
Baca Buku Novel isabella ivy valentine Online - WebNovel


  • The Alpha's Little Slave

    A wolfless half-human hybrid. That was all Harper Gray amounted to. To escape her family’s relentless abuse, Harper took the first chance to flee the moment her pack came under attack. But in the rubble of chaos and ruin, she found her mate. Unfortunately, she hadn’t expected the Moon Goddess to match her with the most notorious killer of the land― Damon Valentine, the alpha of the very same pack that decimated her own. Tales of his cruel misdeeds had spread far and wide. Every werewolf knew the name; even some humans feared it, and Harper was no exception. She had no plans of being mated to someone as terrifying as Damon Valentine, and she would do anything to break the bond. However, Damon Valentine had no plans of letting his little mate go. Captured, Harper was brought back to Damon’s pack― not as his future Luna, but as his pack’s newest slave. To complicate matters further, Damon wasn’t the only man the Moon Goddess had matched Harper with. Blaise Valentine — Damon’s twin brother — also had an interest in their new pet slave. The Valentine brothers had their share of conflicts but agreed on one thing: they would never let Harper go. ― Warning: - Dubcon - R18 themes ― Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU

    saltedpepper · Fantasi
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  • Saved By The Mad Duke

    Aideen Ruan, though a royal princess, was always unwanted due to the circumstances of her birth. Born blind to a hostage concubine, she possessed an intriguing beauty; however, her disability rendered her utterly useless to the royal family. Even when the struggling Count Crueder reluctantly agreed to take Aideen as his wife to secure the royal dowry, her life failed to improve. A year into their marriage, Aideen's inability to produce an heir sealed her fate. The princess was destined for exile to the Temple, consigned to spend the remainder of her days in isolation and abandonment. Contrary to her anticipations, instead of the Temple, Aideen found herself within the cold walls of Duke Tillian Valentine's castle. Duke Valentine, the last scion of the once-revered Valentine family that ruled the Kingdom before the "Fratricide Rebellion", now presided over the desolate Northern lands. Faced with fear and confusion, Aideen expected her life to perpetuate its cycle of misery, only to discover that Duke Valentine might hold the key to a new opportunity, a chance at a life she had never envisioned. "You bewitched my body and soul. Put an intoxicating spell on me, shackled my heart to yours with your magic. If I could exchange my eyesight with you, I would do it just to make you see what a man dying from love looks like."

    yoojee · Fantasi
  • La Pequeña Esclava del Alfa

    ``` —Un híbrido medio humano sin lobo. Eso era todo lo que Harper Gray representaba. —Para escapar del abuso constante de su familia, Harper tomó la primera oportunidad para huir en el momento en que su manada fue atacada. Pero entre los escombros del caos y la ruina, encontró a su pareja. —Lamentablemente, no esperaba que la Diosa de la Luna la emparejara con el asesino más notorio de la tierra —Damon Valentine, el alfa de la misma manada que diezmó la suya. —Los cuentos de sus crueles fechorías se habían esparcido por doquier. Todo hombre lobo conocía el nombre; incluso algunos humanos lo temían, y Harper no era la excepción. No tenía planes de estar emparejada con alguien tan aterrador como Damon Valentine, y haría cualquier cosa para romper el enlace. —Sin embargo, Damon Valentine no tenía planes de dejar ir a su pequeña pareja. Capturada, Harper fue llevada de vuelta a la manada de Damon —no como su futura Luna, sino como la nueva esclava de la manada. —Para complicar aún más las cosas, Damon no era el único hombre con el que la Diosa de la Luna había emparejado a Harper. Blaise Valentine —el hermano gemelo de Damon — también tenía interés en su nueva mascota esclava. —Los hermanos Valentine tenían sus conflictos, pero estaban de acuerdo en una cosa: nunca dejarían ir a Harper. —Advertencia: —Dubcon —Temas R18 —Servidor de Discord: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU ```

    saltedpepper · Fantasi
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  • My Childhood Bully is a Mafia Boss

    Ivy had a perfect life thanks to her wealthy parents, until she became the victim of bullying by Aidan - a boy who despised her for her privilege. Ten years later, Ivy is the CEO of her father's company and seemingly has it all. But when she is kidnapped by The Red Vipers, a notorious Mafia organization, she discovers that the boss is none other than her childhood bully, Aidan Blackwood. Forced into becoming his mistress, Ivy must navigate her conflicting emotions towards Aidan as they both struggle with their past traumas and unexpected feelings for each other. Will Ivy hate Aidan forever, or will she give in to the twisted love they share?

