
Review Detail of Endless_Crow in I Am in Marvel with Unlimited Cards

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Writing Quality: Subpar. I know a lot of it is that the translator can't change the authors story and some things just don't translate well, but the fact remains... it needs work. That's doubly so for the research the author put in. There are a LOT of inaccuracies. Stability of Updates: No problems here. The translator/re-translator is on top of it. Story Development: Look... I don't wanna bash the work put into this Fic, but the story could use a re-write. It starts off as something you would expect out of a Chinese cultivation novel. It doesn't really change overall. That's the simple truth. Character Design: Poor. In most cases, the author doesn't manage to capture the essence of the characters he's trying to portray. World Background: As I mentioned, the research... or rather, the lack thereof for this Fic shows. Read the first five chapters and you'll see what I'm talking about. If not, or if you just don't care either way, then this might just be the novel for you.

I Am in Marvel with Unlimited Cards


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Honestly... not doing well. My dad passed away unexpectedly some months back and it hit me hard. Heck, it hit my whole family hard. I took some time for myself, and I thought I was getting better. I was wrong. I made the decision to undergo therapy. And it was my therapist herself who recommended I not write anything else until I worked through it (Even though I wanted too.). She was worried I might use it as an escape from the reality I faced. I thought she was full of crap, but I did what she asked. Turns out, she wasn't the one that was full of crap. I was. See, I had a lot I needed to work through... way more than I originally thought. It's taken more time than I had hoped, but I am feeling like myself again. I plan to start writing again soon. P.S. The story you referenced is called "Dragon Ball Saga: Conquest". I'm glad you liked it.

_Arthas_:You here, how are you, so I basically stopped by to ask about you writing again, I liked some of the stories you wrote Dragon Boll Conquest, I think that was it, I don't remember the title well.

You here, how are you, so I basically stopped by to ask about you writing again, I liked some of the stories you wrote Dragon Boll Conquest, I think that was it, I don't remember the title well.


I understand, I wish the best for you and your family, loss is always difficult and especially for those we love very much, it takes us down, but life goes on. It's good that you are taking care of your emotions with the help of a psychologist, many deny this type of treatment by running away, or pretending that there is nothing wrong with them. I hope you write again eventually, and you may even write a new work. That time my father was reincarnated in "Skyrim". Or something like that in honor of him.

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