
Review Detail of sinc in Memories of the Gluttonous Sage

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Aight so there's enough chapters to do a review on my boi now. The first 5 chapters have been edited to match the quality of the later chapters (it is my first novel, so ye.) Chapters 6 to... 20? I don't remember the exact point, but the writing style is slightly less than the latest chapters. If you find a chapter that needs to be edited because the quality sucks, feel free to comment on it and I'll push up its editing date (i'm slowly editing the old ones as I write new chapters). Day 4 is the point where I start leaving stuff out because it'll mess with the flow. One example is the confrontation between Cain and Hunter in Day 7; there were supposed to be more scenes there and will have more scenes in the comic. Over Day 4, my writing style is refined and perfected to fit the novel style. I'd say it's about 6 to 7/10, one of my readers on another site said it was 7 to 8/10 though. The style increases in quality from Day 8 (ch. 67+) since that's when I got some advice and put it into effect. Now some bits on what to expect content wise: The mc does do a variety of experiments on people, corpses, animals, himself, basically anything he can find in the moment. The book is filled with memes and comedic moments while also balancing action and adventure here and there. In one such experiment, he creates the traditional, cliche system and gives it to someone who transmigrated (they're the easiest suspects for not questioning the existence and reason behind the system). The sole purpose of this is to study the human psych in depth by putting the subject through various situations. To the mc, knowledge is his power. The more he knows about a situation or the world, the more laidback he is. The less he knows, the more cautious he is and preparations he makes. He always tries to increase his knowledge through experiments, most of them on a whim. There isn't much tension since the mc prepares for everything and assumes/expects the worse and prepares for it. There will be some moments of tension later in the book when things happen that the mc didn't even think could happen. This book is from the mc's perspective since it is his memories, so there won't be many chapters or scenes w/o the mc. Keep in mind, the world he is in still moves and events still happen even if he isn't aware of them. This will cause some spontaneous moments to occur that the mc isn't aware of until they happen. The mc of this book doesn't dilly dally with his enemies. The only time he puts off a problem to be solved later when he has the power to do it is if it's part of an experiment that needs time to collect data/develop, the problem's outcome or existence aides one of his plans, he can use the problem to strengthen those around him, or he is curious about an aspect of the problem. The problem could be a developing situation, person, organization, country, etc. Either way, the mc will monitor it for unexpected developments and deal with it if things get too out of hand. This next bit is kind of a spoiler, but is an example of what I said above (there's nothing else below this point btw.) One of mc's enemies kills his friends, then 30 minutes later he kills their entire family off. The delay in time was to cool his anger and check to see if there were innocent members within the family (there were none btw.). The enemies was only alive in the first place because he was one of mc's experiments and he needed to be cautious of an unknown figure behind them. So ye, he doesn't waste time.

Memories of the Gluttonous Sage


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So a comment got deleted when I was playing around with my two reviews to make things more reader friendly. It basically asked when the mc was going to build a kingdom bc of the kingdom building tag. my answer: He gets the territory in Day 7, but can't focus on it entirely due to the things that are currently happening (will make sense if you read). He does set them up to govern themselves until he can oversee it properly and occasionally visits to solve things they cant. Basically the boi puts bandaids and duct tape on his territory so it can last until the current events are all taken care of.


What is your Harem member number limit? Or will you just play Pokémon and catch them all? (Just a reminder, harems are so overused that I at least need to ask how many "girls" you are gonna have cause I don’t want to end up reading something where the mc has almost 100 girls in his harem while still increasing which basically ruined one of my favorite stories, thats why I don’t see harems favorable)<—Lets be honest here, there will probablt two extreme sides of harem lovers and haters. I’m neither of them, so the only problem I have with harems is that they have the highest probability to ruin a story which is why I’m annoyed by them.


ay thanks for commenting. there's 3 members. originally it was no harem (as decided by the mc's first wife) then some stuff happens (manipulation, insecurities, I don't want to spoil too much) and first wife is now opened to harems. so that's how there's 3 wives (and capped at that). there's a one sided love interest (girl likes mc) but mc repeatedly denied/avoids her bc first wife said no more to the harem. there'll be plenty of drama, fights, and jealousy. I'm going to try and make it as realistic as possible (bc I hated the oversized harems or the ones that just reduced/removed all personality of a char) so any and all feedback about their relationship dynamics is appreciated

Ghost_Playing:What is your Harem member number limit? Or will you just play Pokémon and catch them all? (Just a reminder, harems are so overused that I at least need to ask how many "girls" you are gonna have cause I don’t want to end up reading something where the mc has almost 100 girls in his harem while still increasing which basically ruined one of my favorite stories, thats why I don’t see harems favorable)<—Lets be honest here, there will probablt two extreme sides of harem lovers and haters. I’m neither of them, so the only problem I have with harems is that they have the highest probability to ruin a story which is why I’m annoyed by them.

