
Review Detail of SUS in Actor (Oshi no Ko Fanfic)

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Dear readers,I hope you don't mind if I take a moment to express my feelings and thoughts. Recently, I received another one-star review from a reader who was disappointed by the inclusion of AI deaths in my novel. Initially, I tried to ignore it, understanding that everyone has different preferences and opinions. However, after receiving yet another one-star review, I feel compelled to address this matter.I fully respect the freedom of expression, and I understand that not everyone will appreciate every aspect of my story. If someone were to rate the story development as one star, I would be disheartened but accepting of their viewpoint. However, it is important to acknowledge that giving everything else in the book one star solely because of the AI deaths is biased. To warrant a total rating of one star, every aspect of the book would need to be one star, which I am confident is not the case.While I acknowledge that not all aspects of my novel may be rated as five stars, I am certain that the other elements do not deserve such low ratings, such as update stability. I invite you to examine each aspect individually and provide fair and constructive feedback. If you genuinely feel that story development deserves one star, that is entirely fair. However, please refrain from attributing one-star ratings to other areas solely because of personal dislike for the story direction. It is important to remember the hours of hard work and dedication I have poured into this project.Currently, my novel has an overall rating of 4.1, and such negative reviews can have a significant impact on its potential readership. I kindly request that you consider this before posting reviews that solely focus on the AI deaths and award one-star ratings across the board.In an effort to maintain a balanced representation of reader opinions, I have decided to remove all one-star reviews related to AI deaths, except for one. If you agree with that particular review, I encourage you to show your support by liking the comment and replying to it. This will help maintain transparency and allow readers to form their own opinions.Once again, I apologize for this emotional outpouring, but it was important for me to address this issue. Thank you for taking the time to consider my perspective.Sincerely,Sus

Actor (Oshi no Ko Fanfic)


Disukai oleh 12 orang




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