
Baca Buku Novel death and angels Online - WebNovel


  • Death... and me

    Read the first chapter. Maybe you will like it. ;)

    Suiyan · Fantasi
  • God’s Conquest: The Lord of Angels

    Gods exist. Every single one of the known gods of earth and trillions of other gods. They all reside in the divine realm from where they control their followers and gather faith. On one particular day, where all the citizens of earth suddenly vanished into thin air, another 8 Billion gods suddenly appeared inside of the divine realm. All the humans of earth have joined the ranks of the other gods as well as their fight for dominion and strength. Armed with just their starting species that defines their future as well as way less knowledge than all the natives of the Divine Realm, they need to do their best to get stronger. Among those humans are Ezequiel and his sister Marie. Two orphans who experienced a shitty life on earth now have the chance for a completely new start. Will they finally reach the top and turn their life around? Ezequiel will do everything to never be at the bottom again. Even if it means fighting every single god in existence. * * * * * Update frequency will be once every 2 days. Do check out my new book God of (Mis)Fortune: Void Magus.

    Onion_lover · Fantasi
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  • Lilith: The Angel of Death

    She was the outcome between an ordinary maid and a duke who was attracted to the maid's beauty. Meet Lilith Millward, a naive 15 years old girl. Her mother died from someone's scheming, and her father died not up to two days later, leaving the young Lilith alone in the dark world. However, heaven took pity on her as she awakened her demon who helps her to do extraordinary things, and Lilith sets out on the journey to find the murderers of her parents who were also aiming for her death. But what happen when she realized that nothing was as simple as it seems? What would she do when she found out that her parent's death involve many kingdoms? Follow Lilith in her journey of searching for the mystery that shrouded her parents' death.

    Tiff_Lin · Fantasi
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  • Paragon of Life and Death

    Every generation on Earth, a guardian is born to protect mortals from Otherworlders—entities from foreign realms that seek to plunder resources and destroy society. As one Guardian is born, another ascends to Godhood, perpetuating a cycle. In the far future, a chaotic turn of events unfolds as nine guardians are born in a single generation, signaling profound changes as the world morphs, evolves, and expands. Mortals awaken abilities, a grand system descends, and portals and dungeons open across the planet, heralding a cataclysmic event spanning the universe. The fusion. The cosmic fusion. All planets merge into one, birthing a new realm. All races fight for supremacy and survival as the universe plunges into an era of war and chaos. ** Amidst this chaos, a young man, taken into custody for his father's murder, finds himself entangled in million-year-old schemes that span the entire world and beyond. Join the discord: https://discord.gg/zbqqvxMwpS

    Orclion · Fantasi
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  • Death Scripture

    Born into a wealthy family, Gu Shenwei was spoiled and carefree. However, at the age of 14, his entire family were brutally murdered, and he was caught by some bandits who sold him into slavery. As a slave boy, he entered Golden Roc Fort by chance and found the man who had slaughtered his family. He endured insults and worked hard to improve his kung fu while working as a slave boy. He learned from and plotted against his enemy under the enemy’s nose. He became increasingly ambitious as he became more and more powerful. He would only be satisfied if he completely destroyed his enemy—by fair means or foul. Gradually his bitter experience turned him into a totally different person. This is a kung fu fiction that is full of mysteries and surprises. This is a story dealing with love, betrayals and distances. This is the journey of an ordinary boy who, against all odds, fought against formidable foes. This is a tale regarding a person who felt abandoned by the world made unremitting efforts to create a new world of his own, in which he was alone.

