
Baca Buku Novel csi Online - WebNovel


  • A nice girl like you

    “ Why do you keep rejecting my feelings for you, over and over again, what’s wrong in me telling you, how much I feel for you, I love you sweetie- I really do, within me lies an everlasting flame of love, that can’t be quenched-I love you and I really do”. Lucian could see the flame of love in her eyes.... her words sounded more like an assurance to his trembling heart, hurling all thoughts about them aside, he crosses his arms around her neck and kissed her, it wasn’t long till their lips were fused together, exploring every part of their mouth, till Lucian pulled away, almost breathless... “ I love you , yes i truly do, and i want you as badly as ever....”. He paused his eyes turning misty “ If you love me, why are you still hesitant about it “?. “ You don’t understand-“. He paused looking away with a saddened look on his face, and pain filled eyes. “ Look, darling you can tell me about anything, I don’t mind at all,I promise you will never fell hurt at all”.... Lucian bit his lower lip, as Adrianna cupped his face, ‘ can I tell her about me- what if she leaves me- then what?..... Just who is Adrianna Iris Cosgrove- a clinical fashion designer- or a secret agent working for CSI- Miami?-or a black beautiful lady born into a royal family? Lucian Armstrong, Miami’s wealthiest businessman, an ideal man with a dangerous secret that makes him stay away from women, due to fear of rejection, seeks to expel himself in his world of cold, chilling nature.... Two worlds collide, when Adrianna Mets Lucian , after a series of events, led her to fall in love with him, Lucian rejects her love , but Adrianna will stop at nothing to prove to him that “ A nice girl truly exists .

    DaoistvxdPjP · perkotaan
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  • Prequel to the Seven Deadly Sins

    A encyclopedia encompassing almost all criminal elements, the Chinese version of “Criminal Minds” and a live version of “CSI”. One protagonist is a criminal genius who grew up in prison, while the other is a brilliant police officer who grew up in a police station. The criminal genius joins a major criminal organization, whose members include murderers, robbers, thieves, rapists, drug traffickers, beggars, and prostitutes. The police select three of the most outstanding officers from across the country to go undercover: a detective, a Vietnam War veteran, and a military instructor in the People’s Armed Police. Based on the evidence obtained by the undercover officers, the police successfully dismantle several key members of the criminal organization. However, during the final arrest, the identities of the three undercover officers are exposed, and they are abandoned on a deserted island, their fate unknown. This is the latest masterpiece by author Spider, a must-read sci-fi novel of the year. Translated into English: "Spider’s latest masterpiece, a sci-fi novel that combines almost all elements of crime, the Chinese version of ‘Criminal Minds,’ and a live version of ‘CSI.’ One is a criminal prodigy who grew up in prison, and the other is a genius police officer who grew up in a police station. The criminal prodigy joins a major criminal organization consisting of murderers, robbers, thieves, rapists, drug lords, beggars, and prostitutes. The police select three of the most exceptional officers nationwide to work undercover: a detective, a Vietnam War veteran, and a military instructor in the People’s Armed Police. Based on the evidence obtained by the undercover agents, the police gradually dismantle key members of the criminal organization. However, during the final arrest, the identities of the three undercover officers are exposed, and they are left stranded on a deserted island, their survival uncertain… This is Spider’s latest groundbreaking work, a must-read sci-fi novel of the year."

    Yuncheng_Zhao · Seram
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    Alexa Smith es una chica de 20 años, quien la vida la ha golpeado tan duramente, arrebatando lo más preciado que ella tenía, en un trágico accidente. La pérdida de sus padres y la situación en la que el accidente había dejado a su hermano, la hizo convertirse en una chica ruda, impulsiva e inexpresiva cuando de los sentimientos se habla, y que se dejó envolver en un mundo del que no habría posibilidades de salir ilesa. Llevando a cuestas su doloroso pasado que lucha por ocultar, el destino pone en su camino al chico más peligroso con el que pudo toparse y que pondrá su mundo patas arriba. Zack Sellers. Toda su fisonomía grita peligro, sus ojos reflejan la frialdad que hay en él, y su temperamento delata lo agresivo que puede llegar a ser. Sumándose a eso, el hecho de que es uno de los narcotraficantes más buscados por la CSIS (Servicio de Inteligencia de Canadá). Ante ese hecho, Alexa se verá abrumada por la situación y las emociones que el chico malo despierta en ella. Lo que ambos no vieron venir es que el chico malo se convertiría en su salvavidas, y la chica insensible despertaría sentimientos enterrados. Serían su lugar seguro y su perdición.

    Paloma_Novelo · perkotaan
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  • Book of Blood

    The Novel is Set in the Shore of Fort Cochin, India where the legendary Portuguese sailor vasco da gama was buried during his iconic travel expedition in December 24, 1524 . Years after his death his remains were unearthed and shifted to portugese, even after 497 years of his death the church where he was buried is now an heritage site under govt of India,named St. Francis CSI church. Father Kennedy a priest and a parapsychologist by profession joins the church as a senior pastor unearths secret tunnel to the grave of gama from where he discovers the diary of the legendary sailor termed “Book of Blood” , from there a mystery of extraordinary events happen.

    shinasibnshukoor · Seram
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  • His Devilish Wife

    Cerina thought she had everything she needed in life , a loving family ,rich background , loyal friends and a romantic fiancee . But who would have thought all was a farce as she caught her fiancee sleeping with one of her best friends . Fate brought her to Kyle ,who could fairly relate with her pain . They ended getting married because of their parents and thus began their story

    DaoistsA7CSi · perkotaan
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    Alexa Smith is a 20 year old girl, who has been hit so hard by life, taking away the most precious thing she had, in a tragic accident. The loss of her parents and the situation in which the accident had left her brother, made her become a rude, impulsive and expressionless girl when talking about feelings, and who allowed herself to be enveloped in a world of which there would be no possibilities. to get out unscathed. Carrying her painful past that she struggles to hide, fate puts on her way the most dangerous boy she could meet and who will turn her world upside down. Zack Sellers. Her entire physiognomy screams danger, her eyes reflect the coldness in her, and her temperament reveals how aggressive she can be. Adding to that, the fact that he is one of the most wanted drug traffickers by the CSIS (Canadian Intelligence Service). Given that fact, Alexa will be overwhelmed by the situation and the emotions that the bad boy awakens in her. What they both didn't see coming is that the bad boy would become their lifeline, and the callous girl would awaken buried feelings. They would be her safe place and her undoing.

    Paloma_Novelo · perkotaan
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  • Disangled

    When an demon outbreak occurs, CSI Adamsta Williams comes to know of his true history and responsibility. Allied with gods, he must stop the demons before they take over the entire earth, or humanity will cease to exist. How will he survive this when he is chaos himself. His only savior, a 500 year old man, who is depressed and is a living parasite of Adamsta's body. Enter Aman Chaurasia.

    GodGamerz_5579 · Fantasi
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