
Review Detail of Red_Gaming_6847 in Fallout: New player

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I like fallout story’s but your mixing to many things like doom and what think is mass effect but I don’t know and don’t care another thing I feel kinda cheated as none of this was said is the synopsis I thought this was just a fallout story you know with maybe so little things you at but what you’ve done is world changing

Fallout: New player


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only doom is around as with in doom lore "hell" has access to all dimensions and universes. I'm not even sure were you got mass effect from. but the doom demons aren't going to be the main focus nor a common foe. if you look at lucas's perks he has the wild wasteland perk so very weird shit is gonna be found. also I've looked into it as a lot of higher demons would be way to strong for even Lucas to deal with.

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