    Angela_Carver88 · perkotaan
  • Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince [BL]

    WARNING! MATURE CONTENT! --- How do you celebrate Valentine's Day? Maybe you will answer that you are going to confess your feelings to someone while saying: "Be my valentine?" It was a common thing, but Bai Chen had another idea for celebrating Valentine's Day. He already had a girlfriend who was beautiful, intelligent, and kind, but on Valentine's Day, he wanted to make his girlfriend his Valentine in a different way. Having lived for more than two decades but still a virgin, Bai Chen wanted to end his virginity today as a way to make his girlfriend his Valentine. He was very enthusiastic about it, but who would have thought that his heart wasn't strong enough to stand his enthusiasm until he finally got a heart attack when he was only one step away from making his girlfriend his Valentine? And what was even worse, not only did Bai Chen fail to make his girlfriend his valentine, but he was also transmigrated to a world completely different from his world. He transmigrated into another world and became a Werewolf Prince, and as if that wasn't bad enough, he became a gay Werewolf Prince. --- "How can I be gay? I'm as straight as a metal pipe, and I will only break but never bend!" "Are you sure about that? But metals are ductile and malleable, and they can be shaped, bent, or manipulated without breaking." --- Note: the MC (Bai Chen) is the bottom, while the ML (Zhu Ge/Wu Jinhai) is the top Original cover belongs to me.

    26stars · LGBT+
  • Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

    Aria and Ivy are twin sisters whose father has gone missing for three years. They have left no stone unturned to find him, but all in vain. In an unusual encounter, a business tycoon, Noah Allen Carter, falls in love with Aria. Meanwhile, Ivy approaches Joshua Martin, who is a friend of Noah, to help find her father and in the process falls for his charms. What happens when the sisters find that the people they love are the ones behind their misery? ............................................................................................ "Ivy, sweetheart. Please come back. I love you." Joshua cried holding her hand. However, there was no response from her. "Ivy, please say something. Don't be like this." Joshua kissed her hand, but Ivy had long made up her mind. Only a miracle could make her come back to him. ............................................................................................ "I hate you, Noah," she shouted. "I love you, Aria," he replied, pulling her towards him. "No, you don't." "Yes, I do. Falling in love with you is the best thing that ever happened to me. I will always love you; today and forever." ............................................................................................ Readers can join my discord server to know more about the book. Discord: https://discord.gg/rPCgMp9MCH Disclaimer: The cover picture does not belong to me. Editing is under progress.

    prada_murthy · perkotaan
  • Le Petit Esclave de l'Alpha

    Un hybride demi-humain sans loup. C'était tout ce que représentait Harper Gray. Pour échapper aux abus incessants de sa famille, Harper saisit la première occasion de fuir au moment où sa meute fut attaquée. Mais dans les décombres du chaos et de la ruine, elle trouva son compagnon. Malheureusement, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que la Déesse de la Lune l'associe avec le tueur le plus notoire du pays ― Damon Valentine, l'Alpha de la meute qui avait décimé la sienne. Les récits de ses cruels méfaits s'étaient répandus à grande échelle. Chaque loup-garou connaissait le nom ; même certains humains le craignaient, et Harper n'était pas une exception. Elle n'avait aucun projet d'être liée à quelqu'un d'aussi terrifiant que Damon Valentine, et elle ferait tout pour briser le lien. Cependant, Damon Valentine n'avait pas l'intention de laisser sa petite compagne s'échapper. Capturée, Harper fut ramenée à la meute de Damon ― non pas en tant que future Luna, mais en tant que nouvelle esclave de la meute. Pour compliquer encore les choses, Damon n'était pas le seul homme à qui la Déesse de la Lune avait destiné Harper. Blaise Valentine — le frère jumeau de Damon — s'intéressait également à leur nouvelle esclave. Les frères Valentine avaient leur part de conflits mais étaient d'accord sur une chose : ils ne laisseraient jamais partir Harper. ― Avertissement : - Dubcon - Thèmes R18 ― Serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU

    saltedpepper · Fantasi
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  • Luna is The Alpha's Mate

