
Nothing to see

Your there you don't know what's going on you can't see anything your just there yet not there at the same time. You have these thoughts yet you can't say anything like your asleep yet awake you wait and wait... then suddenly your there in your body is it your body? you ask what's this then you remember your five you remember your name you remember you have a family but your confused. Then suddenly you just go along with it never questioning just living never remembering what happened then and just live trying to form the thought the question why? So confused with everything.

Sometimes things get confusing some reason. It's like all your senses were cut off for a period of time then suddenly everything came back on and you just became who you are living continuously never wondering what happened where was I how do these things work somethings wrong.

The time spent in the darkness seemed to pass so fast yet did it really the concept of time was new to me so how long really passed maybe hours, days, weeks, or months what seemed to go by in a blink of eye in my memories, but was it longer because I could not understand time at that stage so my mind shortened that memory of darkness my brain could not know how much time had passed so the memory is short or long or maybe nothing at all

was I in the boundary of life/creation, of nothing did I become something at that moment in time was I in the void waiting to be brought into this world was I just put into this body being newly created I can't understand those memories those moments what did I experience.

what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what what