
Review Detail of CheekyForehead in I'm The Only One With Cancer

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Hi, author here! The reason why I wrote this novel was because I got tired of reading novels. Then I had this thought; why not write a novel that I would like to read? Then I got to work. However, writing a novel was much more complicated than I imagined. It even caused this book to be on hiatus two times this year. There are many times where I felt that the book was getting out of my control as I wrote the chapters. Together with irl problems, I was really close to giving up. Then once again, I had a thought; why not just do my best? So, here I am once again! And this time, I'll make sure to do my very best in writing this book. I'm a beginner so mistakes were inevitable. Still, would you like to go on this journey with me to the end? Let's witness the different problems Zen will face and the different powers he will gain from it! I don't know if there's someone who'll read this boring review, but if there was and you're here to read this little story of mine... Then, I hope that you'll have a pleasant reading experience~

I'm The Only One With Cancer


Disukai oleh 10 orang




Here’s hoping the grammar is good, I just went through 3 different books at the top of the popular list (somehow) and all three had awful grammar, if you aren’t going to write in good English, then write in your natural tongue and go fully learn English first


Is the grammar good enough? I’m thinking of continuing the novel and I’d like to know if I need to work on my grammar first.

CassTheEevee:Here’s hoping the grammar is good, I just went through 3 different books at the top of the popular list (somehow) and all three had awful grammar, if you aren’t going to write in good English, then write in your natural tongue and go fully learn English first