    Cold Glamor · Seni bela diri
  • Angel of Death

    Other men, lesser men, measure power in terms of money or political influence or sexual conquests. But I have seen what true power is, and it is not found in checkbooks, voting booths, or bedrooms. No, true power is the power of life and death. Every time I end a life, I end a universe. Yes, a whole universe. The private cosmos that had been their world. The earth, sun, and stars, human history, culture, and art....all of it had existed, for them, only in their mind. Now they're dead, and, for them, those things exist no more. That is the secret I have learned. To wield power, ultimate power—the power to erase existence, void reality, blot out stars and galaxies with one stroke—it is not necessary to bring on Armageddon. It is necessary only to take a life. The God of the Old Testament is said to have created the world in six days. But I can wipe out a world in less than a minute, and I can do it whenever I please. Who, then, is the more powerful? Who is the greater god? The creator of one world—or the destroyer of many? _____________________________________________ *Discord: https://discord.gg/TeTKhzp Why not try my other book: King of Film or Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

    David_Tieku · Seram
  • Strongest Angel's Death Wish

    After refusing the government's call to action amidst a hellish war, a prospective game developer was locked away in solitary confinement to await punishment… And then one day, he suddenly woke up in a new universe! A universe of magic and Gods! However, there was something strange… For one, he could not remember his name, and had to give himself a new one: Mikhail. And secondly… "Harbinger of Misfortune!" "Scourgeborn!" The superstitious always reacted strangely whenever they saw his face. However, it didn’t take long for a fool to clue him in. “You’re the spitting image of Michael the Mad!” Michael… That was Mikhail’s original name. Yet, there was a disconnect. That wasn’t his name. Not anymore. No… That was the name of the most feared being in the world! A bonafide demon that even the infamous Demon Clan was afraid of! Mikhail’s other half. The being that the God of that world had sealed inside of him. The demon that should’ve only been a hurdle on Mikhail’s journey to achieve his goal. But, Michael isn’t someone that can be dealt with so easily… *** Don’t fall behind! While I may be a busy dishie, I’ll always upload at least once a day! An extremely special thanks to my proofreaders Chaos_Prime, diablo247, Divine_Noel, KnowledgeableSnake, mderinat, Mordiadies, Tekbox, and my lovely bride to be MissesFlare! Cover art by Derek-Paul Carll

    MisterFlare · Fantasi
  • Angels of Death

    To kill, one need not resort to knives, guns, swords, or spears, nor be splattered with blood. A puddle of water, a piece of wire, a few strands of hair – all can become lethal weapons! A series of ingeniously crafted accidents ends the freedom of countless evildoers in an instant! When a group of individuals, each with their own stories but united in purpose, gather around a protagonist of exceptional intellect, a team that strikes terror into the hearts of all evildoers is born! They are not demons who relish in killing; they are flesh-and-blood heroes. On the stage that belongs to them alone, they compose emotional symphonies that resonate deeply! They are the 'Angels of Death'.

    David_Tieku · Seram
  • Cultivator in a World of Angels, Demons, and Super Heroes

    A powerful Sovereign is attacked by righteous and evil cultivators which led to his men murdered, his treasures plundered, and his domain destroyed. Against the overwhelming power of the two sides hunting him down, he fought a battle that inevitably resulted to his death. Or so he thought until he woke up in a new world. "Hm? What a waste... herbs like these are rare in my dominion. Why do these mortals not treasure them?..." "Oh... Hmmm. Children with cultivation potential, abandoned by their parents, and treated too lowly by their society... "Come with me child, and you will have the strength to stand on top of the world..."

    Intayaw_din_Dagem · Fantasi
  • the angels of death

    Always trouble‑prone, the life of teenager Clarissa Stencil gets a lot more complicated when she learns that the guy she's sitting next to her is a fallen angel of death. And now to break him from his curse She is destined to help the angel recover his formal glory. But not every task comes out so easily they must face the hardships and challanges ahead of them.

    KenSterni · Fantasi
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  • The Retro: Art and Death

