
Review Detail of BrewingFantasies in Taming Heat

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[Reviewed on: 09-09-2022] [Reading status: 3 chapters] [Reviewer: Aysel Inara] ••••• REMARKS: - Obvious title of the book, which is quite good. Synopsis is decent enough, however I suggest to keep only 1 excerpt. - Talking about chapter 1, I liked how the flawed personality of ML is introduced right off the hop. Action scene was a good hook. - Moving onto chapter 2, it went a bit stray. In first half there was no indication who was speaking. Who was the 'she?' - The second half had a lot of messed up punctuation. Please, fix it and the spaces too. - Loved the way how Tanya's character aided in showing us the ML's personality and his visions about the relationship. - The same thing was carried over in chapter 3 which was also a clever move by the author. It's not often you see the element of showing in female oriented books. - The pacing of the plot is smooth and runs without any bumps. However, as I stated above the outlook of the book is super bad. I suggest author to check the book as a reader. - Go to your profile, open the book on the app, and read chapter 3 to see how the outlook is on phone. - Nonetheless, the biggest hook in the book is Ivy, I'm certain her mutism will be some past trauma or something similar and the couple will become each other’s solace.

Taming Heat


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Thank you so much for your review. I'll fix up everything. Thank you sooooooooooooooo much ♡