
Review Detail of aaron_randleas in Dreadwolf, Lord of Runes

Ulasan detail


At the time of this review, there are only 31 chapters. From what has been released so far, I can say a great idea and story. Now with only 30+ chapters there's not been a super ton of plot development. However, what has happened is detailed, thought out, interesting, and enjoyable. The characters are diverse, and realistic. The author is blending sci-fi, fantasy(my opinion), dystopian, supernatural, and cultivation into a piece of art. The only flaw I can see at this time is that the Levels or Ranks are not full defined yet. We get a general view but it is still unclear at this time. I expect as the story progresses that this aspect will become clear, but at this point it is still muddy. This is something that might bother new readers coming into this story. Having said that, it really doesn't matter this early in the story because of everything else that is happening. TRY. If you do anything else just try the story. If you give it a chance you'll find yourself emersed into a captivating world. You have nothing to lose by trying. This author is a incredible story teller that will suck you in and not let go. This is purely my opinion. Try and decide for yourself if it is worth it or not. Thanks for giving us this gift of a story.

Dreadwolf, Lord of Runes


Disukai oleh 1 orang




Thank you :)