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    [CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT!! ] (At least read the first fifteen chapters before tossing it aside) . Anna Sui woke up from her drunken state to see her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend on the eve of their wedding. Anna was so heartbroken that she ran out of the house, but due to an unfortunate turn of event, she had a one night stand with a complete stranger. . EXCERPTS, "Anna where are you I've been trying to call you for hours now, why are you ignoring my calls?" Her frown deepened. "Leave me alone Mack you can keep being with Nari I don't care." She yelled. "Oh please stop it Anna. You're my girlfriend and I demand to know. Don't tell me you're with another man Ann. Did you forget today's our wedding" Before Anna could say a word her phone got snatched away from her. "She's mine now. If you call or disturb what's mine from now on, be ready to rot in hell." He hunged up and tossed the phone aside. . (IN THE CUPID'S QUILL COMPETITION. Support book by adding it to library, voting with power stone, gifting golden tickets and normal gift.)

    Kourtney_Sspears · perkotaan

    ``` [CONTEÚDO ADULTO!! ] (Pelo menos leia os primeiros quinze capítulos antes de deixá-lo de lado) . Anna Sui acordou do seu estado de embriaguez e viu o namorado a traindo com sua melhor amiga na véspera do casamento deles. Anna estava tão desolada que saiu correndo de casa, mas por uma infeliz reviravolta dos eventos, ela teve uma noite de amor com um completo estranho. . TRECHOS, "Anna onde você está eu estou tentando te ligar há horas, por que está ignorando minhas ligações?" A carranca dela se aprofundou. "Me deixa em paz Mack, pode ficar com a Nari, eu não me importo." Ela gritou. "Ah, por favor, para com isso Anna. Você é minha namorada e eu exijo saber. Não me diga que está com outro homem Anna. Esqueceu que hoje é o nosso casamento" Antes que Anna pudesse dizer uma palavra, seu telefone foi arrancado dela. "Ela é minha agora. Se ligar ou perturbar o que é meu de agora em diante, prepare-se para apodrecer no inferno." Ele desligou e jogou o telefone de lado. . (NA COMPETIÇÃO DO ARCO DA CUPIDO. Apoie o livro adicionando-o à biblioteca e votando com a pedra do poder.) ```

    Kourtney_Sspears · perkotaan
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    [CONTIENT DU CONTENU MATURE !! ] (Lisez au moins les quinze premiers chapitres avant de le mettre de côté) . Anna Sui s'est réveillée de son état d'ébriété pour voir son petit ami la tromper avec sa meilleure amie à la veille de leur mariage. Anna était tellement dévastée qu'elle s'est enfuie de la maison, mais à cause d'un enchaînement de circonstances malheureux, elle a eu un coup d'un soir avec un parfait inconnu. . EXTRAITS, "Anna où es-tu je tente de te téléphoner depuis des heures maintenant, pourquoi ignores-tu mes appels ?" Elle fronça les sourcils. "Laisse-moi tranquille Mack tu peux continuer à être avec Nari ça m'est égal." Elle cria. "Oh arrête Anna. Tu es ma petite amie et j'exige de savoir. Ne me dis pas que tu es avec un autre homme Ann. As-tu oublié que c'est notre mariage aujourd'hui ?" Avant qu'Anna puisse dire un mot, son téléphone lui a été arraché des mains. "Elle est à moi maintenant. Si tu appelles ou déranges ce qui est à moi désormais, prépare-toi à pourrir en enfer." Il raccrocha et jeta le téléphone de côté. . (DANS LE CONCOURS DE LA PLUME DE CUPIDON. Soutenez le livre en l'ajoutant à votre bibliothèque et en votant avec la pierre de pouvoir.)

    Kourtney_Sspears · perkotaan
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    ``` [¡Contiene contenido para adultos!] (Al menos lee los primeros quince capítulos antes de descartarlo). Anna Sui se despertó de su estado de embriaguez al ver a su novio engañándola con su mejor amiga en la víspera de su boda. Anna estaba tan desconsolada que salió corriendo de la casa, pero debido a un desafortunado giro de los acontecimientos, tuvo una aventura de una noche con un completo desconocido. Extractos, —Anna, ¿dónde estás? Llevo horas intentando llamarte, ¿por qué ignoras mis llamadas? —Su ceño se frunció más. —Déjame en paz, Mack, puedes seguir con Nari, no me importa —gritó ella. —Oh por favor, deja de hacer eso, Anna. Eres mi novia y exijo saberlo. No me digas que estás con otro hombre, Ann. ¿Acaso olvidaste que hoy es nuestra boda? —Antes de que Anna pudiera decir una palabra, le arrebataron el teléfono de la mano. —Ella es mía ahora. Si vuelves a llamar o a molestar lo que es mío de ahora en adelante, prepárate para pudrirte en el infierno —colgó y tiró el teléfono a un lado. (En la competencia de Pluma de Cupido. Apoya el libro añadiéndolo a tu biblioteca y votando con la piedra de poder). ```

