
Review Detail of Lamella in Willther

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Hello, I'm really grateful that you've clicked on this web-novel. Whether it turned out well, or not, I sincerely hope that you've given this a chance. The prequel is barely the size of your thumb, and it shows you the aspirations for this story; how I write; what it entails; pacing... Well, to be honest, the first few chapters (Prequel to The Beginning) can be skipped over and won't have major implications on your understanding of the plot. It just gives you an extra boost for reading immersion! Before you scroll away, I humbly ask you to try the prequel, and maybe we'll stick far together? Either way, that click you made (perhaps a few seconds ago) on this novel already helped me a lot.



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I'm really trying to dish out some quality chapters, because I know how the story flows matters. I'm a picky reader myself, and if I feel like grammar poses too much of a barrier, I ditch it and look for another novel. Often, it ends up as a fruitless search.