    My life is surrounded by misfortune, where I have to endure the greed of men out there. No one pities me; instead, they treat me as an object to be sold. The amount mentioned was so enormous that it made my eyes widen in shock. Never before had I heard of such a sum for my frail body. Even so, who would want their body sold to a lecherous man? But then, the deep voice of a man who had just arrived broke the auctioneer's concentration. He was so different, though I couldn't see his face. But that voice had a profound impact on me.

    Ivy_valaine · Fantasi
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  • O Pequeno Escravo do Alfa

    ``` Uma híbrida meio humana sem lobo. Era tudo o que Harper Gray significava. Para escapar do abuso incessante de sua família, Harper aproveitou a primeira chance de fugir no momento em que sua matilha foi atacada. Mas nos escombros do caos e da ruína, ela encontrou sua companheira. Infelizmente, ela não esperava que a Deusa da Lua a emparelhasse com o assassino mais notório da região — Damon Valentine, o alfa da mesma matilha que dizimou a sua. Os contos de suas crueldades tinham se espalhado amplamente. Todo lobisomem conhecia o nome; até alguns humanos o temiam, e Harper não era exceção. Ela não tinha planos de se unir a alguém tão aterrorizante quanto Damon Valentine, e faria de tudo para romper o vínculo. No entanto, Damon Valentine não tinha planos de deixar sua pequena companheira escapar. Capturada, Harper foi levada de volta à matilha de Damon — não como sua futura Luna, mas como a mais nova escrava da matilha. Para complicar ainda mais as coisas, Damon não era o único homem com quem a Deusa da Lua tinha emparelhado Harper. Blaise Valentine — o irmão gêmeo de Damon — também tinha interesse em sua nova escrava pet. Os irmãos Valentine tinham suas próprias disputas, mas concordavam em uma coisa: eles nunca deixariam Harper partir. ― Aviso: - Consexo - Temas R18 ― Servidor do Discord: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU ```

    saltedpepper · Fantasi
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  • Alpha Razor King

    Warning: Dark Romance! In the heart of Upper Ville lies a cursed werewolf pack, haunted by the Moon goddess herself. Isabella Ferris, a reckless and wolfless omega, yearns for an alpha mate who will bow to her every whim. But fate has other plans when she crosses paths with Razor King, the feared, cruel, and domineering alpha of the Bloody Skull pack, whom everyone bows to. Forced into marriage by a dark bargain, Isabella is thrown into the brutal world of werewolves and Mafia power struggles.

    Francesca_Anthony · Fantasi
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  • Der kleine Sklave des Alphas

    Ein wolfsloser halb-menschlicher Hybrid. Das war alles, was Harper Gray ausmachte. Um dem unerbittlichen Missbrauch durch ihre Familie zu entkommen, ergriff Harper die erste Gelegenheit zur Flucht, als ihr Rudel angegriffen wurde. Doch in den Trümmern von Chaos und Ruin fand sie ihren Gefährten. Leider hatte sie nicht damit gerechnet, dass die Mondgöttin sie mit dem berüchtigtsten Killer des Landes zusammenbringen würde - Damon Valentine, dem Alpha desselben Rudels, das ihr eigenes dezimiert hatte. Die Geschichten über seine grausamen Missetaten hatten sich weit und breit verbreitet. Jeder Werwolf kannte den Namen; sogar einige Menschen fürchteten ihn, und Harper war da keine Ausnahme. Sie hatte nicht vor, sich mit jemandem zu paaren, der so furchterregend war wie Damon Valentine, und sie würde alles tun, um das Band zu brechen. Doch Damon Valentine hatte nicht vor, seine kleine Gefährtin gehen zu lassen. Harper wurde gefangen genommen und zurück in Damons Rudel gebracht - nicht als seine zukünftige Luna, sondern als die neueste Sklavin seines Rudels. Um die Sache noch komplizierter zu machen, war Damon nicht der einzige Mann, mit dem die Mondgöttin Harper zusammengebracht hatte. Blaise Valentine - Damons Zwillingsbruder - hatte ebenfalls ein Interesse an ihrer neuen Sklavin. Die Valentine-Brüder hatten ihre eigenen Konflikte, waren sich aber in einem Punkt einig: Sie würden Harper niemals gehen lassen. - Warnung: - Dubcon - R18 Themen - Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU

