
The missing Girl

The question made their atmosphere engulfed with dense silence untill Luke came back to reality. He didn't expect her to throw tantrum this way and somehow he felt wronged. Perhaps his inexperienced encounter with woman was the reason behind his selfless behavior. In his world, people gifted each others any expensive things if they had debt retained. He merely thought that April would be happy after receiving such honour from him.

After all, the ring was made of blue diamond which was rare in all lands of Wereland? How did he offend her?

He was clueless and could only stare at her face blankly to hear her explanation. April was rather more enlarged after watching his nonchalant attitude and was annoyed to death. Her lips quivered together in anger as she couldn't believe that Luke had dared to buy her virginity via simple ring. She was mad over him or herself for expecting too much, she didn't know.
