
Review Detail of D_Wolf in Frosted World: Build A God-level Shelter

Ulasan detail


As of now the first 20 chapters it is a prepper story. I remember a while back there was a movie about an 'instant' ice age. Where areas of the world would freeze instantly as if the temp suddenly dropped to near absolute zero from hot 100F temps. It started happening in small areas then in increasingly larger zones. Then a group started to try to stave off the 'end of the world' from the ice age caused by 'global warming'. This one has the same concept and even is looking like it is actually the exact same except there does not really seem to be anything that can be done to stop it, and it is told from a different perspective. The MC is a guy who has a superpower that allows him to have dreams of future disasters. Those dreams can be verified by him because everyone that is real gives him a physique power up. Now at this point he is a rather rich playboy who has recently been having the ice age end of the world scenario with the instant onset which followed record high temps for a while. He is currently in the high temps and finally decides to build himself a survival shelter. Not the worst as a what if scenario with an MC with a somewhat interesting cheat. Using 'scientific' theories about what will happen as a result of 'global warming' in the story makes be look more at the author as being another one of those buying into the concept that if we can't find a disaster to take advantage of lets create one. Lets sensationalize some disaster theory and give it popular support so that we can utilize it to mobilize the peons into a direction that we deem useful for our own purpose.

Frosted World: Build A God-level Shelter

Shelter Administrator

Disukai oleh 12 orang




Pseudo-science is all about creating a theory and then trying to prove it right - global warming community here. Real science is all about creating a theory and then trying to prove it wrong, then updating the theory. Eventually the theory is upgraded in name. Postulate, theorem, law, ect... In real science nothing has ever been proven right, as everything is always still open to being proven wrong, or more accurately our laws of nature that have withstood all sorts of trials trying to disprove them, are only considered to be true until proven otherwise.

AwfulAbsoluteSweet:Found a conservative who probably believes in psuedo-science instead of actual scientific research. Global warming is inevitable, yes, but we’re accelerating it drastically with what we’re doing

Why is your rating so low if you liked it?


they liked the novel, but not the similarities between it and a certain viewpoint. The fact the novel has pretty much exactly followed the narrative of said viewpoint is most probably the reason the rating is "low".

okaayyyyyy:Why is your rating so low if you liked it?

also 2.5 stars is half, which is "average" not low (the reason I dislike the 5 star max rating system)

FreddyDeathBear:they liked the novel, but not the similarities between it and a certain viewpoint. The fact the novel has pretty much exactly followed the narrative of said viewpoint is most probably the reason the rating is "low".

I wish every book can have someone explain it like you, I will call you father and kneel


My rating on this one is based on the 5 subset ratings. The translation was ok at best, and then there is the problems that I had with the characters and the story itself. As far as like goes, I cant say I liked the story, more that it was ok to read but had a bunch of issues that I would have rather not have to work through.

okaayyyyyy:Why is your rating so low if you liked it?

Yh I guess that's pretty understandable then.

D_Wolf:My rating on this one is based on the 5 subset ratings. The translation was ok at best, and then there is the problems that I had with the characters and the story itself. As far as like goes, I cant say I liked the story, more that it was ok to read but had a bunch of issues that I would have rather not have to work through.

Sensationalize some disaster? You sound like someone who thinks global warming is fake


Found a conservative who probably believes in psuedo-science instead of actual scientific research. Global warming is inevitable, yes, but we’re accelerating it drastically with what we’re doing

SteveWN:Sensationalize some disaster? You sound like someone who thinks global warming is fake

Comment not targeted at you my bad

SteveWN:Sensationalize some disaster? You sound like someone who thinks global warming is fake

What I believe in is scientific research that has not been overblown and sensationalized. Yes there is a concept of 'greenhouse effect', as well as 'global warming'. The problem lies in the concept of 'man-made global warming'. There is actual historical evidence of climate fluctuations, that when looked at microscopically looks like man-made global climate change, but when looked at macroscopically, just looks like natural fluctuations of the climate. The so called carbon emissions or CO2 gasses concept is also rather overblown. The world itself geologically produces somewhere on the order of 100X the amount of CO2 as does all man-made CO2 sources. As far as localized climate change, there is a concept of the heat island effect. This is where cities of steel and concrete absorb heat and lock it into its structure during the day and radiate it at night. Additionally very tall buildings break and disrupt the wind that stirs the heated air allowing it to dissipate extra heat into the natural environment. Personally I have not encountered anything ever that suggests that under current circumstances that man made global climate change is a viable concept, except maybe under the deliberate detonation of hundreds if not thousands of nuclear devices around the globe. The planet itself has many built in features that automatically correct and regulate the environment. As far as why the so called 'global climate change' initiatives are ongoing, it has to do with population control and power. Manipulate the population into believing in a relatively controllable concept that is supposedly the big scary doom of our existence and set ourselves up to be the only ones who see it as well as are willing to do anything about it. Keep pushing that scenario as all those who believe in it are willing to support your own power. All those who support you knowingly have a vested interest in keeping it alive. There is a massive initiative to support it without actually providing any real proof that has not otherwise been discounted reliably. I personally would be all in favor of all the various save the world initiatives if there was some real proof that could stand up to the scientific method. Psedo-science is all about creating a theory and then trying to prove it right - global warming community here. Real science is all about creating a theory and then trying to prove it wrong, then updating the theory. Eventually the theory is upgraded in name. Postulate, theorem, law, ect... In real science nothing has ever been proven right, as everything is always still open to being proven wrong, or more accurately our laws of nature that have withstood all sorts of trials trying to disprove them, are only considered to be true until proven otherwise.

AwfulAbsoluteSweet:Found a conservative who probably believes in psuedo-science instead of actual scientific research. Global warming is inevitable, yes, but we’re accelerating it drastically with what we’re doing