
Review Detail of CathAnnSweetflowr in Unravel The World

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Hi Author! I like this book so far. The first chapter took me by surprise with how negative the MC is, but I get where they're coming and why they think that way. It's refreshing to find a character like this compared to the "typical strong-willed, can't be dragged down and is always tough no matter what MC". I know this is a sci-fi story but the synopsis has me feeling rather lost, it's not bad but it could be better. I noticed that there are some instances where the reader is told what is going on rather than showing. It's just a personal preference but I'd rather find out what is going on as it is happening rather than being told what happened, unless it's background info meant to be sprinkled throughout the story. As for the writing quality, the style is good. Nothing too difficult to understand and easy to catch on to. However, please use the free version of Grammarly to double-check for some errors you may have missed. It's your first book, not bad at all. The worldbuilding is okay as described but like the synopsis, it could be better. Overall, the story is good so far. Nothing too flimsy that could crumble at any moment and it has a direction, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a character development arc because I adore those. Especially when the character would learn from it and it makes me want to cheer for them! Great job, Author. <3

Unravel The World


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