
Baca Buku Novel damon elena stefan Online - WebNovel


  • The Alpha's Bride

    Alpha Damon, the unmated Alpha of the largest pack in North America, is facing reality where Elders are pressuring him to marry a bride of their choice. A marriage of convenience. A marriage for power. Damon is aware that Elders want to use him in their schemes, and he is determined to show them that he is no one's pawn. No one can force him into marriage, not even the Moon Goddess. “I don’t need a woman in my life to obstruct me. A girlfriend is a nuisance, a wife would be a problem, and a mate would be a disaster.” Will he give in? Which one will he choose? Will he have a choice once he finds his mate? Join Damon on his journey during which he will broaden his horizons and change in the most unexpected ways when the right woman enters his life. --- Note: the main storyline ends with chapter 986. --- Connect with me. Discord: https://discord.gg/cFaejHB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedSonia.Novels Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redsonia_novels/ --- I own the cover. --- Give my other novels a try! - Amara - Reunion - The Supreme Alpha - Is this Destiny? - Accident Prone

    RedSonia · Fantasi
  • MMA System: I Will Be Pound For Pound Goat

    Meet Damon Cross, a young man from a rough childhood who's been living on the streets. Despite the struggles, his mother's love and support have been a constant source of strength. A chance street fight leads to a mysterious MMA system that enhances his combat abilities and forces him to confront his past. As he rises through the fighting world, he becomes an unstoppable force. With his mother's support and his own unbreakable spirit, he faces off against formidable opponents and confronts his demons. Witness Damon's journey from homeless a young man to MMA champion. With each victory, he proves that with determination and heart, greatness is within reach.

    Shadowwarrior_007 · Olahraga
  • The Reborn Wife Of The Tyrant CEO

    In my previous life, I was merely a supporting character, highlighting Damon’s deep love for another woman. Tragically, my story unfolded with devastating consequences, leaving my family in ruins and my life shattered. Upon my rebirth, I chose to adopt a carefree attitude, ignoring the situation and waiting for Damon to ask for a divorce. But something peculiar happened. The man who used to disappear for weeks suddenly started showing up every few days. “Do you think there will come a time when you’ll want me to disappear?” I queried. “Do not indulge in fantasies.” he retorted, “We’ll continue to torment each other until the end.” I sighed, as a reincarnated soul, confident that his destined soulmate would soon cross his path. Finally, he encountered her, and I believed freedom was within my grasp. Yet, he quietly…

    black_flowertrend · perkotaan
  • The Alpha's Little Slave

    A wolfless half-human hybrid. That was all Harper Gray amounted to. To escape her family’s relentless abuse, Harper took the first chance to flee the moment her pack came under attack. But in the rubble of chaos and ruin, she found her mate. Unfortunately, she hadn’t expected the Moon Goddess to match her with the most notorious killer of the land― Damon Valentine, the alpha of the very same pack that decimated her own. Tales of his cruel misdeeds had spread far and wide. Every werewolf knew the name; even some humans feared it, and Harper was no exception. She had no plans of being mated to someone as terrifying as Damon Valentine, and she would do anything to break the bond. However, Damon Valentine had no plans of letting his little mate go. Captured, Harper was brought back to Damon’s pack― not as his future Luna, but as his pack’s newest slave. To complicate matters further, Damon wasn’t the only man the Moon Goddess had matched Harper with. Blaise Valentine — Damon’s twin brother — also had an interest in their new pet slave. The Valentine brothers had their share of conflicts but agreed on one thing: they would never let Harper go. ― Warning: - Dubcon - R18 themes ― Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU

    saltedpepper · Fantasi
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  • Restart: The World Savior's New Beginning

