
Chapter 34

"yeah, Adrian," I said smiling

"Good. I can't believe I finally have a girlfriend. I mean I know I have had one before but I feel so different with you." Adrian says.

"I feel the same," I said kissing Adrian's cheek.

"So, I was thinking how about we just forget about the movie and move onto something more important," he said crawling on top of me.

"Adrian I actually want to watch the movie. Not everything is about sex." I said.

"Come on. Let's celebrate." He said.

"Adrian I mean it. I don't want to have sex. Now get off of me and watch the movie." I said shoving him off of me.

"God what is your problem?" He asked me annoyed.

"My problem?! You are the one who wants to have sex all the time!" I yelled.

How did everything change so quickly? I mean seconds ago he was asking me to be his girlfriend. Now we were arguing. I don't understand it.

"Well, you didn't seem to mind during the friends with benefits. So what's the difference now!?" He yelled.

"I don't want to argue Adrian. Please, can we just watch a movie?" I asked him.

"Fine. But we are continuing this later on." He said and I nodded.

But in all that, I really didn't want to. What was up with him? Maybe he is just stressed out.

The whole movie we didn't really talk. I ended up curling up on my side. Even though multiple times Adrian moved closer to me, but I didn't let him touch me. I don't know what is up with him.


"Hey, Melissa. Wake up." Adrian said. I slowly opened my eyes and i saw Adrian who was eating a bagel.

"I'm hungry too," I said and Adrian handed me the food.

"Thank you," I said and he nodded.

"We need to go shopping. We both need swimsuits." I said.

"Hey, I was thinking. But please don't get upset with me." He said.

"Yeah," I said getting up.

"I know we came here to get away from the family and all, but my parents just contacted me this morning. My grandmother is sick. And they kinda want me home." Adrian said.

"I know everything that happened with your parents and all. But I need to go back." Adrian said.

"I understand. When do you have to leave?" I asked him.

"They are wanting me back by the day after tomorrow," Adrian said.

"Fine. We can leave tomorrow." I said.

"Are you mad?" He asked me.

"I little. But I can't force you to stay Adrian. I just don't want to go back." I said

"I know Melissa and I am so sorry."

"It's fine. I just don't know what to do when I get home. I don't want to speak to my mother. She's such a self-centered bitch. I actually never thought I would say that about her. I'll probably go stay at some cheap motel or something."

"You are welcome to stay with me," Adrian said.

"No. You have done enough. You paid for our trip here. Which I kinda forced you to go on anyways." I said.

"I would do anything for you, Melissa. I love you." Adrian said kissing my cheek.

I smiled.

"Come on. We got to get going. The amusement park opens up at 10:30. " Adrian said and I Nodded. We both quickly got on our clothes and headed down to the lobby.

"Where is a good clothes store?" Adrian asked.

"I see a Forever 21. We can go there for me. And we can go anywhere for you. I don't know where you shop." I said.

After 2 hours of shopping and spending $250 on clothes we were finally good. Adrian got a pair of swim trunks and I got a black bikini.

"So where is this amusement park at?" I asked Adrian.

"I checked my phone while you wre taking an hour to change, it's only 5 minutes from here," Adrian said and i nodded.

"Im sorry I have a cast on. It takes a lot of time." I said defending myself.

Adrian rolled his eyes.

Soon we arrived at the amusement park which is better known as Six Flags. Well, at least that is what the huge sign says.

Since it was so hot out, we deicded to get changed and go to the waterpark.

"You look really hot Melissa." Adrain said as I walked out of the restroom with my swim suit on.

"Shut up," I said laughing.

As we were walking to the pool, I saw a guy stare at me.

He seemed to be around 20. As I walked past him he whistled.

The whistle seemed to have caught Adrian's attention. We both halted to a stop as the guy came over.

"Hey cutie." The guy said.

"Yeah. No. Bye." I said starting to walk again but the guy stopped me.

"I just wanted to say Hello." the guy said.

"Go away jackass," Adrian said.

"Oh, so your brother is the protective type." the guy said. He clearly knew Adrian wasn't my brother.

"Well, if I was her brother, I wouldn't be able to do this," Adrian said before slamming his lips onto mine.

After kissing for a few seconds I could tell the guy had left.

Adrian pulled away.

"A little territorial arent' we?" I asked him as we continued to walk.

"Yeah, he was hitting on my girlfriend," Adrian said and my cheeks burned when he said, girlfriend.

"I love you,"I said as we reached the pool.

"So are we gonna swim or sunbathe?" Adrian asked me.

"Let's go in for a dip, then we can lay back," I said and he nodded.

I slowly and carefully walked into the water.

"Careful," Adrian said helping me. After sitting in the water for around 5 minutes we both got out and headed to the chair area and laid down.

"Thank you, Adrian. I mean for everything." I said laying down.

"Again. I would do anything for you." He said.

"This trip is going to cost you thousands. I will pay you back." I said.

"No need." He said. I felt back. He spent all of this money.

We ended up spending the whole day at the water park and riding rides.

"Today was fun," I said as we walked to the car.

"It sure was," Adrian said kissing me.

"I love you so much." I said.

"I love you too." He said back.


"Is that all I am to you? Pure sex? I thought you loved me!" I yelled.

"I DO! I DO! But you can't just stop having sex with me!" Adrian yelled.

"Uh, yes I can! I can do whatever I want! I'm sorry I can't fulfill your needs." I yelled back.

"I don't need my needs fulfilled. I thought that if we started dating, we could still have sex. Or does that only happen if we are friends with benefits?" Adrian asked me.

"Of course we are still gonna have sex! But you can't just ask me to have sex with you at any random time! Especially when we are eating dinner! Where your parents are right across from us! God, you are so damn selfish sometimes!" I yelled. ,

"I'm selfish! That's ironic coming from you!" Adrina yelled.

"Stop yelling at me!" I yelled.

"Fine. But tell me why I have been rejected by you 3 times. Once in Georiga and 2 times here. Are you cheating on me?" Adrian asked.

"Yeah totally. I have another guy named Dave. We've been screwing for the past 8 weeks." I said rolling eyes eys.

"I'm not joking Melissa." He siad.

"No I'm not cheating on you! I would never do that! I love, you Adrian! How could you think that?" I asked hurt.

"I just want to know why you rejected me." He said.

"Is that what this is about? Cause Im not having sex with you?!" I yelled.

"Yes!" He yelled back.

"So that's what our relatoship comes to? Yelling at each other due to lack of sex. You know what Adrian. If that is what you are truly mad about, then we shouldn't be together." I said.