
Review Detail of Tolgasah in Worldwide Simulation Era

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Premise seems fun, you imagine it is gonna be a world hopping series with scientific research in it. Than comes some unasked patriotism (in a parallel world!), you say whatever if the story is good. Than my man starts cultivating ?!? soo unasked for but okay story might be goo- Gets everything he could ever get and might ever want to get right away after the end of first life. All of this happens in 13 chapters. Than 2nd life starts, chapter 40 and he in a parallel world made it so that, there is China and he is the king of it. Everybody cultivates, 0 brain usage, he is the Mary sue etc. don't waste your time and brain reading this

Worldwide Simulation Era

White Divine Crane

Disukai oleh 47 orang




Now that I've had a fine look at it, I can now confidently say that you're an idiot, matta-fact, Fact You.


Why are you lying through your teeth? First world was parellel earth. There wasn't an ounce of racism. 2nd world was a cultivation world. Dimwit, clearly they are gonna be named in chinese. He goes to sorcerer worlds too later where everyone has western names. Stop your misinformation.


sorry mate my wit that is dim is unable to understand your logic.




Patriotism in parallel world really doesn't make any sense at all

ScionOfDegeneracy:Why are you lying through your teeth? First world was parellel earth. There wasn't an ounce of racism. 2nd world was a cultivation world. Dimwit, clearly they are gonna be named in chinese. He goes to sorcerer worlds too later where everyone has western names. Stop your misinformation.

Dozens of people didn’t read past the first arc or didn’t realize that chinese novels would have chinese thems. After the first simulation china doesn’t exist. In the first simulation china nonviolently united all of earth. 'The Kingdom of Xia' pops of often but it represents all of humanity that originated from earth. All modern organizations/countries/etc. including china don’t exist beyond the first arc.

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Konten ini telah dihapus

didn't you read in the first world the part where China conquered the world than the universe ???!!!

ScionOfDegeneracy:Why are you lying through your teeth? First world was parellel earth. There wasn't an ounce of racism. 2nd world was a cultivation world. Dimwit, clearly they are gonna be named in chinese. He goes to sorcerer worlds too later where everyone has western names. Stop your misinformation.

actually this bit of patriotism is good enough, unlike those trash that I had read this one has less patriotism and nationalism


Patriotism is not racism bro TF

ScionOfDegeneracy:Why are you lying through your teeth? First world was parellel earth. There wasn't an ounce of racism. 2nd world was a cultivation world. Dimwit, clearly they are gonna be named in chinese. He goes to sorcerer worlds too later where everyone has western names. Stop your misinformation.

I still haven't had the chance to read the novel yet but idiots who doesn't know the difference between than and then shouldn't be listened on.


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Hello! I am pleased to recommend my novel "Beyond the Supernatural" to you, a work that will take you through a supernatural world full of mysteries and exciting adventures. Thank you for your time and consideration!


are you talking about the one who made this review or the ones who replied in it, im really curious on whether or not this fic is really racis, im also a new reader so i'd reallt appreciate it. thanks in advance man

Bored_Psycho017:Now that I've had a fine look at it, I can now confidently say that you're an idiot, matta-fact, Fact You.