
Review Detail of TheRealEx in New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

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I stopped at around 80. Too many dumb things happen not to mention the CONSTANT POV changes thought the story. How are you supposed to focus on the story when every other chapter is about different characters that have literally no impact on the story as it is now. When the mc made an absolutely insane deal I just couldn't read anymore. Who in their right mind would make a deal where he owed an open ended favor to not just 1 person, but 4. The worst part is that what he got in return was nowhere near worth it. The story had my attention at the beginning but just got more difficult to enjoy. The story is probably good but it hit every little thing that I hate to see in a novel.

New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live


Disukai oleh 32 orang




Realistically, nobody would be dumb enough to make a deal like that. I've read too many stories where events like this are lorded over the main characters' heads for far too long. It leads to nothing but frustration.

Natsuki_Subaru_9081:So you're complaining about the realism where not everything goes acording to plan and more, i see.

So you're complaining about the realism where not everything goes acording to plan and more, i see.


the author handles the pov changes much better in later chapters and the deal annoyed me at first too but if you didn't find out what they used it for I would suggest you keep reading bc he had a plan


it's not realism when the MC can make better and sounded decision that define his personality. Even if you are will not take a deal that have no profits from it specifically when you can literally find better option. well if you call his dumb choices that do not go according to plan realistic then good for you.

Natsuki_Subaru_9081:So you're complaining about the realism where not everything goes acording to plan and more, i see.

You talk as if you use 110% of your brain to be perfect even when there isn't a way to do it. In the future, you'll learn that his decision was the best one in the end, so i feel like this discussion is useless.

JustSomeDude00:it's not realism when the MC can make better and sounded decision that define his personality. Even if you are will not take a deal that have no profits from it specifically when you can literally find better option. well if you call his dumb choices that do not go according to plan realistic then good for you.