
Review Detail of Ash_Monarch in The Four Swords

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*fixes his suit adjusting monocle* Welcome fellow daoists of reading... to another Ash review!! (I've lost count what number this is, but we'll just sneakily gloss over that fact). Ahem, this review should hopefully cover everything and give you the little push needed to read this book (don't let the low number of chaps fool you). I'm not so good with reviews, but I shall try my best! If not... well I offer myself to be eternally shamed and humiliated *internally sweats* Ahem, that said, let's jump in right away. Writing Quality: First off is writing quality... and you can immediately tell that the writing quality stands out from other novels on this platform. It's very, very high and one can tell the author knows what they're doing. Great! 5/5 Story development: I've read up to the latest chap: Chapter 23 (when this review was made) and I can say that the story has progressed quite nicely. I don't want to spoil anything really, but I will say that the prophecy in the beginning has caused quite a few conflicts and unfavourable situations, which is always a good sign when to us readers when reading. Very good. 5/5 Updating Stability: The update stability is great! The author uploads a chap every single day, which is hard to do, so props to the author. If you're worried about lack of updates, then fret not because the author has shown they're very consistent. I do also wanna mention, that reading this has become part of my daily routine and I look forward to new chaps each and every single day. Excellent! 5/5 Character Design: The MC's name is Jack and he is quite the character. The story is written in first person, so we get to look through his eyes and experience his daily life. Jack's personality is more of the subdued type, preferring books over fighting with a blade... however, that isn't to say his mouth isn't razor sharp when it needs to be. (He can easily win a battle of words.) Some of his statements have made smile and laugh. Next is the sidecharacters and they are well made with more depth being added to them the more we read. Particularly Jack's friends and siblings. Awesome... 5/5 World Background: Due to the point of the story where this review was made at, not much of the World has been revealed, however we are slowly finding out more and more with each chap. I'm excited to find out more! 5/5 (because what has been revealed is very interesting.) Finally, just want to leave a little appreciation message for the author: It takes courage to publish your work out into the world. I hope that more people will read the fruits of your labour and enjoy it. Thanks for writing! And thank you for gracing us with a chapter every day! :) P.s: I apologise in advance if the review is bad 😅

The Four Swords


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Thank you so much!