    Arabella El-Gauri, seorang dosen kriminologi muda. Tidak banyak yang mengetahui bahwa Bella adalah pengidap hyperthymesia, atau Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM). Bella tidak dapat melupakan apapun yang terlanjur diingat otaknya, bahkan memori terburuk sekalipun.   Suatu hari, Bella mengalami kecelakaan yang membuatnya dapat mengetahui apa yang terjadi di masa depan dan masa lalu tanpa direncanakan. Kecelakaan itu juga yang mempertemukannya dengan Tristan Emilio Fariq, seorang Polisi dan Kapten Detektif yang ditugaskan untuk mengusut kasus pembunuhan berantai yang dijuluki ‘The Retro’. Singkat cerita, Tristan dan Bella lantas menikah, ditengah berjalannya investigasi kasus tersebut. 'The Retro', pembunuh berdarah tanpa satu mikroliter jejak darah. Seni klasik. Menjadi ciri khasnya. Lalu siapa, apa, dan bagaimana 'The Retro' bekerja?   Diluar dugaan, Bella Rupanya mampu melihat perlahan-lahan, samar-samar, siapa pelaku pembunuhan sadis itu dalam mimpi dan penglihatannya. Kemampuan ingatan superior menjadikan itu semakin nyata. Mampukah Tristan dan timnya mengungkap siapa 'The Retro'? Unlock the answer by read this story! ------ Hello, Readers! Selamat datang di novel ketiga Aleyshia Wein. Genre untuk novel kali ini adalah Crime, Mystery, dan Romance dengan sedikit unsur Sci-Fi. Seperti biasa, gaya bahasa cenderung teknis, dan istilah-istilah asing terkait kriminologi, seni, hukum, dan politik akan dijelaskan dalam notes Author. Harap bijak dalam membaca, karena akan mengandung unsur-unsur kekerasan dan 'inspirasi kreativitas' dalam menghilangkan nyawa seseorang dan penggunaan senyawa-senyawa kimia berbahaya. Disclaimer: Cerita ini hanya fiktif, tidak mencerminkan situasi, protokol, dan sistem sesungguhnya dari instansi yang diangkat. Penulis menggunakan nalar dan membentuk sistem sendiri untuk novel ini. Novel ini sangat TIDAK disarankan bagi pembaca dibawah 17 tahun. Semoga dapat menikmati alur kriminal dan romansa dalam novel ini. Jika berkenan, dapat memberikan masukan dan review untuk peningkatan kualitas penulisan kedepan. Regards, Aleyshia Wein

    aleyshiawein · perkotaan
  • Avenging Angels

    {Blurb} I would have to grovel to this family as long as they don't fire me. I would continue to suck up to them until I achieve my ultimate goal.  The destruction of the Bladderworts.  I would hide behind a mask of kind smiles, innocent looks, and vulnerability. I would use that mask to destroy each and every one of you who took away my childhood from me.  Your end is coming soon, Bladderworts.  You better watch your back.  I smirked and took a sip from the coffee as I took in a breath of the morning breeze.  ********************************** The warm smiles that were spilled on their faces will serve like masquerade disguise as they'll shake up the whole Bladderwort family.  The peace that once reigned within those cruelty shrieking castle walls was going to be cut bit by bit. Only one mission _ drag them back on the ground by destroying them. The Thornes had every reason to harbor terrifying hatred for the Bladderwort. The three girls were going to go through hell back and forth to acquire justice even if it requires committing every kind of sly sin. The Thorne sisters were going to take, break, destroy every single thing the Bladderwort worked for,  Watch as they wear a mask and plaster thick fabricated smiles on their faces and step into the lion's den bravely. Revenge like you've never seen it before. #Edited by @Aysel_Inara

    QueenRani6 · Realistis
  • A Song of the Angels' Souls

    Ketiga belas gadis rupawan itu mengaku sebagai bidadari dari dunia lain. Di bumi, masing-masing dari mereka akan dipersatukan dengan seorang pria yang ditunjuk sebagai pendamping. Bidadari-bidadari itu datang ke bumi bukan untuk memberi berkah, mencegah kehancuran, atau menjadi penuntun bagi umat manusia. Bukan. Misi utama mereka adalah membunuh satu sama lain. Mereka akan terus bertempur sampai hanya ada satu yang tersisa. Satu yang akan diangkat sebagai ratu di dunia asalnya. Sementara itu, pendampingnya akan mendapatkan hadiah yang tak terkira nilainya. Keinginan terbesarnya akan dikabulkan tanpa terkecuali. Ini bukan sekadar kontes saling membunuh, tetapi juga bentrokan antar ambisi, kepentingan, dan ideologi.

    Gaasuja · Fantasi
  • Death's Angels

    Andrew Barnes and Fred Davis are Ex-Death Angels who are now joined with Hazel Coleman as their tech guru, daughter of famous business man, Henry Coleman.