    EARTH was destroyed but some of the inhabitants were send to a different world, which will be targeted next by the DESTROYER, who destroyed Earth. They were given a game like system and a mission to avenge EARTH. Elena was only a 16-years old girl that time and she was suddenly transported to another world full of betrayal, killing, plunder, debauchery and more. That world was also at the verge of extinction by the DESTROYER. But Elena was able to save the world after going through a lot of unimaginable hardship for seven years and became the World Savior. After fulfilling her mission now she have a chance to either stay in this world as hero, or go to another world to start a new comfortable life as a reward. So, what will she do? How will her journey go from now on? Join Elena who is a kind hearted, overpowered and ruthless girl in her journey to enjoy her life to the fullest after overcoming a lot of harsh trials. ______________ Elena is overpowered FMC and she is not involved in any kind of romance. I hate the idea of my protagonist to be a lovestruck maiden like many novels. She is strong, independent, kind and decisive. This story mainly focuses on the adventure and fantasy aspects more with slice of life and actions mixed in it. This novel is my take on creating a perfect Female Main Charector of my liking and to create a story of a proper hero and savior. ______________ The cover does belong to me, so no prob. discord: https://discord.com/invite/fYqDSEYVUM Have fun reading.

    _OMNiCiENT_ · Fantasi
  • Sign In To The Body Of Chaos At The Start

    Damon was reincarnated into a magical fantasy world with his previous life's memories intact. Damon became the a half Primordial Incubus Demon- Half Divine Dragon and was the son of the Grand Duchess of the Divine Demon Empire. At this moment, Damon obtained the Divine Sign- in system. [ Ding! Congratulations for Signing in the Body Of Chaos ] [ Ding! Congratulations for Signing in the Eyes of Oblivion ] [ Ding! Congratulations for Signing in the Divine Blood-soaked Sword ] Watch Damon's adventures as in the Mythological World of Austonia as he slays all his enemies on the way to becoming the strongest of them all. ( There will be SMUT )

    StrikerAuthor · Fantasi
  • La Pequeña Esclava del Alfa

    ``` —Un híbrido medio humano sin lobo. Eso era todo lo que Harper Gray representaba. —Para escapar del abuso constante de su familia, Harper tomó la primera oportunidad para huir en el momento en que su manada fue atacada. Pero entre los escombros del caos y la ruina, encontró a su pareja. —Lamentablemente, no esperaba que la Diosa de la Luna la emparejara con el asesino más notorio de la tierra —Damon Valentine, el alfa de la misma manada que diezmó la suya. —Los cuentos de sus crueles fechorías se habían esparcido por doquier. Todo hombre lobo conocía el nombre; incluso algunos humanos lo temían, y Harper no era la excepción. No tenía planes de estar emparejada con alguien tan aterrador como Damon Valentine, y haría cualquier cosa para romper el enlace. —Sin embargo, Damon Valentine no tenía planes de dejar ir a su pequeña pareja. Capturada, Harper fue llevada de vuelta a la manada de Damon —no como su futura Luna, sino como la nueva esclava de la manada. —Para complicar aún más las cosas, Damon no era el único hombre con el que la Diosa de la Luna había emparejado a Harper. Blaise Valentine —el hermano gemelo de Damon — también tenía interés en su nueva mascota esclava. —Los hermanos Valentine tenían sus conflictos, pero estaban de acuerdo en una cosa: nunca dejarían ir a Harper. —Advertencia: —Dubcon —Temas R18 —Servidor de Discord: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU ```

    saltedpepper · Fantasi
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  • O Noivo do Alfa

    Alpha Damon, o Alfa solteiro da maior alcateia da América do Norte, está enfrentando a realidade em que os Anciões estão pressionando-o para que se case com uma noiva escolhida por eles. Um casamento por conveniência. Um casamento por poder. Damon sabe que os Anciões querem usá-lo em seus esquemas, e está determinado a mostrar a eles que ele não é peão de ninguém. Ninguém pode forçá-lo a se casar, nem mesmo a Deusa da Lua. "Eu não preciso de uma mulher na minha vida para me atrapalhar. Namorada é um incômodo, esposa seria um problema e uma companheira seria um desastre." Ele vai ceder? Qual delas ele escolherá? Ele terá escolha quando encontrar sua companheira? Junte-se a Damon em sua jornada durante a qual ele ampliará seus horizontes e mudará das maneiras mais inesperadas quando a mulher certa entrar em sua vida. --- Nota: a trama principal termina no capítulo 986. --- Conecte-se comigo. Discord: https://discord.gg/cFaejHB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedSonia.Novels Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redsonia_novels/ --- Eu possuo a capa. --- Experimente meus outros romances! - Amara - Reencontro - O Alfa Supremo - Isto é Destino? - Propenso a Acidentes

