
Review Detail of MilkIsYummy in League of Legends - My E-Sports Dream!

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I did not know what I expected going into this story but it by far exceed whatever thoughts I had. The story excellently portrays the main character and their doubts and thoughts about themselves and goals but also their surroundings and the other people. Great work is put into the characterization, including what the mc realizes and notes about the others as well. While if you don't have league knowledge you won't know what's happening, if you do the actual gameplay is interesting and well done. Overall, while short it was a excellent read and the author should be proud of what they've written. I recommend you read it.

League of Legends - My E-Sports Dream!


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Oki, then I'll make one :3 I guess I will just link it everywhere as soon as it exists xD Besides that I'll try my best to believe in myself. I think most part is about me being scared of making mistakes, which in my imagination leads to other ppl not liking me. It's not even smth that's present so much right now, nobody's angry at me for making mistakes, but it happened a lot in the past. I was very lonely, escaping to the internet world, trying to become a LoL pro. I'm very aware of it, and working on it constantly. Besides that I'm actually pretty happy in life. Writing as a hobby is great and much better for me than LoL. I was playing for about 12 years, trying to go pro in at least the last 8 of them. I got burned out pretty fast, but kept going anyway. Forcing myself to play 8+ hours of league every day wasn't good at all xD I'm really glad that I started uploading this story and can see myself enjoying writing for the rest of my life. Thank you for believing in me 🧡


Thank you for these words, they made me tear up a bit ;_; I'm struggling a lot to convince myself that I'm doing fine, especially when it comes to making mistakes and trying out new things. Hearing that you liked it means a lot to me <3 A question (you don't have to answer but it would help me): I've been thinking about making a Discord server. Do you think that would be a good idea? I use Discord a lot, and it would probably help with building a community, but maybe it's too early for that. I've seen mostly bigger authors doing it :o It would be nice to have some people I can reach out to when it comes to feedback, especially for potential new projects. I can't really tell if anyone would be interested, though xD I wanted to use LoL as a start since I know a lot about it and e-sports, but I won't keep writing about it forever. So, at some point, I'll do "my own thing" and then it's probably going to be harder finding people who are interested.


Sorry for responding a bit late, but I for one enjoy your writing a lot. You should be proud of what you're doing! For 10 chapters your doing an excellent job and don't be to hard on yourself! I suppose if you would like too, feel free to make one. It couldn't hurt and it wouldn't have to be anything crazy just for the mean time. I don't use discord a ton, but i'd join and chat about this story and stuff for sure. Your plan for writing sound perfectly fine to me. In my eyes, writing about LoL and games that your comfortable in to build up skill and confidence sounds great. I imagine by then a lot of your fans from your gaming stories will appreciate you as a writer and will read whatever your write. These are just my thoughts, but sounds like you have a lid on things.


No, yeah I imagine starting something as new and different like this would lead anyone to a little bit of second guessing or being self conscious. Something to consider with that is what you see as a mistake might just be you still developing your writing ability and that's expected. Plus even if you do make one, you're making this stuff for us for free, people are understanding and definitely not that vindictive. Though I do gotta agree, writing is definitely mentally healthier then League. That many hours sounds like a long time, it's good your stepping back and trying something new. If you still have that passion that's great, but making sure your healthy about it and it's coming from the right place is important. I can understand and relate, being kind to yourself is a struggle. We become entrenched in our ways and want to fall back to what's normal even if that's not what's best. Thank you for being brave enough to take the first step yourself and just starting. 👍


Yes, I will try and see it it as just improving. My next novel is definitely gonna have some errors in story-telling (and other stuff probably), but I'm willing to go through that. I already have an idea for my 3rd novel and I'm very hyped for it. It's lowkey smth I've been working on since 2018 (unconsistently). Although I just started writing novels, I wanted to have my own anime back then, so I started creating that story xD In order to be able to make that novel great, I want to "get all the int ouf my system", as one would say in league, with the 1st and 2nd one xD Basically preparing myself for writing a master piece (hopefully x.x) I might play a bit league when the new season hits. The new map changes are smth I've been awaiting for years, and also the mage items seem to be pretty cool :3 But I will keep it to a minimum for my own good XD