Alright, this is still in an acceptable range for me and therefore I will make sure to read you story. I’m also glad that your replied pretty fast. So thanks for the reply and clearing up my questions.

sinc:ay thanks for commenting. there's 3 members. originally it was no harem (as decided by the mc's first wife) then some stuff happens (manipulation, insecurities, I don't want to spoil too much) and first wife is now opened to harems. so that's how there's 3 wives (and capped at that). there's a one sided love interest (girl likes mc) but mc repeatedly denied/avoids her bc first wife said no more to the harem. there'll be plenty of drama, fights, and jealousy. I'm going to try and make it as realistic as possible (bc I hated the oversized harems or the ones that just reduced/removed all personality of a char) so any and all feedback about their relationship dynamics is appreciated

you just mentioned manipulation, did the mc mind controlled his first wife or is it more like trickery manipulation which is still bad. I mean who manipulates the woman that they 'love' (are you sure the mc isn't just lusting over his wife and just convincing himself he likes them).

sinc:ay thanks for commenting. there's 3 members. originally it was no harem (as decided by the mc's first wife) then some stuff happens (manipulation, insecurities, I don't want to spoil too much) and first wife is now opened to harems. so that's how there's 3 wives (and capped at that). there's a one sided love interest (girl likes mc) but mc repeatedly denied/avoids her bc first wife said no more to the harem. there'll be plenty of drama, fights, and jealousy. I'm going to try and make it as realistic as possible (bc I hated the oversized harems or the ones that just reduced/removed all personality of a char) so any and all feedback about their relationship dynamics is appreciated

*loves them.

Abayomi_Atoyegbe:you just mentioned manipulation, did the mc mind controlled his first wife or is it more like trickery manipulation which is still bad. I mean who manipulates the woman that they 'love' (are you sure the mc isn't just lusting over his wife and just convincing himself he likes them).

it's neither, hehehe. the mc wasn't the one who manipulated her. and it was the traditional manipulation (social cues, subliminal messaging, etc.)

Abayomi_Atoyegbe:you just mentioned manipulation, did the mc mind controlled his first wife or is it more like trickery manipulation which is still bad. I mean who manipulates the woman that they 'love' (are you sure the mc isn't just lusting over his wife and just convincing himself he likes them).

is the setting for your world a medieval one where polygamy is acceptable. if it is then it's probably weirder that she doesn't accept it.

sinc:it's neither, hehehe. the mc wasn't the one who manipulated her. and it was the traditional manipulation (social cues, subliminal messaging, etc.)

ye it is. She accepts it and acknowledges it is possible (she's the one who brings up the topic), but she doesn't want it. The mc states that whether or not he has a harem is up to her, and thus she says no. it's a bit of a spoiler, but if you want I can state the mc's stance on harems and such.

Abayomi_Atoyegbe:is the setting for your world a medieval one where polygamy is acceptable. if it is then it's probably weirder that she doesn't accept it.

Once I read it to the latest chapter, I'll get back to you with more questions. is your profile pic what the mc looks like since you said you want to make a comic and am just trying to guess if you already have illustrations.

sinc:ye it is. She accepts it and acknowledges it is possible (she's the one who brings up the topic), but she doesn't want it. The mc states that whether or not he has a harem is up to her, and thus she says no. it's a bit of a spoiler, but if you want I can state the mc's stance on harems and such.

eh sort of. he's got the hairstyle but it's not him. I have some illustrations but not any of the chars. a nsfw of dresil is in the works though, I've just been busy with the move then work for the past month and a half

Abayomi_Atoyegbe:Once I read it to the latest chapter, I'll get back to you with more questions. is your profile pic what the mc looks like since you said you want to make a comic and am just trying to guess if you already have illustrations.