    Anaki_Wells24 · Seni bela diri
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  • Secrets: The Angels of Death

    16-year-old werewolf Juliet Santiago never really thought she'd return home. Not when it held so many painful memories. But eight years and extensive training under the highest rank the organization had to offer later, she returns to California to her brothers Austin and Christopher, and her best friend, Ashley Blackwell. She's ready to put the past eight years of lies and secrets behind her as she befriends a human, Valerie Hart, and finally heal from all she had been through. Things should be perfect, right? Not when her brother's half-blood best friend Jason suspects her as much as he does and seems to be keeping secrets of his own, secrets he would rather she not know, leading to tension-filled fights, childish pranks, and a food fight that leaves Austin's kitchen in ruins. All the while, the Angels of Death, a dangerous group of supernatural hunters with links to her past, watch silently from the shadows, concocting their next gruesome murder. They might be closer than she thinks. ************************************//Line Break//********************************* "Don't do that,", Jason scolds, going back to nursing me," You'll hurt yourself." "See,", I point out," It's things like that confuse me." "Things like what?", he furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "You told me you don't trust me, that you think I'm a liar,", I remind him," And now you're sitting here at four in the morning, taking care of me." His gaze doesn't meet mine. "I could say the same about you,", he says, eyes once again fixed on my shoulder," You tell me that you know I've hidden things for the last fourteen years, and you clearly don't like me." His eyes flick up to meet mine, his hand still applying slight pressure on my shoulder. "But then you lock yourself alone in a room of Devil's Root because you were worried I'd get hurt." ************************************//Line Break//********************************* "Oh, you don't have to,", I smile," I'd rather do this." I grab Jeffrey by the back of his head and smash his face into the table. The familiar smell of blood immediately fills the air as his nose breaks from the impact, a pathetic whimper of pain leaving him. "That's for insulting my mother.", I growl at his bloodied face," Don't do it again." He nods fearfully and I let go of his hair. "I'll see you later, Amelia,", I say cheerfully, waving two fingers above my head," I've got pink lemons to toss out the window."

    MC_1098 · Fantasi
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  • As A Human Child, I Was Pampered By Angels

    Chen Kun transmigrated to a world of swords and magic. He woke up and discovered that he had come to the High Heavens, where he was surrounded by countless beautiful angels. Before he was thrown back down to the Human Realm, he awakened a special talent, which allowed him to help the angels level up by having intimate contact with them. Because of this, he was doted on by all the angels. With his help, the angels also managed to level up continuously. They evolved from ordinary angels to Ten-winged Advanced Angels, to 14-winged Eternal Seraphim, to finally 18-winged Utmost Seraphim! The evolution of the angels even caused the hierarchy of the beings in the Heaven Realm to change! The Divine King of Heaven barked, “I, the Divine King, was actually beaten up by a group of angels. Is that even logical?” When the army from Hell invaded the Heaven Realm, they saw a group of seraphim gather around Chen Kun. With her face as cold as ice, an 18-winged Utmost Seraph chided, “You have disturbed the Divine King from his rest. What you did is unforgivable.” With a beam of divine light, she destroyed the entire army of Hell.

    Young Master Angel · Fantasi
  • Kaleidoscope of Death

    It started off peculiarly; first, his domestic cat refused to let him cuddle it. Lin Qiushi soon found that a sense of disharmony and incongruity began to pervade everything around him. Then, one odd day, he pushed open a door, and he discovered that the hallway he was familiar with turned into a boundless corridor. At both ends of this corridor were twelve, identical iron gates. he pushed one of the doors Thus, the story begins. Disclaimer: The content presented here is not authored by me. I kindly request that you extend your support to the original author by visiting jjwxc.net. Original Author Name: Xī Zǐxù / 西子绪

    littleHua · LGBT+
  • Angels, Demons, and Alex

    Alex is a normal 19 year old college student. One day he is out working on a photography assignment and his life is changed forever. Welcome to a story about love, perseverance, and breaking through the norms of the supernatural.

    cbowman782020 · Fantasi
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