
Review Detail of HollyLevenson in Reincarnated With The Undefeated System

Ulasan detail


Writing quality: 2 stars At least iits readable I guess? The other is a bumbling idiot. he does not know when to zip it when it comes to describing. he repeats himself a lot and its honestly irritating especially when its coming from an author with three novels in his belt. Story development: 1 star Its bad... It's real bad... The story is slow and boring, and I could barely get through 30 chaps to make this review. The pacing reminds of watching a baby trying to walk, which is ironic since the mc seems to have been a toddler his whole life. Character Design: 1 star. Just no... mc is a baby, and all other characters are stupid. COME ONE AUTHOR! YOU'VE WRITTEN THREE BOOKS! i would give this category Zero stars if I could. Update stability: 5 stars Its good. 10 chapters a week. The problem is that despite creating so many chapters a week, its worth nothing when u write garbage. world background: 1 star The power system is atrocious. It makes no sense and its overly complicated. why use the lettering system when they can literally just say the element instead? also, the lettering system is really jumbled up. A is somehow the lowest, while D is like the second highest? what?! unique but it doesn't matter when it doesn't make sense. Overall: just bad. 2 stars don't recommend. I suggest the author drops this and starts reading novels for a change. Maybe then he will know how to make a good novel and keep it alive for longer than 15 chapters. the author deleted my last review so here is a new one.

Reincarnated With The Undefeated System


Disukai oleh 39 orang




without reading much? I read 30 chapters, and from what I can see, that is more rhan enough to make a review on it. On the other hand, you seem to have the delusion that your novel is holier than thou. Look at the amount of fans u have. look at how many golden tickets you have. look at how many powerstones you have. I didn't trash on your novel because I like it. I trashed on it because the common consensus is that its bad and most people have dropped it by chapter 30.

Jeffson:Bro, talk to me, what do you want me to do? You trashed my novel without reading much. Everyone and their different taste of novels. Why this trashing?

Bro, talk to me, what do you want me to do? You trashed my novel without reading much. Everyone and their different taste of novels. Why this trashing?


sadly I can't agree more to this review that in my eyes is really honest. the only point that can be discussed is the writing quality. as a non native and an avide reader of mtl, except for the big mistake I tend to auto correct and since the chapters are pretty boring with too much stupid people for no reason I'm fast reading see less easily any problems in the writing ^^. And as far as I hate to say this cause I'm all against these type of chapters, one or two dump chapters with explanations about the power ranking (and the why), the stupid customs that don't make sense (I means in ancient time father wanted son cause only boy could inherited the family but here seems to be for another reason), and why the king is a king when he is that stupid I mean come one : criminal answer me!! no? OK then let's apply the sentence that was already decided. come on bro


the reviewer is being kind and honest, not trashing. Reviews are to honestly tell the people what the can except to read if they read said novel. Honest if I was the reviewer I wouldn't be able to stop myself from criticizing your overall intelligence.

Jeffson:Bro, talk to me, what do you want me to do? You trashed my novel without reading much. Everyone and their different taste of novels. Why this trashing?