
Review Detail of Sorouko in BNHA: Singularity

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Yes this is a really good author but at the same time he just makes romance boring, he writes it really well but there has to be a balance between the main story and romance. And every single time the romance eventually is just too much and it brings the plot to a halt. It becomes tedious to read. Author I love your novels but please tone down the romance a little.

BNHA: Singularity


Disukai oleh 196 orang




no it normal because many harem fanfic had more than 20 girl so i guess i can try to read it

prometheus:that's way too many

Exactly, also Harem doesn't mean "all the female cast" ... My guy always takes it too far on that front. Otherwise his works would actually rank among the best of the best if not for that quirk😤


I really hope that doesn't happen, I'm enjoying it so far


Then there will be a bunch of people complaining that the harem is too small and to make it bigger hahahahaha 🤣🤣


True lol

Maya_Matengele:Exactly, also Harem doesn't mean "all the female cast" ... My guy always takes it too far on that front. Otherwise his works would actually rank among the best of the best if not for that quirk😤

There is no Harem tag in all the 10 tags. Hopefully it won't be harem


i hope it's a harem..

LittleDemon47:There is no Harem tag in all the 10 tags. Hopefully it won't be harem

harems must be big

Maya_Matengele:Exactly, also Harem doesn't mean "all the female cast" ... My guy always takes it too far on that front. Otherwise his works would actually rank among the best of the best if not for that quirk😤

So far the author seems to be more inclined with the plot and story than romance. I think the author is doing a great job with a balance of them both. And also to one of the comments, I would prefer him to have all the female leads as his harem. Not just some of them


it's pretty easy to tell who has commitment issues in these comments


It is, the author lied and said it wasn't because he knew a lot of people were gonna stop reading.

LittleDemon47:There is no Harem tag in all the 10 tags. Hopefully it won't be harem

That's all harems really are, besides an ego booster. There's never a need for a harem.

prometheus:it's pretty easy to tell who has commitment issues in these comments

unfathomably based

Zom_bloog:That's all harems really are, besides an ego booster. There's never a need for a harem.

It's best to avoid a harem.


I never once lied, so take a chill pill, mate.

Zom_bloog:It is, the author lied and said it wasn't because he knew a lot of people were gonna stop reading.

You literally did though, you claimed it wasn't gonna be a harem multiple times in different chapters, and then guess what. You made it a harem

Einlion:I never once lied, so take a chill pill, mate.

Fr though, and you see how there's been no one to defend harems and say otherwise? It's because they themselves recognize this, and because they have no words to defend themselves. It always ends up with them saying "B-b-but there's so many hot women, he can't just have one and he's super powerful so one woman can't handle his godly prowess in bed"

_Bruh:unfathomably based

Wrong. I said I wasn't planning to make the novel a harem but that I might change my mind later on. Feel free to go back and read my actual comments.

Zom_bloog:You literally did though, you claimed it wasn't gonna be a harem multiple times in different chapters, and then guess what. You made it a harem

Nah, it's more like most people don't bother to get into debates in the review section of a novel when they could be reading xD...

Zom_bloog:Fr though, and you see how there's been no one to defend harems and say otherwise? It's because they themselves recognize this, and because they have no words to defend themselves. It always ends up with them saying "B-b-but there's so many hot women, he can't just have one and he's super powerful so one woman can't handle his godly prowess in bed"

I did go back and the chapter I left off or the chapter before I stopped reading the comments you said it wasn't a harem and it wasn't gonna be a harem. And you said multiple times that you didn't want a harem. I'll give it to you, because you did change your tune and said I don't PLAN on making the story harem. But that is still lying, because you led people to believe that it wasn't gonna be a harem when you knew it was. I haven't read your other novel but majority of your readers atp have read it and I assume it has a harem which is why they want one so bad. Either way I refuse to argue with you any longer, because there is no use in arguing over something I've long since dropped and erased from my mind for the most part. It's a waste of both my time and your time. Enjoy writing your novel, which admittedly is decent and was readable before you introduced a harem.

Einlion:Wrong. I said I wasn't planning to make the novel a harem but that I might change my mind later on. Feel free to go back and read my actual comments.

Can someone please tell if his mom gets into the Harem? Please Please