    Kourtney_Sspears · perkotaan
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    [ENTHÄLT REIFEN INHALT! ] (Lies wenigstens die ersten fünfzehn Kapitel, bevor du es wegwirfst) . Anna Sui erwacht aus ihrem betrunkenen Zustand und sieht, wie ihr Freund sie am Vorabend ihrer Hochzeit mit ihrer besten Freundin betrügt. Anna war so untröstlich, dass sie aus dem Haus rannte, aber durch eine unglückliche Wendung des Schicksals hatte sie einen One-Night-Stand mit einem völlig Fremden. . AUSZÜGE, "Anna, wo bist du? Ich versuche schon seit Stunden dich anzurufen, warum ignorierst du meine Anrufe?" Ihr Stirnrunzeln vertiefte sich. "Lass mich in Ruhe Mack, du kannst weiter mit Nari zusammen sein, das ist mir egal." Schrie sie. "Ach bitte hör auf Anna. Du bist meine Freundin und ich verlange es zu wissen. Sag mir nicht, dass du mit einem anderen Mann zusammen bist Ann. Hast du vergessen, dass heute unsere Hochzeit ist?" Bevor Anna etwas sagen konnte, wurde ihr das Telefon entrissen. "Sie gehört jetzt mir. Wenn du von jetzt an anrufst oder störst, was mir gehört, kannst du in der Hölle schmoren." Er erhob sich und warf das Telefon zur Seite. . (IM WETTBEWERB UM DIE FEDER DES AMORS. Unterstütze das Buch, indem du es zur Bibliothek hinzufügst und mit dem Kraftstein abstimmst.)

    Kourtney_Sspears · perkotaan
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  • Breaking His Walls [BL omegaverse]

    Exposing his abuser through a controversial book was the best thing that happened to Yoo Haneul’s childhood. But growing up being pestered by the public turned everything against him, and now, the young author becomes the cold-hearted, indifferent omega who uses alphas to escape his reality. But then he was rejected by the soft, over-thinking alpha – Jung Sangcheol. And a few bad encounters and a night of drinking later, the strong walls he built start to crack. How will the nonchalant alpha break the remaining walls complete? And will the detached omega finally let someone in? --- An original campus omegaverse AU, with none of the heavy alpha-dominating-omega storyline. [Warning] An angsty omegaverse with sensitive content. Not for the easily triggered. Proceed with caution! Also, contains Mature Contents later in the story. It’s a slow-burn, sexy time comes later ;)

    Tiffany_JC · LGBT+
  • Menari-nari

    Dia menari dan menari, tanpa henti. Terus berputar-putar dalam ritme tanpa akhir, terjebak dalam aliran waktu yang terhenti, untuknya di dunianya.

    Maraa · perkotaan
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  • Nari ki zubani

    Nari woh hai jo ek kul ko janam deti hai

    Reena_Pawar_1295 · Sejarah
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  • My Professor: I am his naughty slave

    {Mature Content} "You look hot as always, sir." Yoo Na says flashing the other a sweet but teasing smile, she has been trying to gain his attention, all that was ever needed for her. Yoo Na, a sweet and lovely girl who went through bully and abuse ending up as a weak fragile girl, she has been trying to mend her broken and miserable life. She had lived her life twice before she ended up with suicide, she chooses to give up because she had no will to live. But that was not what was planned for her, she came back once, twice just to end up the same but now in her third chance, she is gifted with a huge surge of confidence and courage to win over her love and to become happy. "Just shut up!" Shin Jae whisper-yells being aware of the surrounding he was -in the school premises. Shin Jae was a guy who was about 6 years older than her and her professor. By nature, he had grown up being confined within with only his false demeanor erupting off. He was the teacher everyone feared, who would approach and piss off a cold rude person. "I will never!" Yoo Na says giggling to herself as she walks away to her class. Yoo Na was among the person to hate him for what he was on the surface but in her past two life, this very cold bastard she thought became her savior and her knight in white armor. And hence, he was her first love. He was her unrequited love, why? Because he had someone else in his broken heart which she was trying hard to win. "Remember who owns you." Shin Jae says through his muffled voice as he runs to her grabbing her arms and pulling her towards the corner which probably would get them into shadows, away from the sight of people. "You." She says happily but her smiles fade away when he says, "And put this in your mind, you are nothing but a slave to me." He walks away leaving that bitter smile on her face, she was used to hearing those words. "I know... but I am making you mine. My everything." Join me on the rollercoaster of these two characters who had been fighting with their life to go on, to be happy, to be loved. I promise fun and fun along the way but I need your help with that. Please read the story and be my companion through, I would love to hear from you all, and please do drop your views. If you want to talk to me then join me in discord, my account is Asin1961# Instagram: Author_asin13 I hope you would love to follow me for updates! The cover is from interest and I edited it with the help of my friends. Credits to the one who deserves. :) As this book is participating in WSA 2021, guys I would appreciate it if you all would support me, please!

