
Review Detail of SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST in Marvel: Horus, God of Evolution

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The concept is cool but story wise, it's just a botched wishlist that overflows followed by perks used as more wishes, and then more and more greed that pretty much kills all excitement and makes you wonder why he didn't just wish for the three omnis and be done with it. I mean, there's no end to this guy's and and and and and and and and ands in things he gets and wants in addition to getting them handed to him without effort. There's no story to be developed, the characters design is that he has endless nepotism fulfilled by the author that kill possible angles for story development and as a result the writing quality suffers and the world background is meh. It has nice updating stability tough. It also has a wickedly cool display picture and the title to draw in views. It's just the lack of story is pretty much killing this for anyone getting past the endless wishes and perks with the two chapters afterwards.

Marvel: Horus, God of Evolution


Disukai oleh 21 orang




FINALLY!!! Someone who understands. I didn’t want to give him divinities but so many complaints, I just took those parts out. He had lost his air and light divinities. Me taking away half his divinities was a great way for Horus to meet different gods and to travel. But, people don’t see that far.