    RedSonia · Fantasi
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  • The Peerless Man With A Thousand Gifts

    Victor Damone's in-laws stole his life savings, convinced his beautiful wife he was a loser, and urged her to date a billionaire outside of marriage. When the bankrupt Victor fails to pay for his dying grandfather's treatment, he decides to return to his mysterious old life. One in which the entire world kneels before him. Victor will show his in-laws and everyone who underestimated him that he is a legendary, peerless man with a thousand gifts. *Also search and read my other novel: The Gilded Man With A Thousand Lives, set in the same universe. **Will reply to reviews and comments from another account (KaiserKen). ***Since this is a non-exclusive, it won't be promoted or featured by WN. I will need support through powerstones, golden tickets, and reviews. Have a good read!

    KaiserKen · perkotaan
  • La novia del Alpha

    —Alfa Damon, el Alfa soltero de la manada más grande de América del Norte, se enfrenta a la realidad donde los Ancianos le presionan para casarse con una novia de su elección. Un matrimonio por conveniencia. Un matrimonio por poder. —Damon es consciente de que los Ancianos quieren usarlo en sus intrigas, y está decidido a demostrarles que no es el peón de nadie. —Nadie puede obligarlo a casarse, ni siquiera la Diosa de la Luna. —No necesito una mujer en mi vida para obstaculizarme. Una novia es una molestia, una esposa sería un problema, y una compañera sería un desastre. —¿Cederá? —¿Cuál elegirá? —¿Tendrá una opción una vez que encuentre a su compañera? Acompaña a Damon en su viaje durante el cual ampliará sus horizontes y cambiará de las formas más inesperadas cuando la mujer adecuada entre en su vida. —Nota: la trama principal termina con el capítulo 986. Conéctate conmigo: —Discord: https://discord.gg/cFaejHB —Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedSonia.Novels —Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redsonia_novels/ —Soy el dueño de la portada. ¡Prueba con mis otras novelas! - Amara - Reunión - El Alfa Supremo - ¿Es este el Destino? - Propenso a Accidentes."

    RedSonia · Fantasi
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  • Die Braut des Alphas

    Alpha Damon, der unverheiratete Alpha des größten Rudels Nordamerikas, sieht sich mit der Realität konfrontiert, in der die Ältesten ihn drängen, eine Braut ihrer Wahl zu heiraten. Eine Vernunftehe. Eine Heirat um der Macht willen. Damon ist sich bewusst, dass die Ältesten ihn für ihre Pläne benutzen wollen, und er ist entschlossen, ihnen zu zeigen, dass er kein Spielball von irgendjemandem ist. Niemand kann ihn zu einer Ehe zwingen, nicht einmal die Mondgöttin. "Ich brauche keine Frau in meinem Leben, die mir im Weg steht. Eine Freundin ist ein Ärgernis, eine Ehefrau wäre ein Problem, und eine Partnerin wäre eine Katastrophe." Wird er nachgeben? Welche von ihnen wird er wählen? Wird er eine Wahl haben, wenn er seine Partnerin gefunden hat? Begleiten Sie Damon auf seiner Reise, auf der er seinen Horizont erweitert und sich auf die unerwartetste Weise verändert, wenn die richtige Frau in sein Leben tritt. --- Hinweis: Die Haupthandlung endet mit Kapitel 986. --- Verbinde dich mit mir. Discord: https://discord.gg/cFaejHB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedSonia.Novels Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redsonia_novels/ --- Das Cover gehört mir. --- Probieren Sie meine anderen Romane aus! - Amara - Wiedersehen - Der oberste Alpha - Ist dies das Schicksal? - Anfällig für Unfälle

    RedSonia · Fantasi
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  • Married To A Big Shot

