
Review Detail of there_but_not in Hell Doctor

Ulasan detail


Sesshomaru should be demolishing meioshi in a fight but chapter 10 is so fucking annoying the way he’s losing

Hell Doctor


Disukai oleh 1 orang




I'm not sure how to reply to this one effectively, but I will say "too soon" as in you're judging things too early. Sesshomaru's not using his full strength in the first fight. He's testing Meioshi's strength at surface level. He's not supposed to go "all-out" this early in this series; otherwise, we'd both be bored and there'd be no point to this. Without the sequel's inclusion, if you're thinking how I'm thinking, he would need a compelling reason to fight given his new god-tier level of strength. I will consider your review, however, because I might not have made the results of the fight in Chapter 10 clear enough if you think Sesshomaru lost. Meioshi doesn't beat him in the fight. The fight was unfinished. What's probably annoying you more is her catching him off guard. Which is good news! You're thinking like him. He SHOULD be able to beat her easily, so why didn't he? What's hiding beneath the surface? Regardless of all of this, I would like to thank you for your engagement. At the very least, your honesty is appreciated. I don't get much feedback, and the feedback that I do get is from some troll. Not exactly what I'm looking for in a constructive criticism but what can you do? However, if you find this story isn't your "cup of tea", I won't be mad if you decide to discontinue reading in the future. Thank you for your feedback once again, though! Cheers!