
"A Match Made in Heaven" Rimuru x Asia - Tensura X High school DXD

Asia was a Girl that have Suffered through out her life. when she was Thought she have Found a Family that she had been looking for she was Betrayed by the very person that she Believes in.

Spirit_Rimuru · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Ch 13: The Infinity and the Three Idiot

---ThisThis Chapter is written by Spirit-Rimuru---


On the streets of the city of Kouh, we can see a young girl with blonde yellow hair and emerald green eyes. She walks peacefully with a happy expression.

"I can't wait to taste Rimuru's cooking again," Asia said as she smiled. For her, Rimuru's cooking is the best out there, and the taste always reminds her of the time she spent with Rimuru in Europe.

She walks steadily until she notices that her surroundings have changed.

"What is happening?" Asia said as she looked around. The people who were walking in the streets are now gone, and a giant red barrier surrounds the place.

Suddenly, an attack comes out of nowhere and heads towards Asia. She doesn't have time to react since it happens at point-blank range.

Asia feels like she's thrown against a structure and is being pinned down by someone.

"Who are you? And what did you do to my brother?" a feminine voice asks Asia.

"I'll ask that back at you. Who are you, and why did you attack me?" Asia said as she summons Laevateinn and her hair turns a crimson red color.

Asia looks at the person who attacked her and sees a cute young girl with long black hair that reaches her hips and black eyes. Her ears look like normal human ears but with pointed tips.

"Answer my question. I can feel it, I can feel the essence of my older brother's dragon factor within you. What did you do?" she continues to ask Asia, who is now confused since she doesn't even know who this girl is, nor does she know who her older brother is.

"But wait, she said the essence of a dragon factor within me. Could it be that..."

[Answer: It's a possibility since Master is also starting to develop a dragon factor of your own due to the soul of the individual named Rimuru.]

Asia hears Raphael's response and decides to ask what she is thinking.

"Could your older brother be Rimuru?" Asia asks, but the black-haired young girl doesn't answer. Instead, she dashes straight at Asia with unbelievable speed and delivers a punch aimed at Asia's stomach.

Asia manages to barely block it using Laevateinn.

"She's fast. I can barely block it even though I'm using Thought Acceleration a million times."

"Wait, let me explain," Asia tries to reason with the black-haired girl, but she ignores Asia's words and continues to attack Asia with even faster speed.

"I said stop! Let me explain!"

"WHAT IS THERE FOR YOU TO EXPLAIN?" the girl yells at Asia, and when she sees the girl crying, Asia realizes that the girl is named Ophis, the Dragon of Infinity, one of Rimuru's youngest siblings.

During Ophis' first birth, Rimuru spoiled her so much, and she also loved being spoiled by her older brother. She would even battle her other siblings if they hurt her precious older brother.

"Just please let me explain. It's a misunderstanding," Asia pleads.

Ophis doesn't reply and only stands there. Asia sees that Ophis doesn't move and starts to explain what happened.


After Asia's explanation, Ophis calms down.

"I see. I'm so sorry for attacking you," Ophis said as she bows.

She learned courtesy from Rimuru, who taught her a lot of things and even created the dimensional gap for her. However, now that dimensional gap is being invaded by her other sibling who ran away after being born.

"It's okay. My name is Asia, and I'm your brother's girlfriend. May I know your name?" Asia said with a smile.

"I'm Ophis, the Dragon of Infinity," she replied.

Asia wanted to ask about the Dragon of Infinity, but she brushed that thought off. Instead, she invited Ophis to come home with her and have dinner with her and Rimuru.

Ophis agreed, and the two walked together back to Asia and Rimuru's house.


Meanwhile, a few light years away from Earth, four beings are standing in the vast vacuum of space.

"So, why did you three follow me here?" Rimuru asked the three people who were in front of him.

"Well, you're having fun on your own, so we decided to follow you," Veldora replied.

"Right! We can't let you have all the fun, Rimuru," Milim said.

"I just came with them," Ramiris added.

*Sigh* "If you three are here just to cause trouble, then go back home to Tempest," Rimuru replied to the three.

"Oh, come on, Rimuru! Please take us with you. We've already read all of the sacred texts that you left behind," Veldora pleaded, with Ramiris and Milim joining in with pleading eyes.

"...Fine, but tone down your aura, and I don't want you three causing me any trouble," Rimuru said to the three, who now had huge smiles on their faces.

"Ah, I hope these three don't cause me any more trouble," Rimuru thought as he looked at the destroyed planet behind the three.

"These three really are a pain in the ass, destroying planets after they arrive," Rimuru muttered to himself.

Rimuru then proceeded to recreate the destroyed planets.


{A/N: Hey guys, I'm back with a new chapter! I hope you guys like it.}