
Review Detail of The_First_kaiju in Criminal X : Epitome Of Evil

Ulasan detail


Well what can I say, this book is good work but... it's still not the best. I'm no hater but here me out on this one. *takes deep breath* Let's start with the world building, wonderful well structured up a point I would rate it five stars for it's realism but it's got an issue related to character design but that's for later. Update stability speaks for itself. Story development..., this is where things start to go down hill, the main thing about this novel is its magics-realism nature that was poorly done, the story makes no sense the amount of crimes committed by the mc is unreasonable and impossible, 85000 rape attempts? he could rape someone every day for all his life and still wouldn't reach it! come on author be practical, then there's the lack of professionalism in the first court thing that's so off putting like be honest, crucifixion ? I get that he's the ultimate evil but I think the judge could do better than that, ignoring the barbarism, and weird mindset required, history has had worse death sentences than that ignoring the modern ones too. I would go on but I leave that for character design Character design the worst of the bunch, your concept the ultimate evil person... but explain how he got caught? like how someone capable of commiting that much crime have that much evidence, finger prints from which year, too old to know about CCTV and since when did... I'll leave it at this. *sighs* you know it hurts because I love the concept of the book that much, but anyway this is My opinion do what you want, you can do better though

Criminal X : Epitome Of Evil


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I'll change my review if I feel there is good enough a change, keep doing what you are doing author san