    The Story of a Scorned Woman and a Big Shot. A few years after stepping out of the limelight, Elena Huang confidently returns in full swing with revenge running thick in her veins. Elena almost lost everything in the past. Thus, she now plans to worm her way into the life of the most eligible billionaire bachelor of City H, all in hopes that she can use him to solidify her status and seek revenge on those that betrayed and hurt her in the past. But something falls out of her meticulous plan. The Big Shot she was after also happens to be the stranger she had a one-night stand with when she was at the peak of losing herself entirely. What would Elena’s reaction be when she finds out that the man she had been looking for, had been in her line of sight all this while? On the other hand, unknown to her, the elusive Mark Wang remembers her from the passionate night they shared and has since gained an interest in her. Fascinated by her, will he accept her desperate proposal and help her climb the social ranks again when he finds out her intentions? But at what expense? And when Mark’s messy past comes threatening to disrupt their present-day affairs, will they be able to move on together? Most importantly, will Elena finally learn what genuine happiness truly is? ******* ~EXCERPT~ “Mark, if you help me, I promise I will do anything for you in return. Just as long as cheating is not involved.” “You will do anything I want?” Mark probed, his eyes glittering as he focused on her. He now seemed more interested in her promise than in whatever it was she wanted from him. “Yes, I give you my word.” Mark stared into her eyes and seeing how desperate she was, he leaned back into his seat and tapped his fingers on the table. “Careful what you promise, Darling, I’m not a good boy.” “I don’t care,” Elena replied with determination in her eyes. “I’m not a good girl either.” ----- Official commissioned cover by Artist Laylee: @Laylee_hiu Contact me on Instagram: @authorpaschalinelily For firsthand Announcements, join my discord server: https://discord.gg/GywPN7X

    Paschalinelily · perkotaan
  • My Triplet Alpha Stepbrother Mates

    “You had a boyfriend?” Stefan nibbled on my ear, driving me crazy. “Hmm” It came out more like a moan when I felt Kevin’s warm breath on the burning skin of my neck, making my whole body shiver with excitement. “Did you sleep with him?” Riven’s hoarse voice came from my side, his hands roaming my body freely, touching the forbidden places. “Noo…” My voice was breathy, full of need. My head fell back on Stefan’s chest. “Don’t worry, we are going to f*ck him out of your system!” Kevin promised in his seductive deep voice. …………… Giselle Swan was forced to join Dark Sapphire pack to stay with her mother, Vera Smith and her new husband, Alpha Riley and his kids, when Vera won the case of her custody. The Dark Sapphire pack is one of the wealthiest packs and Alpha Riley cherishes her. But the problem was her triplet stepbrothers Kevin, Riven and Stefan. The Famous Triplet Alphas! For some unknown reason, Triplet always despised Giselle but they made sure to make her life a living hell when she entered their territory. What will she do when she will get to know that Triplets are her mates? What will happen when the two of the triplets Kevin and Stefan will try their best to persuade her to be their Luna? Will she accept them? Why is Riven so hard to impress? Will she be able to tame him? Will she reject them all because of one? What will be their reaction when it be revealed to them that there are foxes around them in the disguise of werewolves, who are playing with their lives? WARNING: Extremely Mature Content (18+ only)

    Mahek_Salvatore · perkotaan
  • She's My Sleeping Pill

    15 years ago, his elder brother was killed right in front of him in the middle of the night – killed by their most trusted driver. Since then, Stefan had a hard time sleeping and often got nightmares. He learned not to trust anyone. Cayenne worked almost all day and all night. She only got three hours of sleep every day. She was the breadwinner of their family since her mother was diagnosed with tuberculosis. She thought she would have a great time working as a receptionist in a hotel. Until… “I’ll pay you an additional $3000 a month. Sleep with me.” Stefan placed a signed check on the table in front of her. Her head was spinning at the large sum of money. She can finally buy her mother’s medication and send her brothers to school without worry. But to sleep with him? “I’m sorry if I come off rude but, I can’t sleep with you sir.” She tried to refuse politely, afraid that she will lose her job if he felt displease towards her. Stefan took off his coat and placed on the backrest of his chair. “Think about my offer carefully. It wasn’t so bad sleeping with you after all.” It was a mistake she made on her part when she fell asleep right beside him on his bed, drunk and dizzy. Will he make the mistake of trusting someone again? Will he entrust his life to her by sleeping soundly beside her? How will they face each other when they started to unveil the mystery of their identities? ***cover isn’t mine***edited by a friend***I don’t earn anything from this picture*** Original cover was taken from Mr Love: Queen's Choice Related videos and pictures can be seen in Koi to Producer: EVOL×LOVE

