
Review Detail of N0_Hope in Dragon Ball One Power Level Per Second

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So let me understand the situation... you go to a world of infinite possibilities . One place where a lot of the best waifus in anime are and you decide No-harem is the way to go ? I mean it's your novel but any decent man with the tiniest of lust would go the harem way if given the possibility to have power.... Power without joy is just useless garbage.. You need things to enjoy life, power, materials and women.... you are directly cutting a third of the joy in life..

Dragon Ball One Power Level Per Second


Disukai oleh 7 orang




because MOST if not almost ALL harem will make any and all fanfics TRASH there are some good ones but they are far and few between any of them and fanfic are even rarer to find and the MC personality needs to fit it in the first place and this MC does not fit in to that group and not only that ITS THE WRITERS DECISION if they want it to be a harem or not so take your clown card and leave

N0_Hope:Depraved yes but certain that many man given the chance would go for it , why do I need to lie if this is the most logic outcome ? Unless the man who got transmigrated liked other man/ had no manhood or had no brain.

Don’t lump all men in with your depraved mindset bub.


Depraved yes but certain that many man given the chance would go for it , why do I need to lie if this is the most logic outcome ? Unless the man who got transmigrated liked other man/ had no manhood or had no brain.

Trewan_Games:Don’t lump all men in with your depraved mindset bub.

i like harems in novels especially when its multiverse and have no trouble accepting a main character with 1 wife, and i also have eyes and can see that in the tags there is no harem tag


i mean i wouldnt expect anything else from a man With no hope of being saved, but at least talk about the novel having bad grammar or something





pathetic excuse

User_Derp:because MOST if not almost ALL harem will make any and all fanfics TRASH there are some good ones but they are far and few between any of them and fanfic are even rarer to find and the MC personality needs to fit it in the first place and this MC does not fit in to that group and not only that ITS THE WRITERS DECISION if they want it to be a harem or not so take your clown card and leave

you just dont even understand then or you did not even read past the first part of the reply as i said in that reply "That there are some that do good harem writing" so i was never giving a big no to harem but that harem would not fit in this fanfic at all and will ruin it instead

N0_Hope:pathetic excuse