    saltedpepper · Fantasi
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    Volume I Isabella lost her job because of her fervour to help her family. Her sister was battling a deadly sickness and no possible job could help Isabella raise the money for the medical bills, thus, she chose the fastest way for a woman. That was to lose her innocence. 'Just one night' was what she told herself, and things went according to her plans. But fate didn't break off there. Luke Powers met a desperate woman at the right time or was it wrong? He was arrogant, cruel and proud. He paid her well for the night but fate didn't cease their interaction. Through his mother's schemes, Luke found Isabella at his gate with her luggage, moving in with him as she was the caregiver his mother hired for him. Was he a child who needed a caregiver? Of course not, but his mother had hopes for him. Hopes that his life will be filled with love and joy. Hopes that Isabella would change him despite possessing a mundane role in his life. However, the job wasn't an easy task for Isabella as she had to face a cold arrogant man. Isabella had to face another agony, staying with and faring with his attitude, all while worrying for her sister. Was there really hope, not only for Luke but for Isabella? Volume one is completed, watch out for volume two!! Volume II Gloria woke up alone after spending the night with the love of her life, Lucian. Unbeknownst to her, their passionate night resulted in an unexpected pregnancy. Years later, Gloria returned to State AD, successful in her career and a proud mother to her son, Michael. Meanwhile, Lucian was now a wealthy man, having fulfilled his duties as an heir and ending his contract marriage. However, his ultimate plan to win back Gloria's heart was still incomplete. Lucian wanted to reunite with Gloria and build a relationship with his son, but Gloria denied him any chance of that happening. She refused to accept him as Michael's father. As they struggled to navigate their complicated past and present, they faced an uncertain future. Will Gloria eventually forgive Lucian and fall in love with him again, or will she continue to deny him his rightful place in their lives? Their fate remains unclear, but only time will tell if they can overcome their past mistakes and build a future together. Check out my new book; One Night With A Billionaire Alpha! Welcome and happy reading!

    Lee_Grace · perkotaan
  • Stuck in The Marriage Pact

    Due to her family's worsening financial situation and the need to pay off her late father's debts, Isabella Quinn was forced to agree to a marriage proposal offered by Juliana Brown, to marry her son, Hunter William Brown, who had disabilities including paralysis and impotence. At that time, she had a boyfriend, Joe Fernando. However, she convinced Joe that the marriage was only temporary and that one day they would be together again. But when the marriage took place, Isabella was shocked to discover that Hunter was not as afflicted as she had thought. This fact left her feeling trapped, confused, and lacking the courage to tell either Joe or Juliana. What did she find out? Was it something that could make her fall in love with Hunter? Or the opposite? And what about Joe, who remained loyal while waiting for her?

    Galata_Sky · perkotaan
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  • Moirai Valentine

    WARNING! MATURE CONTENT 18+ (Harap bijak untuk memilih bacaan, terdapat kata umpatan dan sindiran.) Volume 2 : Lakhesis :Conneching thread. Maura Magen memilih untuk pergi sejauh mungkin setelah dikhianati dan di tipu oleh kekasihnya Erlangga Lorenzo. Pria yang lebih memilih mencampakkannya dan menikahi gadis sederajat dibandingkan menepati janji-janji manisnya dulu. Meninggalkan Maura yang hancur berkeping-keping bersama buah hati yang ada di dalam kandungannya, sampai kebenciannya mengubah sosok Maura untuk memutuskan benang pengikat yang terjalin di masalalu. Bisakah Maura memasang topeng besi dan memutuskan pengikat itu saat mereka di pertemukan lagi dengan keadaan yang berbeda? Volume 1 : Klotho :First destiny and chaos. Tiga kata yang bisa Maura Magen tangkap di valentine tahun ini. Pertama, kecemburuan. Gebetannya yang sudah dia puja-puja sejak tahun pertama malah berakhir pacaran dengan sahabatnya sendiri. Kedua, kekesalan. Bagi remaja lainnya valentine adalah hari paling romantis di sepanjang tahun. Tapi baginya valentine sama dengan makan hati, karena dia single alias jomblo, kampret! Ketiga, kesialan. Seolah takdir sedang bercanda dengannya. Bagaimana mungkin seorang Erlangga Orion Lorenzo mengirimi surat cinta untuknya? Ig : _Yamarara