    _frieyaVida · perkotaan
  • Taming The Las Vegas Playboy (18+)

    If you are looking for the whole world, it isn't here. But if you are looking for 3Ls (Love, Lust, and Laughter), this one is full of it. It is a fun rom-com with hot love scenes. If you read the comments, the most thing you will see is the "Laughing emojis" and the word, Hot Hot Hot! Romance erotic novel, full of fun, a romantic comedy with some actions by Elya. The heroine's the smart leading lady and not the soft sopping victim. The story is focusing on fun, romance, humour, and happiness. The leading man is a handsome powerful arrogant businessman (mafia), the super-rich with egos as high as Everest! Stefan Mackenzie, the 32-year-old handsome Tycoon from Las Vegas. He is famous for his killing looks, the face of dark handsome playboy with money. Wirata Ratanawan, 22-year-old Thai girl. Then everything in his life has changed forever without his willingness. He tried so hard to avoid his fate but it seemed the heaven above's not on his side anymore! Warning: As I put it in the "Romance-erotic" story, so when it comes to the love scenes the camera won't pan to the flower vase or the bed head. It will be hot and in detail to fulfil the readers' imagination as this novel has its main purpose for entertaining.

    Elyawriter · Umum
  • Le Petit Esclave de l'Alpha

    Un hybride demi-humain sans loup. C'était tout ce que représentait Harper Gray. Pour échapper aux abus incessants de sa famille, Harper saisit la première occasion de fuir au moment où sa meute fut attaquée. Mais dans les décombres du chaos et de la ruine, elle trouva son compagnon. Malheureusement, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que la Déesse de la Lune l'associe avec le tueur le plus notoire du pays ― Damon Valentine, l'Alpha de la meute qui avait décimé la sienne. Les récits de ses cruels méfaits s'étaient répandus à grande échelle. Chaque loup-garou connaissait le nom ; même certains humains le craignaient, et Harper n'était pas une exception. Elle n'avait aucun projet d'être liée à quelqu'un d'aussi terrifiant que Damon Valentine, et elle ferait tout pour briser le lien. Cependant, Damon Valentine n'avait pas l'intention de laisser sa petite compagne s'échapper. Capturée, Harper fut ramenée à la meute de Damon ― non pas en tant que future Luna, mais en tant que nouvelle esclave de la meute. Pour compliquer encore les choses, Damon n'était pas le seul homme à qui la Déesse de la Lune avait destiné Harper. Blaise Valentine — le frère jumeau de Damon — s'intéressait également à leur nouvelle esclave. Les frères Valentine avaient leur part de conflits mais étaient d'accord sur une chose : ils ne laisseraient jamais partir Harper. ― Avertissement : - Dubcon - Thèmes R18 ― Serveur Discord : https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU

    saltedpepper · Fantasi
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  • La fiancée d'Alpha

    ``` Alpha Damon, l'Alpha célibataire de la plus grande meute en Amérique du Nord, est confronté à une réalité où les Elders le pressent d'épouser une mariée de leur choix. Un mariage de convenance. Un mariage pour le pouvoir. Damon sait que les Elders veulent l'utiliser dans leurs manigances, et il est déterminé à leur montrer qu'il n'est le pion de personne. Personne ne peut le forcer au mariage, pas même la Déesse de la Lune. « Je n'ai pas besoin d'une femme dans ma vie pour me faire obstacle. Une petite amie est une gêne, une épouse serait un problème, et une compagne serait un désastre. » Va-t-il céder ? Laquelle choisira-t-il? Aura-t-il un choix une fois qu'il aura trouvé sa compagne? Joignez-vous à Damon dans son voyage durant lequel il élargira ses horizons et changera de manière la plus inattendue lorsque la bonne femme entrera dans sa vie. --- Note : l'histoire principale se termine au chapitre 986. --- Connectez-vous avec moi. Discord : https://discord.gg/cFaejHB Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/RedSonia.Novels Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/redsonia_novels/ --- Je possède la couverture. --- Essayez mes autres romans! - Amara - Réunion - L'Alpha Suprême - Est-ce le Destin ? - Sujet aux Accidents ```

