
Review Detail of Forgettable_Author in Shadow Slave

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To an experienced authors, I want some advice for creating a novel. How many word counts do I have to achieve in each chapter? Do I have to start in building my characters growth? Advice in having better world building development? Something like that. This is a respectful request, I want to create my own novel that both of us can enjoy.I am creating as a way for my passion to be a writer and what's better than to ask you guys. I am thankful for your kind thoughts in answering my concerns. Hope you have a good day fellow readers and authors.

Shadow Slave


Disukai oleh 2 orang




I see, thanks for the recommendation

Tsetth:Thats a tall request your asking of Guilty. Every author whos ever written a book has started where you are now. You just need to write and build up experience overtime. Of course there are yt vids and articles on these things from people like Steven King and RR Martin. Why not watch and read those?

Thats a tall request your asking of Guilty. Every author whos ever written a book has started where you are now. You just need to write and build up experience overtime. Of course there are yt vids and articles on these things from people like Steven King and RR Martin. Why not watch and read those?


Your word count looks good thou


Mostly, just think about your favorite novels and try to write a better one :] Make a story that you would have loved to read yourself. Everything else will come with practice and experience. As for word count, here on Webnovel, the best way is to write at least 1500 words per day. So, you can do one 1500 chapter per day, or better yet two 1000-1200 chapters per day. Or more, if you're one of those enviable fast writers ;]


I loved Pandora hearts and Jack… Good God. I totally loved that guy so should I pick him up as my main character ?

Guiltythree:Mostly, just think about your favorite novels and try to write a better one :] Make a story that you would have loved to read yourself. Everything else will come with practice and experience. As for word count, here on Webnovel, the best way is to write at least 1500 words per day. So, you can do one 1500 chapter per day, or better yet two 1000-1200 chapters per day. Or more, if you're one of those enviable fast writers ;]