
Review Detail of Zader in Danmachi: I have a Simulator!

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The Simulation system is a literal legitimate CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) story system but one with actual tangible rewards base on how well the MC does. And I gotta say that is an amazing concept that I've never seen before. I am worried about how the plot will work out as a system like this IS fascinating, but easily and quickly will/can run into "The Gamer" issue of the MC reaching a point so unbelievably powerful in such a short time that the writer HAS to railroad ways in such that the MC at least has a chance to loose/fail, and even those that are done correctly are very few in number. Or the writer just doesn't try and the story becomes nothing but wish fulfillment power fantasy that a 10-12 year old would think is the best thing since a pizza and ice cream party/birthday. Those CAN be fun once in awhile too no matter how old you get/are. The dialogue comes out a bit strange so far, with the MC literally SAYING he is a new arrival to someone and them responding by asking the MC if they are new here... And that is just one of many instances. So dialogues need re-orderings if not full rewrites. Otherwise treat it like a half CN translated story and turn part of your brain off when reading... Here is to hoping that things turn out great and looking forward to reading more, if for nothing else than because of this story's spin on a simulation system. This was written after chapter 10 (just after starting chapter 11 Rewards)

Danmachi: I have a Simulator!


Disukai oleh 9 orang




you can read 300 chap on a website


Any recommendations on similar stories?


simulation system existed way before in cn novels... you were probably under a rock


also it's supposed to be overpowered for a reason (its a system... he has a lifetime of experience condensed into one simulation with those talents......)


it's not done that often so it's understandable

jinmorifan_2:simulation system existed way before in cn novels... you were probably under a rock

He encontrado muchas historias de simulación de vida, tanto aquí, en web nivel, como en otras paginas como wuxia y similares, se usa este sistema predominantemente en las novelas chinas, si tienes suerte, la historia es decente al principio, y luego se vuelve difícil de seguir leyendo, ni más ni menos, porque incluso sin leer, la historia no deja de repetir las mismas tramas una y otra vez y puedes predecir el final, con el mc rodeado de mujeres siendo el dios absoluto de su mundo o mundos, o terminar rodeado de los cadáveres de sus enemigos sin nadie que pueda vencerlo, convirtiendose en el mas fuerte del universo, he leído tantas historias chinas que los finales se vuelven predecibles, especialmente cuando solo terminan de dos o tres maneras distintas.