    RedSonia · Fantasi
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  • Second chance runaway

    In Second Chance Runway, we follow the tumultuous life of Elena Vargas, a young woman whose beauty is overshadowed by her lack of self-care and the oppressive figures around her. At 21, she is forced into a loveless marriage by her mother, to a man who is nothing but cruel. Despite landing a lucrative job at the prestigious Grand State Buildings, Elena’s life is far from grand as her husband seizes her earnings, and her family treats her with disdain. Her world shatters further when her husband’s affair with her sister comes to light. Just when it seems like her story has reached its tragic end, fate intervenes. A fatal accident sends Elena back in time, waking up as her 18-year-old self. With memories of her past life intact, she seizes this miraculous opportunity to rewrite her destiny. Determined to pursue her long-forgotten dream of becoming a supermodel, Elena embarks on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. But it’s not just about the glitz and glamour; it’s about settling scores. As she rises through the ranks of the fashion world, Elena plots a sophisticated revenge against those who wronged her, all while navigating the complexities of love, family, and fame. Will Elena’s second chance lead her to the life she’s always dreamed of, or will the shadows of her past prove too difficult to escape? Second Chance Runway is a story of resilience, ambition, and the transformative power of self-belief.

    Ava_000 · LGBT+
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  • A Bastard's Allure

    He wanted to be accepted for who he was; a bastard. But the world was a cruel place for bastards, especially in the vampire realm of Eldoria. A vampire prince, born a bastard, was a disgrace not only to the royal family but the realm at large. And for that, Gabriel Sinclair grew up in harsh environs within the very castle his brother considered heaven. And as if being bastard was not enough wound to scar him and put him miles away from the throne, they made marry a human to seal the treaty between the two warring species. ***** Elena Thornhart always dreamt of venturing beyond the walls of Mysthaven. Since childhood, she had been confined in the castle of Mysthaven, safe from the vampire's reach. But not everything goes as planned. In an effort to save the nearly extinct human population, Andrian Thornhart, the human king and Elena's brother, offers her as the sacrificial lamb. Now Elena must navigate the treacherous Vampire court and royal family and protect her husband from his own kind. Little does she know her presence is set to unleash a side of Gabriel Sinclair that he never knew existed, a secret that might set the realm apart or unite it!

    Dennis_Bundi_5441 · Fantasi
  • O Pequeno Escravo do Alfa

    ``` Uma híbrida meio humana sem lobo. Era tudo o que Harper Gray significava. Para escapar do abuso incessante de sua família, Harper aproveitou a primeira chance de fugir no momento em que sua matilha foi atacada. Mas nos escombros do caos e da ruína, ela encontrou sua companheira. Infelizmente, ela não esperava que a Deusa da Lua a emparelhasse com o assassino mais notório da região — Damon Valentine, o alfa da mesma matilha que dizimou a sua. Os contos de suas crueldades tinham se espalhado amplamente. Todo lobisomem conhecia o nome; até alguns humanos o temiam, e Harper não era exceção. Ela não tinha planos de se unir a alguém tão aterrorizante quanto Damon Valentine, e faria de tudo para romper o vínculo. No entanto, Damon Valentine não tinha planos de deixar sua pequena companheira escapar. Capturada, Harper foi levada de volta à matilha de Damon — não como sua futura Luna, mas como a mais nova escrava da matilha. Para complicar ainda mais as coisas, Damon não era o único homem com quem a Deusa da Lua tinha emparelhado Harper. Blaise Valentine — o irmão gêmeo de Damon — também tinha interesse em sua nova escrava pet. Os irmãos Valentine tinham suas próprias disputas, mas concordavam em uma coisa: eles nunca deixariam Harper partir. ― Aviso: - Consexo - Temas R18 ― Servidor do Discord: https://discord.gg/7HAMK2bRYU ```

    saltedpepper · Fantasi
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