    Asin13 · perkotaan
  • Someone Like Yoo .

    insomniac_88 · Umum
    Peringkat tidak cukup

    ``` [BERISI KONTEN DEWASA!! ] (Setidaknya baca lima belas bab pertama sebelum meninggalkannya) . Anna Sui terbangun dari keadaan mabuknya dan melihat pacarnya berselingkuh dengannya bersama sahabatnya pada malam sebelum pernikahan mereka. Anna sangat patah hati sehingga ia berlari keluar dari rumah, namun karena suatu hal yang tidak menguntungkan, ia memiliki one night stand dengan seorang pria asing. . POTONGAN, "Anna di mana kamu aku sudah mencoba meneleponmu berjam-jam, kenapa kamu tidak menjawab panggilan saya?" Kerutannya semakin dalam. "Biarkan aku sendiri Mack kamu bisa terus bersama Nari, aku tidak peduli." Dia berteriak. "Oh tolong berhentilah Anna. Kamulah pacarku dan aku harus tahu. Jangan bilang kamu bersama pria lain Ann. Apakah kamu lupa hari ini pernikahan kita" Sebelum Anna bisa berkata apa-apa teleponnya direbut darinya. "Dia milikku sekarang. Jika kamu menelepon atau mengganggu milikku dari sekarang, bersiaplah untuk busuk di neraka." Dia memutuskan panggilan dan melempar teleponnya. . (DALAM KOMPETISI CUPID'S QUILL. Dukung buku dengan menambahkannya ke perpustakaan dan memberi vote dengan power stone.) ```

    Kourtney_Sspears · perkotaan
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  • Trash of the Count's Family Author(s) Elegant Yoo Ryeo Han 유려한

    When I opened my eyes, I was inside a novel. [The Birth of a Hero]. [The Birth of a Hero] was a novel focused on the adventures of the main character, Choi Han, a high school boy who was transported to a different dimension from Earth, along with the birth of the numerous heroes of the continent. I became a part of that novel as the trash of the Count’s family, the family that oversaw the territory where the first village that Choi Han visits is located. The problem is that Choi Han becomes twisted after that village, and everyone in it, are destroyed by assassins. The bigger problem is the fact that this stupid trash who I’ve become doesn’t know about what happened in the village and messes with Choi Han, only to get beaten to a pulp. “…This is going to be a problem.” I feel like something serious has happened to me. But it was worth trying to make this my new life.

    great_sage00 · Fantasi
  • Earth's Doom Starts with... Me?

    [Time left until earth's doom: 3 years] Yoo Chaerin, a 24-year old con-artist, opened her eyes in an unfamiliar place only to be greeted by this message. "What is this place? I'm sure this is earth but it feels... different." She thought to herself. "Why is everything so barren? Why do we have horses instead of cars? And armored soldiers fighting monsters? ...With magic?" Here, Yoo Chaerin will have to face an earth that's totally different from the earth she once knew. An earth where everyone has missions like in that of a game. An earth where monsters terrorize every single human being. An earth where everyone speaks the same language. It is where she has to find her place to belong. "I'll survive. And one day, I'll find him and make him remember me." In a world where everyone can use the system, how will Yoo Chaerin survive? Who is this 'him' she's talking about? And what if she's not just your run-off-the-mill con-artist? [WFP #27 - SYSTEM - GOLD WINNER] but only because of your support hehe! --- Update every 1-2 days Instagram: mozza_mello

    mozza_mello · Fantasi

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