    YAMARARA · Masa Muda
  • Burning Heat

    It was supposed to be a simple, innocent hug of a boy offering comfort to his distressed best friend. But somehow, I found myself astride Ash’s thighs, with his arms firmly wrapped around my body and his face squished against the curve of my bare shoulder. I could feel the moment he started to nose at the expanse of my throat, it had only taken a tiny brush of his nose against my skin to make me tremble against him and I instinctively tightened my hold around his broad shoulders as a small whimper slipped out before I could think. It must have been a mistake, I said to myself, but then he did it again, and again– his hot breaths fanning against my sensitive scent gland along with each firmer drags of his nose. _____ Andy Draco is a gay, nineteen year old Omega with a little bit of warlock magic in him, who can't seem to choose between friendship and lust. Andy is best friend and roommate to Alpha Ashton who is straight or at least believes he is. One moment of heat blinded by lust leads to a night that couldn't be erased from both their lives. With their friendship at stake and Andy's sudden unleashed powers and never before seen enemies, will Ashton come to realize his feelings or will he let the most important person in his life leave his life and the world?

    Josephine_Ivy1 · Fantasi
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  • The Billionaire's Deal

    Driven by a desperate need to support her single father and three younger siblings, Seraphina Sheldon-Wallace embarks on a job hunt. Unbeknownst to her, this quest will lead her to a fateful encounter with Patrick MacDowell, a self-made billionaire and her father's boss, setting the stage for a life-altering journey. Patrick, the enigmatic force behind the lavish Ricky Empire, is grappling with mounting pressure. His mother's relentless push for him to settle down and his friends' increasing curiosity about his personal life are pushing him to the edge. He's in dire need of a solution, and he needs it now. When Seraphina unexpectedly enters his life, he sees a potential answer to his problems, setting the stage for a high-stakes romance. A deal is struck in a twist of fate: Seraphina will pose as Patrick's girlfriend for 30 days. It's a simple arrangement, driven by Patrick's need for a cover and Seraphina's financial desperation. But as they dive into this charade, sparks fly. Heat meets cold, and the lines between pretense and reality blur. Their attraction grows stronger with each passing day, and resisting temptation becomes an impossible battle. Can they keep their hearts in check and stick to the deal, or will their facade lead to something neither of them expected? Explore the rollercoaster of emotions and drama as an arrogant billionaire and a determined woman navigate their turbulent 30-day journey together.

    Ivy_Ima · perkotaan
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    Life was unfair. Hard, lonely, dark. But even still, Isabella learned to smile, she learned to hide her pain, dissatisfaction, her fears and her secret as well. Isabella practically grew up alone cause nobody wanted her. She was casted out by her own family and was sent to the orphanage, were she ran away from to start a new life for herself. Living behind her painful past. Seated on the shore by the ocean as she watched the waves crash beautifully against each other, as she felt the cool breeze on her skin, Isabella thought of what it would be like if her life would ever have a change. It did change. It changed on that cold chilly night when she first saw him......

    Daffodils_17 · perkotaan
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  • The Best Valentine

    Three words that Maura Magen can catch on Valentine's Day this year. First, jealousy. Her crush, whom she had adored since the first year, ended up going out with her best friend. Second, frustration. For other teenagers Valentine is the most romantic day of the year. But for her, valentine is the same as disappointed, because she is single, aka alone as one and lonelyness, you bastard! Third, bad luck. It was as if fate was playing a joke on her. How could an Erlangga Orion Lorenzo send her a love letter? Ig : _Yamarara

    YAMARARA · Masa Muda
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