
Review Detail of John_Geo in Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

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tbh author i really dont give a f*** about the side characters theyre just forgettable tbh so a whole chapter centered on a side character is really just an enormous waste of time (unless its about mcs maid/brother or something unfortunate happening to a hateable character)

Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!


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Please stop reading my novel then. Your presence is not welcomed if you cannot even write normal comments. I accept critique but you are not giving me constructive critique.You are just acting like a child.Bye


i am being geniuine the characters are completely forgettable except for like 3 characters and the mc

HideousGrain:Please stop reading my novel then. Your presence is not welcomed if you cannot even write normal comments. I accept critique but you are not giving me constructive critique.You are just acting like a child.Bye

i can understand that youre trying to add like a supporting character that acts like a supposed rival to make it more interesting but you did it by adding a younger character thats supposed to be way behind and the mc even has a x2 time advantage but you made the mc seem incompetent as if his older brother who is a decently experienced lord didnt train and spar with him those 3 new elite students made more sense as rivals are and are alot more memorable than any of the previous characters

HideousGrain:Please stop reading my novel then. Your presence is not welcomed if you cannot even write normal comments. I accept critique but you are not giving me constructive critique.You are just acting like a child.Bye