
Review Detail of Abc_Def_1158 in I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

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bro is trying to make evil look good . I think you should have done more research. your novel is all about praising karna and degrading Krishna and pandava,you have to know that yudhisthira never become the king of hastinapur , arjuna created a kingdom called indrapasth for his elder brother even in mahabharata yuddha they wanted was indrapastha not hastinapur , in ch 47 you cursed kunti for the death of 6 people but not said anything about kaurava who had put the fire on lakshgrih you got effect of kali on your mind. let me tell youduryodhana was incarnation of kali , karna was reincarnation of a demon who was killed by Nar -Narayana (arjuna krishna) he had the boon of 10,000 armor and out of them 9,999 was destroyed by nar(arjun) karna was reincarnated with remaining one armor. It's OK if you are fan of karna I also like his kindness but you literally had made him god like , many say karna is surya putra so he is prince of celestial bodies but as indra putra arjuna is prince of deva, he even rejected the chance to be in swarga lok for his elder brother , if arjun or pandava knew karna was his elder brother they would never go against him. karna was killed for his sin of participation in abhimanyu death . Arjuna had pashupatatra that can easily destroy earth and you think he can't destroy an armor. (It was my opinion your novel your wish , but I can't see people choosing good over evil, you are fan of karna, I am fan of arjuna you had your frustration I got my frustration after reading your fan fiction , if my word hurted you then I am sorry but all I had spoken is fact you can't deny it karna was paying for his karm of previous life and was earning the karma in dwapar yug arjun also got punished for every mistake he did and he accepted it not denied like other )

I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.


Disukai oleh 33 orang




That was a good argument that you had made and I very well respect it. You didn't just mindlessly abused the author rather made well crafted arguments backed by the scriptures.


thank-you for compliment

confused4you:That was a good argument that you had made and I very well respect it. You didn't just mindlessly abused the author rather made well crafted arguments backed by the scriptures.

bro he already said this fiction is in another timeline and universe and just like Lord Vishnu said there are multiple timelines so no need to hate it


I know but he literally declared maa kunti as a greedy woman everything else doesn't matter, just this

AdiKai:bro he already said this fiction is in another timeline and universe and just like Lord Vishnu said there are multiple timelines so no need to hate it

This is a fiction so take it in same way. You have to know that every child is a blank paper and the Kauravas were taught bad by Shakuni and Shakuni was influenced by Bhishmapitama because he was of the marriage between Dhitrashtra and Mata Gandhari. Kunti was not evil but you can say that her most important mistake was leaving Karna. So take it as the author's imagination. In the story the author want to change the things that led to bad personality of many characters in Mahabharat like Duryodhana, Ashwatthama. So let's read the full novel before declaring it good or bad.


abandoning a child in river is a righteous women? if today someone did that they would be behind bars she was a greedy woman who for her greed threw her child, the same child she later begged to not kill her sons .

Abc_Def_1158:I know but he literally declared maa kunti as a greedy woman everything else doesn't matter, just this

do you really think this is a real story of something. it is just a fiction so chilled dude. just enjoy the story if there is any kind of grammar mistake or the story is not liking to your type, then comment on that don't comment what people right.


i understand your logic, but i just wanted to say some things. You told karna made a sin by killing Abhimanyu, bro it's a war what do you expect. Do you know karna has 9 sons and 8 of them died in the kurukshetra war and arjuna killed 3 sons and bhima kills one son and nakula kills 2 sons and others were killed by the other important characters.


if Arjuna had pashupatra astra didn't karna also have it, according to guru parshurama only Lord Shiva was a greater archer than karna not Arjuna, Arjuna won because of karna curses and also he had Lord Krishna with him, and for your information pashupatra wouldn't have worked on karna's armor as it was bathed in the elixir of immortality and not even Lord Shiva goes against the rules of nature, if Arjuna could have destroyed it then Krishna should not have concocted a plan to ask for it in donation to Indra. most important none of us know the actual truth because truth is written by winners not losers


Karna have committed many sins that you may have not read the actual Mahabharata . True bigshots of Mahabharata war was not Karna And Arjuna but Bheeshma and Dronacharya they were the strongest besides Lord Krishna . You said Karna is not so powerful as you make it . Arjun have defeated Karna in the battle of Viratnagar . If karna cannot be killed because of Armour then Arjuna will never lose to Karna . Arjuna had more Divya Astra form swargloka he fought Lord shiva and made him happy by fighting with weapons or by physically and had knowledge of Pasuhpatastra and Brahamashira and Brahamastra it would have been tie at most and don't forget his father was king of devas shared his Throne when he went there because he was that capable and worthy . He didn't fought anything for himself he fought for his eldest brother . If he had known Karna was his brother war would never have happened . Don't forget forget they will never lose because Lord Krishna was there who was real God and if any of the powers who interfere with Dharma they will die or he can simply wipe out Karna from existence or give boon to Arjuna of somthing and Karna will die . It's not that he is not powerful enough to kill demons or Devas he just let it be that's by they can do what they do . He is Supreme being from him all universes or multiverses emerge he exists beyond anything or nothing . be it Lord Shiva , Lord Vishnu or Lord Brahma they are his different forms that exists for the specific works in every Universe . Eventually the same .


No he didn't

Aman_Ray:if Arjuna had pashupatra astra didn't karna also have it, according to guru parshurama only Lord Shiva was a greater archer than karna not Arjuna, Arjuna won because of karna curses and also he had Lord Krishna with him, and for your information pashupatra wouldn't have worked on karna's armor as it was bathed in the elixir of immortality and not even Lord Shiva goes against the rules of nature, if Arjuna could have destroyed it then Krishna should not have concocted a plan to ask for it in donation to Indra. most important none of us know the actual truth because truth is written by winners not losers