
Review Detail of 1emanresU in Knight's Journey in Westeros

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The writing quality is awful, the fact that the author thinks he has any right to criticize 'A Knight's Tale's' grammar is hilarious. Update stability is fine. Story development is bad, he wakes up, immediately heads to Harrenhall for the tourney, runs into multiple, severel hundred strong groups of 'vikings' (yeah I know), massacres them all, out of knowhere he just gets a group of camp followers, I could go on but I won't, basically, stuff just happens and the MC never faces any challenges. The character design might even be worse than the story development, there is no depth to any of them and every man, woman, lord and peasant simps for the MC, it's painful to read. The world background would be fine since it has already been created by G.R.R.M but the author ruins what little good there is with his own additions, like Robert Baratheon being a serial killer, and his ignorance of the world. Don't waste your time on this. Reading all the positive reviews for this fic has genuinely made me lose some of my faith in humanity, how could any self respecting person with a fully functioning brain think that this is a 5 star novel?

Knight's Journey in Westeros


Disukai oleh 15 orang




fanfic or nah, there must be some amount of reality involved here. not to mention the craziness of 'vikings' showing up in a world they shouldn't be in.

Swordbringer:uhhh...fanfic section... duhhh🙄

uhhh...fanfic section... duhhh🙄


I know this is a fanfic, how does that invalidate any statement I made?

Swordbringer:uhhh...fanfic section... duhhh🙄

The fact that the author pinned a comment that only spammed emojis and gave the book 5 stars is sad.