monster!"

A teenager suddenly spat in their direction.

He was standing close by, and with his spit, it flew straight towards Uchiha Hikari's skirt. Just before it could hit, Uchiha Hikari stepped aside, a look of disgust on her face as she glanced at the ground, then lifted her gaze to the boy.

The boy was startled by her look, but emboldened by his parents standing by, he retorted: "What are you looking at? This monster is a blight on the village, wherever he goes, businesses suffer. You dare to help him... Get lost, or I'll have you beaten up!"


Uchiha Hikari suddenly laughed.

In the next moment, her figure flickered, and before the teenager could react, she was in front of him, delivering a slap!

With a "smack," the teenager was sent flying as if struck by a heavy blow, tumbling several times upon landing, spitting out a mouthful of blood mixed with a few teeth, his face swelling visibly.

"Brat, you dare hit my son..."

The teenager's father was stunned for a few seconds before he realized what had happened and began to curse loudly.


His scolding was quickly stuck in his throat.

Murderous intent.

A tangible murderous intent emanated from Uchiha Hikari's icy gaze. For a moment, the teenager's father felt as if he was in a sea of blood and corpses, trembling involuntarily, almost ready to kneel and beg for mercy.

The same murderous intent was felt by two Anbu hiding in the shadows.

The two exchanged glances and leaped out, shouting nervously: "Stop!"

"This is Konoha, if you kill someone here, no matter who it is, you'll be thrown into prison!"


Uchiha Hikari tilted her head, shifting her gaze to the two Anbu: "When they were bullying the child here, you did nothing, but when I give them a little punishment, you jump out... What, do you think I'm easier to bully than they are? Or is it that... you actually enjoy seeing this child being bullied?"


The Anbu, hit where it hurt, faltered in their speech, stubbornly defending: "It's just a quarrel between children, you're being too harsh..."

"And another thing."

Uchiha Hikari had no intention of continuing their conversation, her aura rising as her black hair lifted slightly: "Who gave you the courage to order me around in my presence?!"



Hokage's office.

Having just finished a batch of paperwork, Hiruzen Sarutobi took a few puffs from his pipe, a contented expression on his face.

(End of chapter)