MilkIsYummy:No, yeah I imagine starting something as new and different like this would lead anyone to a little bit of second guessing or being self conscious. Something to consider with that is what you see as a mistake might just be you still developing your writing ability and that's expected. Plus even if you do make one, you're making this stuff for us for free, people are understanding and definitely not that vindictive. Though I do gotta agree, writing is definitely mentally healthier then League. That many hours sounds like a long time, it's good your stepping back and trying something new. If you still have that passion that's great, but making sure your healthy about it and it's coming from the right place is important. I can understand and relate, being kind to yourself is a struggle. We become entrenched in our ways and want to fall back to what's normal even if that's not what's best. Thank you for being brave enough to take the first step yourself and just starting. 👍

That sounds hella cool, what type of story were you thinking? What kind of anime were you thinking of? Did you draw inspiration from any current ones? Oh shoot, I didn't realize they were making changes like that. That's hype! Hopefully they rebalance some of the stuff going on rn. I haven't actually played in a bit, it just wasn't as fun when my friends and I got busy with life ya know.


It's definitely inspired by a lot of stuff I watched at that time, which I only realized a bit later on. Not to a point where it's obvious or necessarily bad, but it made me want to change up the things just so its actually someting original. I'd say it's a mix of HxH, One Piece, Attack on Titan, Black Clover, Naruto, Avatar The Last Airbender, somewhat Promised Neverland (like a mini arc similar to its 1st season xD), maybe even a bit My Hero Academia :3 So pretty much all my favorite shonen except for Black Clover which I didn't like THAT much but there's a character similar to one of that show. Not Asta though. No endless screaming o_o I'm still working on the setting, there's still something missing that would hook the reader I feel like. Recently I had a nice idea of merging this universe together with one of a roleplay that I'd done with a friend and now I already like it much more. I can't tell to much about it yet, but the protagonists main conflict is going to be that he wants to bring piece to a world of war without hurting anyone. (Similar to Aangs and Dekus struggles, but even more than them, since they more so care about not killing anyone, but don't care too much about if they hurt someone) Besides all the ideas I have gathered, I'm worried that it might be too limited in what can actually happen in the story. Idk how to explain it exactly, but in HxH for example I liked it a lot that the plot was free to go anywhere it wanted to. It's so diverse in having the hunter exam, then a training/torunament arc, suddenly they're in a game and then fighting against killer ants. Idk what happens afterward but the next arc is probably gonna be wild too, if it ever comes out xD The setting of HxH isn't even that complex, it's lowkey just the normal world with a bit of super powers and some weird creatures with the protagonist trying to find his dad. So maybe I should losen my setting a bit, if I want to bee able to be more free in what can happen. Then on the other hand something like Attack on Titan I would say is actually pretty limited, because they can't go anywhere just chilling behind the walls, but because of the secret of the titans and the outside world it's super interesting and open again. Maybe I just need some secrets in my story xD With the new map in LoL it's like they put a new play carpet into the room of a child. At first it's gonna be super hype having different paths and objectives but at some point it'll feel normal again. Still very nice. They should do it every season probably like Dota2 and Smite do as well. And yea, the first few years when I played with friends it was much more fun than grinding ranked. At the same time normal games got boring, because I was more skilled than the average players and just stomped every game. I wanted a challenge. So lowkey I would have been happier if I just sucked at the game and kept playing with my friends xD

MilkIsYummy:That sounds hella cool, what type of story were you thinking? What kind of anime were you thinking of? Did you draw inspiration from any current ones? Oh shoot, I didn't realize they were making changes like that. That's hype! Hopefully they rebalance some of the stuff going on rn. I haven't actually played in a bit, it just wasn't as fun when my friends and I got busy with life ya know.